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Nihan Bora Sapmaz

Istanbul, Turkey
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About Nihan
Nihan Bora Sapmaz is a freelance journalist, editor and content creator based in Istanbul, Turkey. She writes about journalism, new media, art & culture, lifestyle in Journo, NewsLab Turkey, Vogue Turkey, ListeList, Unlimited Mag, TimeOut Istanbul Mag.
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Technology Arts & Books Film & Theatre

Turkey's quarter-century radio broadcasters talk about 'radio'

30 Mar 2021  |  newslabturkey.org
Veteran Turkish radio broadcasters Burçin Acer, Pınar İnanç Akar, Cem Arslan, and Geveze reflect on their careers and the unique qualities of radio as a medium. They discuss the challenges and changes in the industry, including the impact of regulations by RTÜK and the rise of digital platforms. They emphasize the importance of passion, patience, and adaptability for aspiring radio professionals. The broadcasters also touch on the cultural significance of radio, its role in music dissemination, and the need for a broad knowledge base and dedication to succeed in the field.

Şafak Ongan: Now YouTube has replaced all music channels

06 Feb 2021  |  newslabturkey.org
Şafak Ongan, the former broadcasting director of Dream TV, reflects on the channel's 17-year history and its impact on shaping the musical tastes of a generation in Turkey. He discusses the challenges faced by music channels in the digital age, including economic pressures and censorship, and how platforms like YouTube have now replaced traditional music channels. Despite the eventual closure of Dream TV, Ongan takes pride in the cultural and qualitative contributions the channel made to Turkey's music scene.

Is a Podcast Economy Possible in Turkey?

24 Jun 2020  |  NewsLabTurkey
The article explores the potential for a podcast economy in Turkey, highlighting the experiences and insights of various podcasters and industry stakeholders. Despite the global success of podcasts, Turkey's podcasting scene is still in its infancy, with most creators not yet generating significant income. Key figures like Can Bonomo, Ece Targıt, and Kaan Kural discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Turkish market, emphasizing the need for more listeners, content, and industry support. Companies like Podbee Media and sponsors such as Yandex and BMW are beginning to invest in the medium, signaling a slow but promising growth. The article underscores the importance of sustainable practices and creative content to attract sponsorships and build a viable podcast economy in Turkey.

Sergi insanlarda ormana gitme isteği uyandıracak!

10 Dec 2018  |  www.hurriyet.com.tr
The article discusses the impact of an art event that took place in Sığla Forest, which seems to have inspired a desire in people to connect with nature. Sedat Girgin, an artist who participated in the event, shares his experience, noting the unique opportunity for artists and art students to work in nature. He describes the experience as meditative, due to the quiet and collaborative atmosphere. Girgin believes that the series of exhibitions depicting Sığla Forest will encourage people to visit natural landscapes such as forests and mountains.

The Alluring Profession of the New World: Becoming an Influencer

05 Dec 2018  |  ListeList
Approximately three billion people, or 40% of the world's population, actively use social media, with many influenced by or aspiring to become influencers. The influencer economy is expected to exceed $20 billion by 2020, with Turkey's market at $35 million. Influencers can earn significant income from a single post. Turkish influencers Gurukafa, Dilan Bozyel, Cizenbayan, Styleboom, Onurollstyle, and Koray Caner Öztürk share insights on the value of micro-influencers, the importance of authenticity, patience, and originality, and the evolving landscape of brand partnerships.

A New Era for Publishers with Facebook News

29 Nov 2018  |  NewsLabTurkey
Eren Sağır, Facebook Turkey's Media Partnerships Manager, discussed the platform's publishing policies and updates at an event titled 'A New Era for Publishers with Facebook News' at Kadir Has University. He emphasized the importance of meaningful social interactions and shared Facebook's core values for news feeds. Sağır advised page managers to engage users with content that sparks discussion and to utilize features like groups to foster community. He also highlighted the importance of high-quality news, the role of third-party fact-checking with partners like teyit.org, and the growing significance of video content, including Live, Watch, and Premieres. Additionally, Sağır provided insights on successful Instagram strategies for publishers, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and community building.

Turkish Style Minimalism and thoughts on minimal living

27 Nov 2018  |  Nihan Bora
Hale Acun Aydın, founder of Turkish Style Minimalism, discusses the concept of minimal living, emphasizing the importance of inner peace and the burden of excess possessions. She shares her journey towards minimalism, which began with decluttering her wardrobe and has since expanded to other aspects of her life, including her thoughts and desires. Aydın advocates for a conscious approach to possessions and consumption, highlighting the benefits of a simplified lifestyle, such as increased time and financial resources. She also touches on the concept of 'zero waste' and her efforts to instill minimalist values in her children.

News aggregation apps like Flipboard, Bundle, and Nabız are becoming more widespread

13 Nov 2018  |  Journo
News aggregation apps are increasingly popular, with Flipboard leading with over 100 million downloads. Bundle, a Turkish app, has also seen significant growth, particularly among the 25-34 age group, with 1.5 million downloads and 700,000 active monthly users. These apps provide a systematic way to follow the news, offering a single platform instead of multiple sources. News outlets see these apps as a vital source of traffic, with some even foregoing the development of their own mobile apps. The spread of fake news on social media has also contributed to the popularity of these apps. Bundle is planning to introduce its own advertising models and expand into Germany with paid content. News organizations like Euronews, Diken, Duvar, and Evrensel have shared their experiences and the impact of these apps on their traffic, with Flipboard being a significant source. The role of artificial intelligence in news curation is also highlighted as part of Bundle's future development.

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Verified Dec 2018
Dec 2018

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