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Mohammad Ahmad Abdulmuttaleb Aboahmad

Cairo Governorate, Egypt
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Mohammad is more likely to commit to assignments booked through paydesk, as it is a trusted platform that validates the seriousness and legitimacy of each engagement.

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About Mohammad
Mohammad (Nickname: MoeTaleb) is a senior bilingual writer with extensive PR experience working for United Nations and with celebrities like Maher Zain, Hamza Namira, Humood AlKhudhur, Raef, and Harris J.

Shorouk daily newspaper published an Arabic article for him (On 6th of February 2010 page 9) about youth employment:

Mohammad is a blogger and social media activist as he uses internet since 1999. He works as a social media manager with experience in new media as he managed YouTube channels with millions of subscribers, and posted content to accounts with tens of millions of fans and followers.

Mohammad is a certified YouTube guy (Audience Growth track) and got certified in both email marketing and social media marketing back in 2010. His blogs are:
Arabic English
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Business Finance Politics

Mohammad's confirmed information

Financial institution
Verified Jun 2017
Phone number
Verified Nov 2023
Jun 2017

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