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Mostafa Bassim

New York, United States of America
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About Mostafa
Mostafa Bassim is a photo/video-journalist based in NYC. His career in photojournalism began during his participation in the January 25th revolution in Egypt, when he co-founded “Sotna” a local newspaper in his hometown and started documenting the atrocities committed by the regime. Mostafa has covered various events ranging from the aftermath of the Egyptian Revolution to economic and societal issues. 

His work was published in various publications such as New York Times, National Geographic, AP, Anadolu,  EPA, Aljazeera, and AJ+, and was exhibited in various international exhibitions including ICP museum, AFAC 10th Anniversary exhibition in Lebanon, Photo Istanbul exhibition and No pictures please exhibition in Berlin Germany. He is also a grant recipient of the 2016 Arab Documentary Photography Program under Magnum Foundation, AFAC, and the Prince Claus Foundation. He is also a participant in the 2017 and 2019 New York Times Portfolio Review, as well as the winning recipient of Nikon’s contest "MyNikonLIfe".

In 2017 due to the ongoing crackdown on activists and journalists in Egypt, he moved to the US and began documenting stories regarding the Arab community in the American diaspora, and lately, he finished his visual journalism studies at the International Center of Photography in New York City
Arabic English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Photography Video Rushes
Business Politics Current Affairs

Scenes from Washington DC during the MAGA March on Saturday, December 12, 2020.

A global look inside a Ramadan dampened by coronavirus

09 Jun 2022  |  National Geographic
The article discusses how Muslims in various parts of the world, including Chicago, the West Bank, Bangladesh, New York, and Pakistan, are observing Ramadan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional communal activities such as iftars and taraweeh prayers at mosques have been disrupted due to lockdowns and social distancing measures. Individuals like Tarik Haque in Chicago are finding solace in solitary prayers and virtual community connections. Teachers like Saadia Shariff and Sakina Syeda are adapting by delivering food and conducting online classes. Charity work is also highlighted, with efforts to distribute food packages to the needy in Pakistan. The article underscores the resilience and adaptability of the Muslim community during a challenging time for religious practices.

Anxiety and Anger Grows Among Children Affected by Shootings

25 Apr 2022  |  www.nytimes.com
The article discusses the alarming issue of gun violence affecting children and teenagers in New York City, highlighting that at least 40 young individuals have been shot this year. It specifically mentions a recent incident where a gunman opened fire in a Brooklyn subway car, injuring several people including children and teenagers, and causing panic and lockdowns in nearby classrooms. On the same day, the Bronx community mourned a 16-year-old aspiring model killed by a stray bullet, emphasizing the widespread and tragic impact of gun violence on the city's youth.

Robot Dogs Join the New York Fire Department

17 Mar 2022  |  www.nytimes.com
The article discusses the termination of a contract between the Police Department and Boston Dynamics for the use of their robot, Spot, after concerns about privacy and aggressive policing tactics. However, the Fire Department is planning to use these robots for public safety purposes, such as assessing dangerous situations like steam leaks, building collapses, and toxic gas concentrations. Captain Michael Leo from the Fire Department's robotics unit addresses the negative perception created by Hollywood's portrayal of robots, emphasizing that their real-life application is non-weaponized and aimed at providing vital information during emergencies.

Revolution of the Mind

01 Feb 2018  |  jacobin.com
The article reflects on the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, highlighting the severe political repression under Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's regime. It discusses the torture epidemic, mass incarcerations, censorship, and the crackdown on dissent, including the experiences of activists and ordinary citizens. The narrative underscores the disillusionment with civic activism and the pervasive fear and self-censorship among Egyptians. Testimonies from individuals like Mostafa Bassim, A.H., and M.A. illustrate the personal toll of living under an authoritarian regime, where even family and community members can act as informants, reinforcing the state's control.

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Jun 2022

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