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Nabil Tahir

Karachi, Pakistan
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About Nabil
Nabil Tahir is a seasoned journalist with over 11 years of experience, based in Karachi, Pakistan. Throughout his career, he has primarily worked on the city and sports desks, honing his expertise in these areas. Currently, he is focused on crafting in-depth feature stories, covering a wide range of beats, including technology, innovation, sports, social issues, business, and more.

Nabil has had the privilege of working with some of the industry's top publications, including The Express Tribune, a renowned newspaper affiliated with The New York Times. Additionally, he has contributed to various organizations as a freelance journalist, such as Red Bull, Daily Times, BrandSynario, and Synergyzer, among others.

His extensive experience and versatility have enabled him to develop a unique voice and perspective, making him a valuable asset to the world of journalism.
English Punjabi Urdu
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Finance Technology

I am a journalist with an experience of more than 11 years. I have worked on city desk and covered sports in most of the years of my career. Currently I work on various beats including technology, innovation, sports, social issues, entertainment, business, etc. I have been associated with one of the top newspaper of Pakistan, The Express Tribune affiliated with The New York Times.

This story explores the growing trend of indoor sports in Pakistan, highlighting the benefits of modern sports facilities for the country's youth. With limited outdoor spaces and a passion for sports, indoor sports facilities are revolutionizing the way young Pakistanis engage in physical activity, promoting health, confidence, and community. The story delves into the impact of indoor sports on the country's sports landscape, talent identification, and development, as well as the role of private initiatives in driving this change.


Nabil's confirmed information

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Verified Jun 2024
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Verified May 2024
May 2024

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