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Olaf Bruns

Brussels, Belgium
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About Olaf
Hi there,

I'm a media-allrounder journalist (TV, print, online and audio) and a multilingual conference moderator (English, French, German, Italian and Dutch), based in Brussels, Belgium. 

During my 20+ years in the industry, I learned the tricks of the trade from scratch, starting as a local newspaper journalist and becoming 15 years later the Deputy Brussels Bureau Chief of the European current affairs TV network Euronews. 5 years ago I ventured into an exciting new life of freelance journalism.

So do get in touch for:

• Conference moderations (EU affairs, sustainability, economics, human rights and social questions)
• Podcast production
• Video production
• Media training

Also check my Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/obruns/
German English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Beyond the Choke Hold of Growth: Post-growth or Radical Degrowth?

27 Jun 2024  |  Green European Journal
The article explores the concept of economic growth and its implications, questioning its necessity and sustainability. It features a discussion between Riccardo Mastini, Giorgos Kallis, and Tim Jackson, who critique the traditional growth paradigm and propose alternatives like post-growth and radical degrowth. They argue that growth stabilizes capitalism but is not essential for prosperity, emphasizing the need for a shift towards more sustainable and equitable economic models. The text also delves into the ideological underpinnings of growth and capitalism, highlighting the tension between economic expansion and environmental sustainability.

Save the Facts: Journalism as a Weapon against Disinformation

25 Jun 2024  |  Green European Journal
The article discusses the growing influence of social media in politics and the rise of disinformation, highlighting the role of journalism in combating false information. It criticizes the algorithms of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for promoting sensational content and disinformation. The text emphasizes the need for legislation to ensure fact-checking and reduce the spread of disinformation while protecting free speech. It also advocates for stronger support for independent journalism to maintain social cohesion and democracy.

Can We Prosper Without Growth? 10 Policy Proposals

02 May 2024  |  Green European Journal
The article discusses the rise of a new Left in Europe, characterized by younger members and fresh ideas, and questions whether this movement will adopt a green, cooperative economic model inspired by degrowth. It presents 10 policy proposals from Research & Degrowth in Barcelona, aimed at progressive political parties in Spain and Catalonia, which could also be adapted for other European contexts. These proposals include a citizen debt audit, work-sharing, basic and maximum income, green tax reform, cessation of subsidies for polluting activities, support for the alternative solidarity society, optimization of building use, reduction of advertising, establishment of environmental limits, and abolishing GDP as an economic progress indicator. The proposals are designed to work in concert to transition to a greener economy without relying on economic growth.

New Climate Politics: A Reading List

Fighting the New Climate Change Denialism

Degrowth Is About Global Justice

10 Apr 2024  |  greeneuropeanjournal.eu
Degrowth advocates, like anthropologist Jason Hickel, argue that economic growth in the Global North is driving the ecological crisis and that only degrowth can avert it. Hickel's book 'Less is More' posits that degrowth is a matter of global justice and decolonization, necessary to address the disproportionate resource consumption and emissions of wealthy nations. He traces the concept's roots to anti-colonial leaders and criticizes the current economic system for perpetuating imperialist exploitation of the Global South. Hickel suggests that a Global Green New Deal should prioritize rapid decarbonization in the Global North, address resource consumption, and ensure a just energy transition. He calls for solidarity with Global South movements and a shift in green politics to embrace anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist frameworks.

Climate Change and Migration: Myths and Realities

01 Oct 2023  |  Green European Journal
The article explores the complex relationship between climate change and migration, debunking myths and presenting realities. Caroline Zickgraf from the University of Liège emphasizes the need for evidence-based preparation rather than fear-driven responses. The text discusses the global impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, which force people to migrate. It highlights the lack of consensus on terminology and definitions for climate-induced migrants and critiques the speculative nature of future migration estimates. The article underscores the importance of proactive and voluntary migration as part of climate adaptation strategies and calls for coherent multi-scalar governance to address these issues effectively.

Bringing Europe Together Amid Crises

01 Oct 2023  |  Green European Journal
Europe faces significant challenges including geopolitical instability, economic uncertainty, and climate change. Green MEP Ernest Urtasun and Latvian politician Antoņina Ņenaševa emphasize the need for decisive action at the European level to protect the rules-based order and address climate change. They advocate for immediate relief for low- and medium-income households, investment in renewables, and public services to combat inflation and economic downturns. The article highlights the importance of a unified European approach to crises, the potential political risks of declining living standards, and the need for a transformative vision that combines ecological transition with social justice.

Is Degrowth the Future?

01 Jan 2022  |  Green European Journal
Degrowth is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to the current growth-based economic model, which is criticized for its unsustainability and contribution to social and environmental issues. The book 'The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World beyond Capitalism' by Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, and Aaron Vansintjan provides a comprehensive roadmap for transitioning to a degrowth society. It critiques the prevailing economic paradigm and offers a vision for a fair, ecological, and sustainable future. The book emphasizes the need for both top-down policy changes and bottom-up grassroots initiatives to achieve degrowth, highlighting the importance of psychological and cultural shifts alongside economic and political reforms.

Fighting the New Climate Change Denialism

18 Aug 2021  |  resilience
Climate change is undeniable, and the fossil fuel industry has shifted from outright denial to influencing climate policies to protect its business model. Kate Aronoff's book 'Overheated' explores how capitalism, particularly its neoliberal variant, has driven environmental degradation and hindered climate action. The text discusses the historical and ongoing impact of neoliberalism, the role of fossil fuel companies in undermining climate science, and the need for radical systemic change to meet climate targets. It advocates for the Green New Deal as a comprehensive strategy for decarbonization and social equity, emphasizing the importance of state intervention over market mechanisms.

A few articles on 'post-growth' and 'surveillance capitalism' for the Gren European Journal.

How to make the best of a very dry and ethically debatable subject (in the case the Eurasian Media Forum in Kazakhstan)? Chose the right angle, chose the best interviewees you can get, the right bits of creativity and tell a story that matters!

Ever heard of 'Quantum Politics'? Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, a former Cambridge physics professor has coined the term. Featuring alongside him: the former Ukrainian PM Yulia Tymoshenko and the former Catalan autonomy president Carles Puigdemont.

Insights into Cross-border Employment in the Live Performance Sector

31 May 2021  |  www.podbean.com
The podcast discussed in the article was produced as part of the Mobilive project, which focuses on the live performance sector. It provides insights into the study of cross-border employment, particularly concerning social security and the employment status of workers who are highly mobile. The podcast features a moderator named Olaf Bruns from b-Media, who presumably guides the conversation and explores the challenges and dynamics of the live performance industry as they relate to the mobility of its workforce.

A conference moderation showreel: I moderate panels in English, German, French, Italian... - and a little Dutch. My main topics: EU affairs, sustainability, human rights, economy and social questions.

RegioStars awards reward EU's pioneer regional initiatives

12 Oct 2018  |  euronews.com
The RegioStars Awards recognized five European projects for their innovative contributions to regional development, job creation, and improving lives. The awards were part of the 'European Week of Regions and Cities' and marked 30 years of the EU's Cohesion policy. Winners included a Finnish project for recycling cotton, a Welsh language revitalization initiative, and a Spanish protocol supporting refugees. The European Commission's DG Regio and the European Committee of Regions praised the projects for their inspirational value and positive impact.

Ending the EU’s Growth Mantra

01 Sep 2018  |  Green European Journal
The European Union's focus on economic growth is being questioned in light of climate change and environmental concerns. Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, discusses the need for a broader understanding of growth and the importance of systematic change to achieve a sustainable future. The article highlights the role of innovation, market dynamics, and policy in addressing climate challenges, and emphasizes the interconnectedness of economic and societal interactions. The EU's approach to trade and competition policy is also examined, with a focus on value-based trade relationships and strong competition law enforcement.

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