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Mariam Omar Lyambila

London, United Kingdom
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About Mariam
Mariam Omar Lyambila is a Media Consultant and a former BBC Senior Journalist/Editor, based in London United Kingdom. A born leader and a self-starter who can work independently leading large teams, with extensive experience at a senior level at  the BBC. Who understands the dynamics of leadership, blessed with brilliant people skills and can work under pressure, including handling breaking news and meeting tight deadlines. Leads by example, hands-on, driven by success and committed. Extensive experience gained  in various senior roles with skills in media and communication- this includes radio, television and digital(Outputting live programmes-breaking news; Producing, Reporting, Presenting Radio/TV, Scripting, Editing and also a multilingual).
English Kikuyu Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

Presenting Dira TV-BBC Swahili

Champion for Swahili language; celebrating World Kiswahili Day at Westminster.

Special recognition of my work with BBC World Service

I'm also a presenter, the link below showcases one of the many programmes I've anchored. After taking the senior role of being in charge of Africa TV that is looking after English, French, Kiswahili and Somali TV programmes I did not present News as regularly as before but I played a crucial role of editorial lead on all the programmes.

I joined BBC World Service Radio in London coming from a local Television background. After a few years I proposed to start a TV programme, the programme was a success and has millions of followers to date. The link is about the journey and where we are.

Horror of rape in East African prisons by Mariam Omar


Mariam's confirmed information

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Verified Jul 2024
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Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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