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Marta Moreiras

Dakar, Senegal
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About Marta
I am a documentary photographer, videographer and journalist based in Dakar, Senegal. I write for Spanish media and I shoot photographs and video-documentaries for international media, NGO's and UN Agencies such as UN FAO, OIM or ONUDC. I am especially focused on gender, education, culture, health and enviromental stories. I have skills as a photo and video producer and I can work as a fixer for other journalists visiting and working in Senegal. 
Photo Portfolio: www.martamoreiras.com
Video Portfolio: https://vimeo.com/martamoreiras
English Spanish French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Prospering in Senegal, or migrating: The two sides of the coin for young people in a country in turmoil

24 Feb 2024  |  english.elpais.com
The article discusses the challenges faced by the youth in Senegal, where 75% of the population is under 35. Political and social instability, educational system deficiencies, and poor work conditions are driving many to migrate in search of better opportunities. The article highlights the story of Souleymane Wane, who had to switch from studying medicine to engineering due to riots and university closures. It also covers the story of Mariama Diallo, a nurse struggling with low wages and considering migration. The article touches on the protests led by young people and the harsh response from authorities, including deaths and arrests. It also discusses the difficulties in obtaining visas and the desire of some youths to stay and work in Senegal, like Mamadou Faye, a farmer, and Fatiakh Diangar, an environmental student. The article underscores the dichotomy between the aspiration to migrate for better prospects and the desire to stay and improve conditions at home.

EL SALTO DIARIO. Feminism, education and activism: the transition towards agroecology in Senegal Women farmers in the Fouta lead the agroecological transition supported by the activism of women, youth and environmental education in schools.




Fati Niang, the chef who decolonizes Senegalese street food

25 Aug 2023  |  euronews
Fati Niang is a chef who is redefining Senegalese street food by incorporating traditional ingredients like niébé, which had been marginalized during colonial times as 'food for the poor.' Niang's venture, Black Spoon, offers a modern take on African dishes, aiming to make them accessible to a wider audience. She has successfully established her brand in Paris and Senegal, with a recent partnership with Total Energies to bring African culture to their service stations. The article also discusses the role of street food in Senegal's culture and economy, highlighting the impact on women's employment and the efforts to revive indigenous crops.

The dictatorship of sporting a lighter complexion: 'I like to look in the mirror and see myself whiter'

24 Jun 2023  |  El País América
Many women in Senegal continue to use skin whitening products despite their toxic substances, due to the imposition of a beauty standard that promotes lighter skin. The article discusses the cultural and health implications of this practice.


05 Apr 2023  |  africanews.com
The article discusses the transformation of LGBTQ+ rights and perceptions in Senegal, focusing on the historical figure of the 'Góor-jigéen' or 'men-women'. It traces the evolution from a time when gender fluidity was accepted and integrated into society to the current state where homosexuality is stigmatized and associated with colonial laws. The story is told through the experiences of Junior, a young gay man in Dakar, and includes insights from sociologists and anthropologists. The article also touches on the colonial roots of homophobia in Senegal and how colonization has led to a loss of historical memory regarding gender diversity. It concludes with a personal affirmation from Junior about his masculinity and sexuality.

TRAINING AND DOCUMENTARY for ONUDC. « Peindre le silence : histoires sur le handicap et la traite » avec UNODC à Dakar Reportage on an arts training with a group of people with disabilities on human trafficking and disability in Senegal

EURONEWS. Cry Like a Boy in Senegal: Meet Dakar's male doulas fighting for gender equality in pregnancies

A Spanish researcher is the hope for patients with rare diseases in Senegal

25 Jan 2023  |  El País América
In Senegal, a Spanish researcher is becoming a beacon of hope for patients suffering from rare diseases, which often lack cures or specific treatments. Diagnosis is crucial for these patients, and while obtaining one in West Africa can be challenging, it is no longer impossible, thanks to ongoing research efforts.

Senegalese art of eating on the street better than at home

02 Feb 2022  |  El País América
In Dakar, the capital of Senegal, street food is not only more affordable and traditional than home-cooked meals but has also gained such popularity that it has its own festival. This event celebrates Senegalese cuisine and provides a platform for discussions about the street food phenomenon.

A Wall of Vegetation South of the Sahara

21 Nov 2021  |  El País América
The Great Green Wall project aims to capture 250 tons of carbon and create 10 million jobs through the planting of gardens, forages, trees, and natural reserves in the Sahel region, south of the Sahara. The initiative addresses climate change, desertification, and aims to improve social welfare and economic indicators in sub-Saharan Africa.


21 Jan 2021  |  euronews.com
The article explores the transformation of gender identity and the rise of homophobia in Senegal, tracing back to its colonial roots. It contrasts the past acceptance of 'Góor-jigéen' or 'men-women' in Senegalese society with the current derogatory use of the term and the harassment faced by those perceived as effeminate. The piece includes insights from various academics and references to historical accounts, suggesting that colonial laws introduced homophobic attitudes that were not originally present in Senegalese culture. The article is part of the 'Cry Like a Boy' series by Euronews, which examines the pressures of masculinity and its impact on society across the African continent.

Senegal's Male Doulas Challenging Pregnancy Stereotypes

14 Jan 2021  |  euronews.com
The article discusses the emergence of male doulas, known as Nijaayu Gox, in Senegal, highlighting the cultural shift in a society where traditionally, pregnancy and childcare were considered exclusively women's responsibilities. Makhtar Aidar, a municipal councillor and gender equality activist, is one of the first male doulas in Pikine Ouest, a suburb of Dakar. The article explains how the Nijaayu Gox program aims to involve men in their wives' pregnancies to strengthen family ties and improve parenting skills, which could potentially reduce the high maternal mortality rate in Senegal. The program faces challenges such as societal perceptions of men's roles and workplace policies. The article is part of Euronews' original series and podcast 'Cry Like a Boy', which explores men challenging stereotypes across Africa.


07 Jan 2021  |  euronews.com
Journalist Marta Moreiras, along with her team, investigates the challenges faced by gay men in Senegal, where homosexuality is criminalized and culturally stigmatized. The term 'Góor-jigéen' is used derogatorily to describe gay men, undermining their masculinity. The article features the story of Junior, a gay Senegalese man who conceals his identity due to fear of rejection, persecution, and imprisonment. The series 'Cry Like a Boy' by Euronews aims to explore the harmful effects of rigid gender stereotypes and the pressure to conform to traditional masculinity. It also touches on the historical context of homosexuality in Senegal, suggesting that there was a time when 'Góor-jigéen' were accepted. The article includes insights from experts and references to the broader issue of LGBTQ+ rights in Africa and globally, highlighting the legal and societal challenges faced by the community.

DOCUMENTARY. In the shade of the Acacia Trees. Video and photography project focused on the fulani people who live in the Sahel, north of Senegal. Produced for PHotoEspaña, international photo festival in Madrid

CORPORATE-DOCUMENTARY for UN FAO. Official visit of Director-General FAO to the Port of Dakar (Senegal)

DOCUMENTARY. Inclusive Education in Guinea Bissau for Handicap International NGO

DOCUMENTARY. Kolda, en lucha por la soberanía alimentaria. Kolda, a battle for food sovereignty For Cives Mundi NGO

EL PAIS. Reportage focused on an albinos family socially integrated living in Bissau, Guinea Bissau

How I made fathers in Senegal carry babies on their backs

10 Aug 2020  |  www.bbc.com
Spanish photographer Marta Moreiras has captured the attention of Dakar, Senegal, with her project featuring fathers carrying their babies on their backs, challenging the local gender norms. This project, which has been shortlisted for the portraiture category of the Sony World Photography Awards Professional competition, aims to break the stereotype that only mothers carry babies. Moreiras noticed the lack of images depicting men in caregiving roles and decided to change that by photographing male friends and acquaintances in public spaces with their children. The project has sparked conversations, especially as it included recognizable figures like the rapper Badou. The portraits were exhibited at Dak'Art, the African Contemporary Art Biennale, and Moreiras considers this a never-ending project to balance the representation of gender roles in parenting.

REEL 2018. Example of images shot for Short documentaries, Interviews, Corporate, NGO's, News and Reportage in the West African Region

Author cinema in Senegal to extol resilient African women

12 Mar 2020  |  elpais.com
The Films Femmes Afrique (FFA) festival in Senegal, dedicated to honoring African women and their struggles on the continent, returned for its fourth edition with the theme 'women in resistance.' Over two weeks, 63 films with a gender focus were showcased across Dakar and eight other cities, reaching 12,000 viewers. The festival featured a competitive section, masterclasses, and roundtables on harassment and violence against women. The opening film, 'Papicha,' directed by Mounia Meddour, depicted the resilience of women during Algeria's civil war. FFA has grown since its inception in 2004, with over 150 films and 30,000 attendees. The festival also provided a platform for new African filmmakers, like Mamadou Dia, and included discussions on a new Senegalese law that increases penalties for sexual assault. The best feature film award went to 'Adam' by Moroccan director Maryam Touzani, and the event concluded with a film workshop for women.

Senegalese Fathers Who Carry Their Children on Their Backs

16 Sep 2019  |  www.spiegel.de
Photographer Marta Moreiras is challenging gender roles in Dakar, Senegal, by capturing images of fathers carrying their children in public, an act traditionally reserved for mothers. Moreiras' project aims to normalize this sight and promote gender equality in family life. Despite initial reluctance, many men participated, and the positive reactions from the community suggest a shift in attitudes towards shared parenting responsibilities.

In pictures: Sci-fi shoulders wow African fashionistas

24 Jun 2019  |  www.bbc.com
The article by Marta Moreiras, a photographer covering Dakar Fashion Week, showcases the latest trends in African fashion. The event, which has been a significant fashion hub since 2002, featured futuristic designs from Congo-Brazzaville that captivated the audience. Designers from across Africa, including Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, and Senegal, displayed their collections. The article highlights the work of designers such as Adama Paris, Mickey Freeman, Queen Tawa, Rama Diaw, and labels like Sisters of Afrika, Moyo By Bibi, So' Fatoo, and Al Gueye. The event was a celebration of African creativity, with a mix of traditional and Western-style outfits, and was well-received on social media.

Waste from the market to the ashes

09 Apr 2019  |  elpais.com
Saint Louis, a coastal city in Senegal, is accustomed to biodegradable waste but is facing challenges with the management of trash due to the influx of plastics and other materials.

From Beggar to President

18 Feb 2019  |  El País América
Thousands of talibés in Saint Louis, Senegal, who only have Quranic studies, face challenges in finding dignified employment. Centers like Maison de la Gare offer education and vocational training to the city's vulnerable youth.

Our generation will be the one to eliminate female genital mutilation in Senegal

05 Feb 2019  |  El País América
Sylvie Diack, at age 20, leads the Club de Jóvenes de la región de Kolda, an association in Senegal aimed at educating adolescents about the risks of female genital mutilation, early pregnancy, and forced marriage. Since her first involvement in community debates on sexual and reproductive health at age 13, Diack has become a prominent figure in Senegal through her awareness campaigns. Despite a law prohibiting female genital mutilation since 1999, the practice persists, particularly in regions like Kedougou and Sédhiou. Diack's strategy involves using social media, community centers, and radio for youth, and door-to-door conversations with adults, supplemented by visual aids to convey the dangers of the practice. The initiative has grown, with over 20 clubs in the region and more than 2,500 youths trained. Diack, now studying Juridical Sciences in Dakar, represents young women's clubs at the National Youth Council and is involved in Paroles aux Jeunes. She is confident that her generation will be the one to end female genital mutilation in Senegal.

How were you dressed when you were raped?

17 Dec 2018  |  El País América
Sexual violence is a taboo subject in Senegal, with most women not reporting it due to fear of stigmatization. A controversial exhibition in Dakar titled 'How were you dressed?' challenges this silence by displaying the clothing worn by victims of rape. Human Rights Watch released a report on sexual exploitation in Senegalese secondary schools, urging the government to take urgent action. The report and public discussions highlight the societal and cultural pressures that discourage reporting and the need for systemic change, including better education on sexual violence and reproductive health.

The new African filmmakers between humor, drama, and imagination

27 Mar 2017  |  elpais.com
For 14 years, the Tënk meetings have provided filmmakers the opportunity to present their projects to a committee of experts who assess the possibility of producing and supporting the proposals.

Senegalese Women Claim Their Space in Science

03 Mar 2017  |  elpais.com
In Senegal, only 25 out of every 100 scientists are women, below the global average. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science highlighted efforts to change this, with UNESCO Dakar hosting an event. Soukèye Dia Tine, a researcher and professor, spoke of government initiatives and investments to reduce inequality. The City of Knowledge project and a reform program with 11 measures aim to promote science, technology, and innovation. SONATEL and Orange are involved in supporting women in technology, with SONATEL organizing a startup contest and Orange launching the Orange Woman program. Success stories include Youma Fall's textbook exchange app Weccio and Dicko Sy's digital seed market AAWDI. Despite these efforts, structural reforms in education are needed to overcome the low success rate in baccalaureate exams and to meet academic demand.

Senegalese Women Claim Their Space in Science

03 Mar 2017  |  El País
In Senegal, only 25 out of every 100 scientists are women, below the global average. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science highlighted efforts to change this, with UNESCO Dakar hosting an event. Soukèye Dia Tine, a researcher and professor, spoke of government initiatives and investments to reduce inequality. The City of Knowledge project and a reform program with 11 measures aim to promote science, technology, and innovation. SONATEL and Orange are involved in supporting women in technology, with SONATEL organizing a startup contest and Orange launching the Orange Woman program. Success stories include Youma Fall's textbook exchange app Weccio and Dicko Sy's digital seed market AAWDI. Despite these efforts, structural reforms in education are needed to overcome the low success rate in baccalaureate exams and to meet academic demand.

The Blossoming of SunuVillage

02 Nov 2016  |  elpais.com
A festival in Senegal, SunuVillage, is highlighted for its focus on combating climate change, demonstrating the local population's awareness and concern for the future of our planet.

Cinécyclo, the traveling cinema on pedals

12 Jul 2016  |  elpais.com
Vincent Hanrion, inspired by a trip to Senegal in 2014, created Cinécyclo, a project that brings cinema to remote areas without electricity by using a bicycle-powered generator. With the help of Ibrahima Dionne and a local team in Dakar, they crafted the generator from recycled materials. Hanrion pedaled 3,000 kilometers across Senegal, reaching over 10,000 viewers in rural areas. The project, which began in 2015, aims to raise environmental awareness through films related to nature and agriculture, often in the local Wolof language. Local associations and funding from various embassies and regions support the initiative. The project has been successful, with films like 'Binta and the Great Idea' resonating with audiences. Cinécyclo has proven that cinema can reach even the most inaccessible places, bringing communities together and educating them on environmental issues.

A school that rewards difference

15 Jun 2016  |  elpais.com
The Jacobo Romero Rivera School, the second public special education school in Senegal located in Palmarin, has transformed the lives of children with disabilities, including Khady, who has overcome her challenges to become sociable and integrated into her community. The school, founded by Bego and Jon, a Galician-French couple, began in 2014 and has since provided individualized education programs for its students. The school's success is a testament to the community's shift in perception towards disabilities, moving away from seeing them as divine punishment to recognizing them as a valuable difference. This change has led to a more inclusive and just society in Palmarin, where children with disabilities are now actively and effectively participating in the community.

I make films to be free

09 Jun 2016  |  elpais.com
Senegalese filmmaker Angèle Diabang, founder of Karoninka, reflects on her career and the innovative work her production company has done in exploring new realities of the African continent through cinema. As she approaches the tenth anniversary of her company, she discusses her documentary 'Congo, un médecin pour sauver les femmes', which highlights the efforts of Dr. Denis Mukwege in providing medical care to victims of sexual violence in Congo. Diabang emphasizes the importance of overcoming barriers and decolonizing minds for development. She views her identity as a black Senegalese woman as an advantage in the film industry, providing her with unique perspectives and access. Her work not only offers new insights but also aims to stir consciousness and dialogue on issues such as sexual violence as a weapon of war and African traditions like polygamy.

The island that symbolizes democracy

24 May 2016  |  elpais.com
Gorée Island, once the main port of departure for slaves from West Africa to America, is now a significant symbol of democracy, culture, and development.

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