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Nyaradzo Mashayamombe

Harare, Zimbabwe
Book Nyaradzo with Paydesk
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About Nyaradzo
Nyari Mashayamombe is a globally recognized, multiple award-winning Women’s Human Rights Advocate, Media Entrepreneur, Storyteller, and Content Creator. As the Founder and CEO of Identities
Media, a Storytelling Initiative, and Tag a Life International (TaLI), a Girls and Young Women’s Rights Organization, she champions their empowerment and amplifies their voices. She has produced and hosted TV shows, Films, Docu-Series among others. 
• TV Show, Film and Documentary-Series directing and producing
• Gender, diversity and inclusion expert
• Experienced in producing in multi-culture communities
• Research and Development expert
• Experienced in hosting high level international dialogues
• Holder of MS Development Studies
• Holder of Bachelor of Laws Degree
English Ndebele Shona
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Technology

Documenting #16Stories of change, men who turned from being perpetrators of gender based violence (GBV) to champions to end GBV during 16 days of Activism against GBV.

Profiling women leaders during the #WomensMonth

#EvenOurDreams, a documentary film produced by Nyaradzo Mashayamombe showing the buoyancy of people with disabilities in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe released in 2022.


Nyaradzo's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Jun 2024
Financial institution
Verified Jun 2024
Phone number
Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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