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Majed Kayali

Lyon, France
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About Majed
Majed kayali is a Palestinian political writer, born in 1954.
He has written political studies and studies in magazines dealing with Palestinian and Israeli issues, issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Syrian affairs and democracy issues

ماجد كيالي
ـ كاتب سياسي فلسطيني، من مواليد حلب (1954).
ـ كتب الدراسات والأبحاث السياسية في المجلات المتعلقة بالشؤون الفلسطينية والإسرائيلية، والشؤون السورية وقضايا الديمقراطية، وشؤون الصراع العربي ـ الإسرائيلي، من مثل: شؤون عربية (القاهرة)، الدراسات الفلسطينية (بيروت)، وشؤون فلسطينية (رام الله)، والسياسة الدولية (القاهرة).
ـ ينشر مقالات وتعليقات اسبوعية حول القضايا العربية في صحيفة الحياة والعرب اللندنيتين، كان نشر في صحيفتي النهار والمستقبل اللبنانيتين، كما نشر في صحيفة البيان الإماراتية والوطن السعودية والشرق الاوسط. 
 ـ صدر له الكتب التالية:
1 ـ "فلسطينيو 48 والانتفاضة"، دار نشر "شرق برس"، قبرص (1991).
2 ـ "المشروع الشرق أوسطي.. أبعاده، مرتكزاته، تناقضاته"، مركز الإمارات للدراسات والبحوث الإستراتيجية (ابو ظبي 1998).
3 ـ "التسوية وقضايا الحل النهائي"، مركز الدراسات الإستراتيجية والبحوث والتوثيق ( بيروت1998).
4 ـ الشرق الأوسط الكبير دلالاته وإشكالياته، عن مركز الإمارات للدراسات الإستراتيجية ( أبو ظبي2007).
5 ـ قيامة شعب ـ قراءة في دفتر الثورات العربية. دار نشر "جداول" (بيروت 2012)
6ـ فلسطينو سوريا ـ مركز "مسارات"، (رام الله، 2012)
7ـ الثورة المجهضة، دراسات في إشكاليات التجربة الوطنية الفلسطينية، المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر، (عمان/بيروت، 2013). 
8ـ تحولات إسرائيل في عالم متغيّر، مركز الأبحاث الفلسطيني، رام الله 2013.
9 ـ "فتح" 50 عاما قراءة نقدية في مآلات حركة وطنية.
10ـ  شارك في عديد من المؤلفات الجماعية العربية، ضمنها كتاب:"حال الامة العربية 2013ـ2014 الذي حرره د علي الدين هلال واصدره مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية (بيروت 2014)
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Politics Current Affairs Fact Checking

The stakes in the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation drive

The Syrian conflict at the brink of a turning point

10 Apr 2024  |  thearabweekly.com
The withdrawal of US troops from Syria, as announced by President Donald Trump, has significant implications for the various external actors involved in the conflict, including Russia, Turkey, and Iran. Turkey postponed its troop deployment along the Syrian border, while Russia expressed skepticism about the US announcement. The developments suggest a turning point in the Syrian conflict, with a post-war-on-terror phase that will likely see a reduction in Iran's influence, a new UN-led constitutional committee or Geneva process, and a redefined Turkish role in establishing a safe zone in northern Syria. The military presence in Syria is expected to remain with Turkey in the northwest, the US maintaining a small force, and the Syrian regime controlling the west and center with Russian and Iranian support. Southern Syria may fall under indirect Israeli influence. The rules of the conflict are changing, with the Idlib region remaining a potential flashpoint. Russia's role is increasing at the expense of Iran, and despite a limited US military presence, the US continues to play a management role in the conflict.

Why the Palestinian leadership cannot get out of the Oslo Accords

04 Apr 2024  |  thearabweekly.com
The Palestinian Authority's decision to stop observing agreements with Israel, including those from the Oslo Accords, is seen as unrealistic and unlikely to be implemented. This is partly due to the PA's dependency on Israel for security, infrastructure, and basic needs, as well as the lack of international support and internal Palestinian divisions. The PA's existence and legitimacy are rooted in the Oslo Accords, making it improbable for the leadership to abandon the agreements. The article also highlights the disillusionment with the United States, which has shifted its stance to favor Israel, further complicating the situation for the Palestinian leadership.

Will political change emerge from among Palestinians in Israel?

01 Oct 2023  |  thearabweekly.com
The article discusses the political crisis among Palestinians in Israel, highlighting the stagnation and disintegration of their political movement. It emphasizes the failure of the Follow-up Committee to form a unified national framework and the decline in Palestinian voting power in the Knesset elections. The article explores the need for unity among Palestinians and the potential for political reform, particularly through the efforts of As'ad Ghanem, who advocates for a new political movement and increased Palestinian participation in elections. The piece underscores the importance of addressing the Palestinian national crisis and the role of the PLO in representing all Palestinians.

What comes after 11 rounds of Astana?

01 Oct 2023  |  thearabweekly.com
The 11th round of Astana negotiations between the Syrian opposition and the Assad-led government, sponsored by Russia, Iran, and Turkey, has failed to achieve its goals of de-escalation, ending terrorist groups, resolving humanitarian issues, and forging a political solution. The Astana process, outside the framework of international resolutions, has been marred by distrust and non-compliance from the involved countries, each pursuing their own agendas. Despite efforts, the Syrian conflict remains unresolved, with the United States' stance on reconstruction and political transition being a significant factor. The future of Syria remains uncertain, dependent on broader international consensus and actions.

رابط بمواد ماجد كيالي في موقع الجزيرة نت




رابط بقائمة بمواد ماجد كيالي المنشورة في جريدة العرب اللندنيةراب




رابط في قائمة مواضيع منشورة في صحيفة الحياة اللندنية


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Verified Jun 2018
Jun 2018

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