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Maynor Orlando Valenzuela Cisneros

Managua, Nicaragua
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About Maynor
Maynor Orlando Valenzuela Cisneros is a photographer based in Nicaragua.

He has collaborated with media such as afp getty images and Reuters.

Previously, he worked in the newspaper La Prensa de Nicaragua, the newspaper Hoy and the Nuevo Diario
Breaking News

Second Major Hurricane in Two Weeks Slams Central America

07 Jun 2023  |  WSJ
Hurricane Iota, classified as the year's most powerful Atlantic hurricane, made a devastating landfall in northeastern Nicaragua on Monday night. The hurricane, with sustained winds near 155 miles an hour, struck approximately 30 miles south of Puerto Cabezas. This catastrophic event occurred in an area already suffering from the effects of Hurricane Eta, which hit less than two weeks prior. The region is now facing life-threatening storm surges, catastrophic winds, and the potential for severe flash floods and mudslides.

los feligreses participan en el Gueguense, un drama satírico y una expresión de protesta contra el dominio colonial para conmemorar la fiesta de San Sebastian en Diriamba Nicaragua

Ortega launches a cry of violence on the anniversary of the Sandinista revolution

20 Jul 2021  |  El País América
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega presided over the 42nd anniversary of the Sandinista revolution, using the event to reaffirm his power and perpetuate his rule by eliminating electoral competition, evidenced by the imprisonment of opposition candidates. The event, lacking international presence, highlighted the regime's isolation, especially from traditional allies like Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Ortega aligned with Russia, condemning the U.S. and EU for sanctions and claiming they want to subdue nations like Nicaragua. The event also served to threaten opponents and criticize business leaders, while Ortega claimed his government overcame a coup attempt funded by the 'empire.' Opposition figures criticized Ortega's authoritarian stance and the increasing isolation of his regime.

Harris says she’s working to address ‘root cause’ of border crisis

29 Apr 2021  |  New York Post
Vice President Kamala Harris discussed the root causes of illegal immigration in an interview on ABC's 'Good Morning America.' She emphasized that people from the Northern Triangle, which includes Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, often migrate not because they want to leave their homes, but due to lack of opportunities or to flee harm. Harris highlighted factors such as hurricanes, gang violence, and drought affecting these countries. Despite not visiting the border herself, she has been working with cabinet officials and foreign leaders to invest in the Northern Triangle to address these issues. Harris acknowledged that the problem is complex and solutions will require a long-term commitment.

Juan Sebastián Chamorro: 'It wouldn't make sense for there to be a ticket with two Chamorros'

12 Apr 2021  |  Despacho 505
Juan Sebastián Chamorro, an economist with public service experience, including as vice minister of Finance and head of the Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development (Funides), discusses his presidential candidacy and vision for Nicaragua. He emphasizes the importance of opposition unity against Daniel Ortega's regime and the need for a democratic government post-dictatorship. Chamorro, who has been involved in politics since May 2018, advocates for participating in elections despite potential fraud to document and internationally discredit Ortega's regime. He also outlines his government plan, which focuses on law equality, economic growth, and social policy, and expresses his commitment to gender parity in government positions.

Hurricane Iota Makes Landfall in Nicaragua

16 Nov 2020  |  www.nytimes.com
Hurricane Iota, a Category 4 storm, made landfall in northeastern Nicaragua on Monday night, accompanied by heavy rains, strong winds, and potential flooding. The National Hurricane Center reported that Iota arrived with maximum wind speeds of near 155 miles per hour. By Tuesday, the wind speed had slightly decreased to 130 miles per hour, but the storm remained extremely dangerous. It was expected to continue its path inland across Nicaragua and move towards southern Honduras by the evening.

Kidney Failure: The Drama of Dying Waiting for Dialysis in a Public Hospital

30 Oct 2020  |  Despacho 505
Nicaragua faces a public health crisis as chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become alarmingly prevalent, particularly among the poor who cannot afford private treatment. The public healthcare system is overwhelmed, with a significant gap between the number of patients needing dialysis and the availability of services. Despite the government's claims of progress, the reality is stark, with many dying while waiting for treatment. The situation is exacerbated by a lack of data, insufficient nephrologists, and a failed peritoneal dialysis program due to poor living conditions. The disease, once thought to be confined to sugarcane workers in the west, is now widespread, with no clear understanding of its causes.

Postcards from a Sunday in Granada

01 Sep 2020  |  Despacho 505
In Granada, Nicaragua, citizens are divided between those who defy the coronavirus and those who fear it. Photographer Maynor Valenzuela captured the city's state as Nicaraguans begin to relax self-imposed measures due to a lack of government leadership in facing the health emergency. Granada has recorded 273 coronavirus infections, according to the Observatorio Ciudadano Covid-19. Despite civil society's concerns, events like bull runs, religious acts without Catholic Church support, and government events to commemorate the revolution have been held.

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Jun 2023

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