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Neusa E Silva

Lisbon, Portugal
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About Neusa
With a diversified portfolio that easily reflects my passion for journalism, I have had the pleasure of working with global media outlets in radio, television, physical newspapers, and digital news platforms. My portfolio includes journalistic work for Euronews, CNN Portugal, DW, Africanews, African Markets, and the Journal of the Scientific Community of Portuguese-Speaking African Countries. This work has been widely broadcasted on TV channels and in press publications across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

One of the highlights of my career was the report titled "Why Africa's Diamond Revenue Isn't Prosperous for its People?" published on February 20, 2023. Originally in English for a German audience, it garnered attention from over twenty international media outlets and was translated into languages such as Indonesian, Greek, Arabic, Portuguese, and French, among others.

Additionally, I had the honor of conducting three exclusive presidential interviews with the leaders of Botswana, Cape Verde, and Mozambique, as well as an exclusive interview with the Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area. These moments are evidence of my ability to make meaningful connections and conduct interviews that resonate with impact and depth.

I am proud to say that I am a qualified professional with a postgraduate qualification in International Combating of Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, and Organized Crime, and a degree in Sciences from UNIA - Independent University of Angola.
Business Climate Change

Portfólio 2024 Com uma paixão profunda pelo jornalismo e uma carreira diversificada, tive a oportunidade única de trabalhar em diferentes meios de comunicação, incluindo rádio, televisão e jornais digitais. A minha experiência abrange contribuições significativas para cadeias globais como Euronews, CNN Portugal, DW e Africanews.

Diamonds of War: Africa's Troubled Gems

27 Dec 2023  |  Times of Oman
The article discusses the lack of socioeconomic benefits from diamond mining in Africa, with Botswana as an exception. The African Diamond Council's President, M'Zee Fula Ngenge, describes the exploitation and abuse in the industry, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The article explores the two markets for diamonds: formal and clandestine, with the latter being dominated by foreign intermediaries. It also touches on the role of developed countries in turning a blind eye to the smuggling of diamonds and the manipulation of the industry. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is criticized for not effectively reducing the impact of resource looting. Additionally, the article links the Russian corporation Alrosa's diamond trade in Africa to the financing of the war in Ukraine, suggesting a conflict of interest with Belgium's involvement in both the diamond trade and sending soldiers to Ukraine.

Why diamonds and gold aren't making Africa richer

05 Apr 2023  |  dw.com
The article discusses the exploitation and abuse in the diamond industry in Africa, where local communities are not benefiting from the mineral wealth. The African Diamond Council, led by M'Zee Fula Ngenge, highlights the issues of conflict, greed, and lack of public sector accountability in the Democratic Republic of Congo and other mineral-rich African countries. The piece explores the clandestine diamond market, dominated by foreign intermediaries, and the role of the developed world in turning a blind eye to the smuggling and exploitation. It also touches on the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, criticized for being ineffective and serving the interests of diamond-buying countries. The article suggests that Russia's Alrosa corporation is involved in the African diamond trade, with revenues potentially financing the war in Ukraine. The need for combating poverty and ensuring regular means of diamond extraction is emphasized as a solution to the problem.

President Nyusi speaks on Mozambique's new role on UN Security Council

13 Jun 2022  |  Africanews
Mozambique's President Filipe Nyusi, in an exclusive interview with Euronews, discussed the country's recent election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Nyusi emphasized the responsibility and opportunity this position holds for Mozambique to represent African issues, which constitute 60% of the Security Council's agenda. He acknowledged the challenges due to the weak representation of African countries but stressed the need to bring African voices to the forefront. Nyusi also mentioned the push for UN reforms, particularly in the Security Council, and the possibility of advocating for more African seats. As a representative of Africa, Mozambique will focus on combating terrorism, preventing weapon proliferation, managing risks, protecting the environment, and promoting gender balance.

AfCFTA chief: Free trade can help Africa beat recession

12 Jul 2021  |  www.africanews.com
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) launched on January 1, 2021, aiming to unite a $3 trillion market and unlock over $84 billion in intra-African exports. Despite Covid-19 restrictions slowing progress, Secretary-General Wamkele Mene discussed the potential of AfCFTA to help Africa recover from its first technical recession in nearly 30 years. Mene highlighted ongoing efforts to harmonize customs and tariffs and the development of a pan-African payments platform with Afreximbank. He also acknowledged the need for gradual integration and inclusivity, drawing lessons from the European Union's model.

A Discussion to End the Violence in the Central African Republic The end of the arms embargo on the government of the Central African Republic may be one of the keys to resolving the conflict in the country - a conclusion drawn at the International Confe

Zona de comércio livre entrou em vigor esta sexta-feira com a participação de 54 países

Cientista Túlio de Oliveira compartilhou a descoberta com a comunidade científica mundial, e com as autoridades britânicas, o que permitiu ao Reino Unido e ao Brasil detetarem outras variantes variantes diferentes mas com características muito semelhante

Os 20 milhões de euros injetados no Orçamento de Estado para 2021 provêm do Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento (FED), sem qualquer contrapartida para Angola.

Reportagem com agência de notícias LUSA Em Moçambique, são os estrangeiros que dominam o contrabando de pedras preciosas, semipreciosas e madeira.

Participação em reportagem de Ricardo Figueira Com a escalada de violência jihadista no norte do país sem fim à vista, a euronews falou com um dos autores do estudo que recomenda uma intervenção militar.

Fronteira entre Uganda e o Ruanda poderá reabrir dentro de 45 dias.…

25 anos depois do genocídio, Ruanda assinala o dia da libertação sob o lema "Juntos Prosperamos".

m entrevista exclusiva à Euronews a Ministra da Saúde de Angola diz que o mérito do número reduzido de casos positivos em África é mesmo das medidas adotadas pelos governos africanos na luta contra a pandemia de coronavírus.…

The history of the iron palace remains shrouded in mystery. Historians say it arrived at the Port of Luanda in 1890, when the ship carrying it would have sunk in Angolan territory. Some records indicate that the Commercial Company of Angola acquired the P

O maior desafio para os países africanos será travar a contaminação nos mercados superlotados, onde a maioria das transações se fazem feitas em dinheiro…

Há vários pa´íses com casos de coronavírus e mesmo fatalidades em África mas nos PALOP não há casos confirmados de infecção pelo Covid-19.…


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