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Paola De Loera

Zacatecas, Mexico
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About Paola
Hola, mi nombre es Paola de Loera, tengo 36 años y soy una periodista ubicada en Zacatecas, Zacatecas, México.

Me apasiona escribir reportajes y notas, especialmente cuando se trata de periodismo de paz; ocasionalmente trabajo en programas de radio. 

Amo entrevistar a las personas, adentrarme en sus razones, entender su versión de la historia y su papel dentro de un suceso.

Me emociona trabajar con datos, entender los números y desvelar lo que nos están contando. Soy obsesiva con la investigación documental, exijo que mis historias sean irreprochables en su argumento, que expliquen el ¿por qué?, el ¿para qué?, el ¿qué pasaría después?

Soy periodista porque me gusta escribir historias que muestren enfoques, posibilidades o realidades no conocidas, no reflexionadas.

Comencé mi trayectoria como reportera buscando noticias en las calles de mi natal Zacatecas; desde entonces he realizado periodismo especializado en finanzas, economía y políticas públicas, periodismo de investigación, periodismo de paz y también he realizado edición y curaduría de contenidos. 

Soy responsable y honesta, tengo facilidad para trabajar en equipo y respetar las fechas de entrega, además, busco siempre aprender de lo que hago, de las personas a quienes colaboro y hacer el trabajo más impecable que puedo dentro de mis posibilidades. Entiendo el idioma inglés al leerlo, pero no lo hablo aún.
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
Business Finance Current Affairs

Infonavit Loses by Investing Workers' Equity

30 Aug 2022  |  PODER
The National Workers' Housing Fund Institute (Infonavit) has experienced a decrease in the equity entrusted by workers due to negative returns on investments made through the Workers' Housing Support Fund (FANVIT). The fund, managed by Nacional Financiera (Nafinsa) and with BBVA Bancomer as custodian, reported losses due to high administrative expenses and costs associated with securities trading. A significant portion of the expenses was for a technology platform developed by Pro Asset Management, which was recommended by ITAM, an institution with ties to Infonavit and Nafinsa leaders. The financial decisions and contracts have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and lack of transparency in spending.

Colaboré en la producción del programa radiofónico ¡Tengamos la fiesta en paz!, al aire de febrero a mayo de 2021. Un programa especializado en las elecciones locales del estado de Zacatecas.

Entrevista a Leonardo Nuñez sobre los resultados de una profunda investigación que revela como el gobierno federal en México gasta muchos más recursos de los que anualmente presupuesta.

Launch of Digital Memorial to Dignify Farewells to Covid Victims

14 Apr 2020  |  corresponsaldepaz.org
In response to the COVID-19 crisis in Ecuador, where funeral services have been overwhelmed, the digital memorial project 'Voces para la Memoria' was launched by the website GK. This initiative allows families to honor their deceased loved ones through multimedia tributes, providing a dignified farewell despite the restrictions. The project, led by Isabela Ponce and Gabriela Valarezo, aims to alleviate the pain of loss by offering a virtual space for remembrance. The initiative has been well-received as a necessary solution during the pandemic, especially in the hard-hit city of Guayaquil.

The fragile hope of Burmese young women and girls in the face of increasing trafficking of women to China

18 Apr 2019  |  Corresponsal de Paz
Burmese women and girls are victims of trafficking to China due to a gender imbalance caused by China's one-child policy and a preference for male children. Human Rights Watch reported on the issue, highlighting the sale of women for forced marriages and childbearing. Local organizations like Htoi and KWA are crucial in rescuing and rehabilitating victims, despite limited government response. These organizations provide legal assistance, psychosocial counseling, and skills training to help survivors reintegrate and protect themselves from re-trafficking. However, the risk of exploitation remains due to persistent poverty, conflict in Myanmar, and inadequate government action against trafficking.

Water crisis in Zacatecas due to inefficient use in corn and bean crops

04 Dec 2017  |  Arena Pública
Zacatecas faces a water crisis due to inefficient irrigation techniques in corn and bean farming, which consume 80% of the water from the Calera aquifer, the main supply for the city. The National Water Commission (Conagua) lacks the budget and personnel to monitor water extraction from wells. The inefficient use of water in agriculture is leading to overexploitation of aquifers, with the Calera aquifer having an annual deficit of 80.5 million cubic meters. Solutions such as changing irrigation techniques and crop conversion are complex and costly. The proposed Milpillas dam could alleviate urban and industrial water demand but won't solve agricultural overuse. Conagua is considering re-imposing a water extraction ban from the 1960s and regulating to balance extraction with recharge.

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Aug 2022

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