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Paula Campos

Santiago, Chile
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About Paula
Paula Campos is a journalist based in Santiago, Chile.

Success in the first sessions of the event '1905. Commitment in the Mansion'

25 Feb 2024  |  noveldadigital.es
The Casa Museo Modernista in Novelda hosted a theatrical role-playing game titled '1905. Commitment in the Mansion,' organized by Espai Teatre. The event, inspired by Cluedo, challenges participants to solve a murder mystery set during a wedding. Due to high demand and sold-out initial dates, additional sessions have been scheduled. The game, praised for its immersive experience, will continue until the end of May, transforming the museum into a hub of intrigue and historical adventure.

The Major Board of Brotherhoods and Fraternities joins C.B. Jorge Juan in a solidarity collection for the Red Cross

18 Feb 2024  |  noveldadigital.es
A solidarity collection event was organized during an EBA league basketball game between C.B. Jorge Juan Tártaros Gonzalo Castelló and C.B. Estudiantes de Cartagena, focusing on collecting children's products and hygiene items for the benefit of Cruz Roja Novelda. Donors participated in a raffle for gift cards. The initiative, repeated from last year, was praised by Vicente Vicent, president of C.B. Jorge Juan, and José María García, vocal of the Junta Mayor de Cofradías y Hermandades, who emphasized the importance of such charitable actions in the current times.

Graciela Luz pays tribute to the contribution of women in Holy Week

18 Feb 2024  |  noveldadigital.es
In the Church of San Pedro, the presentation of the Holy Week poster and magazine took place, preceded by a special mass. Graciela Luz Román, the director of the 2024 Holy Week magazine, highlighted the significant contributions of women in Novelda's Holy Week traditions. The event also featured the announcement of the new director for the 2025 magazine, María Fernanda García de la Concepción. The ceremony concluded with speeches from local dignitaries and a video presentation.

The Three Wise Men make their magical stop at La Estación de Novelda

06 Jan 2024  |  noveldadigital.es
The Three Wise Men made a heartwarming stop at La Estación de Novelda, delighting children with sweets and gifts. The event, attended by Mayor Fran Martínez and Councilor José María Chacón, was marked by community spirit and joy. The presence of the Three Wise Men, who shared smiles and hugs, created an unforgettable moment for the local children. The mayor emphasized the importance of such events in strengthening community bonds and adding magic to local festivities.

Magic and joy in Novelda with the Parade of the Three Wise Men

06 Jan 2024  |  noveldadigital.es
The Three Wise Men visited Novelda, filling the town with lights, spectacle, and gifts. The parade started at the local senior residence and continued through various streets, featuring dance performances, clowns, juggling with fire, and floats. The event included the participation of local dignitaries, musical bands, and festive figures. Companies such as McDonald’s, Grupo Vectalia, and others collaborated, and the proceeds from seat sales for the parade went to the charity Zancadas sobre ruedas.

La Plaza Vieja bids farewell to 2023

31 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
In the heart of Plaza Vieja, the community prepares to bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024 with a series of festive events organized by the Comisión de Fiestas. The day starts with a children's New Year's Eve event, featuring cotillones from Juguetes Rocamora and grapes from Uvasdoce Fresh. As night falls, the main celebration begins with a countdown, followed by midnight chimes, a cider toast courtesy of Sumarcoop, and a fireworks display. The festivities continue with music and dancing in a special tent organized by the Concejalía de Fiestas.

The Natura Festival along with the Modernist House Museum hold a Christmas crafts workshop with reused materials

30 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Natura Festival and the Modernist House Museum organized a Christmas crafts workshop for children of all ages, focusing on creating kaleidoscopes and Christmas decorations using reused materials. The event took place from 11:00 to 12:30.

The Musical Union La Artística moved the audience by reviving Disney classics

26 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Musical Union La Artística of Novelda presented an innovative Christmas Concert at the Civic Center, featuring a narrative of a grandfather reading classic stories to his granddaughter, accompanied by the band's performance of Disney classics. The event, directed by Juan Pedro Bernabé Poveda, included a special dedication to Alzheimer's support by Naima Silva Tárraga. The concert was well-received by the audience for its emotional and creative presentation.

José María Vallés y Esther Requena Ferri win La Carrera del Pavo

23 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The XII Carrera del Pavo, organized by the Concejalía de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Novelda in collaboration with Correeventos, took place in Novelda, Spain, attracting participants of all ages. The event, which included various safety measures and medical support, was part of the Liga de Cross de Barrios de Novelda 2023. José María Vallés and Esther Requena Ferri emerged as winners, with local runners Carlos Domene Rubio and Maite Botella Juan also performing notably.

Santa Claus has arrived in Novelda

22 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Plaza Vieja in Novelda is bustling with festive cheer as Santa Claus visits to collect children's letters, accompanied by a Christmas market. The event features artisanal crafts, food stalls, and activities like 'Coches Locos' sponsored by McDonald’s. Local officials, including the mayor Fran Martínez, attended the inauguration, highlighting the community's engagement in the holiday celebrations.

Christmas for the Benefit of Mental Health

16 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The traditional Ximbelà event in Novelda, held on December 16, 2023, featured live musical performances across various locations. This year's event supported RedIntegra Novelda, a mental health association focused on helping young people with mental disorders. The event saw participation from numerous local musical and dance groups, with notable acknowledgments from Melani Sánchez, the Health Councilor, and Eva Quiles, the president of RedIntegra Novelda, who expressed gratitude for the community's support.

Anniversary of the Consecration of the Sanctuary of Mary Magdalene Celebrated

09 Dec 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The anniversary of the consecration of the Sanctuary of Mary Magdalene was celebrated with a mass at 17:00 on December 9th. The event marked five years since the bishop of the diocese consecrated the temple on December 9, 2018, with the crosses at the corners of the sanctuary being anointed with Holy Chrism.

Leyre Toledo wins another gold in the 3rd test of the II Alicante Track Cup

25 Nov 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
Leyre Toledo won another gold medal in the OPEN Female category at the third test of the II Alicante Track Cup held at the Luis Navarro Amorós velodrome in Novelda. The event, organized by Unión Ciclista Novelda and supported by the Cycling Federation of the Valencian Community, the Provincial Government of Alicante, and the Novelda Town Hall, featured 45 participants across various categories. Enrique Gutiérrez, president of the Cycling Federation, expressed his delight with the velodrome's facilities, and future events are eagerly anticipated on December 3 and January 14.

The Municipal Market hosts the exhibition 'Women of the Republic making History'

18 Nov 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Municipal Market in Novelda, Spain, is hosting the exhibition 'Women of the Republic making History' until December 2nd, organized by various local organizations and featuring the unrecognized contributions of women to Spain's history. The event began with presentations from collaborators, highlighting the importance of remembering these women's roles during the Republic era and their resistance to fascism. The exhibition aims to humanize these historical figures and is open to the public with varying visiting hours.

Unión Musical La Artística de Novelda welcomes its new musicians

12 Nov 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
On November 12, Unión Musical La Artística of Novelda held its traditional parade to welcome eight new musicians, doubling last year's number. The event, part of the Santa Cecilia celebration, included a route through various streets where each new musician was picked up and honored with a chosen pasodoble. The parade featured emotional moments, including a tribute to former member Ramón Valero. The event concluded with a group photo and a gathering at the band's headquarters.

Emotional Blessing of Santa María Magdalena at the Parish of San Pedro

05 Nov 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Parish of San Pedro hosted an emotional blessing ceremony for the image of Santa María Magdalena, officiated by parish priest Eduardo Lorenzo. The event, held on November 5th, saw the participation of the Congregation of Santa María Magdalena and the local community, who gathered to honor the saint and commemorate deceased members. Ana María Gómez, president of the congregation, played a key role in renewing the image of the saint. The ceremony served to strengthen community bonds and express devotion to Santa María Magdalena, the patron saint of Novelda.

Novelda honors its loved ones for All Saints' Day

01 Nov 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
On November 1, 2023, the community of Novelda gathered at the Municipal Cemetery to honor their loved ones for All Saints' Day. The event included a traditional mass officiated by Eduardo Lorenzo, with notable attendees such as the mayor, Fran Martínez, and other local officials. Parking and traffic were managed by the police, and emergency services were on standby to ensure the event ran smoothly.

The Santa María Magdalena Society celebrates its 25th anniversary coinciding with the concert in honor of Santa Cecilia

25 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The Santa María Magdalena Society celebrated its 25th anniversary with a concert at the Civic Center of Novelda, coinciding with the celebration of Santa Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians. The event featured performances by the society's school and the main band, the introduction of new members, and a tribute to long-standing members. The president of the society, Santiago Segura Penalva, and the mayor of Novelda, Fran Martínez, delivered supportive speeches. The concert included a theatrical performance and a final piece featuring the society's choir.

Families in Novelda unite to remember their sons and daughters

15 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
On the World Day of Gestational, Perinatal, and Neonatal Mourning, the association Mi pequeño ángel alado hosted a manifesto reading and workshop for families in Novelda. Almudena Cruz introduced the association and its purpose, while Sara Jiménez read the manifesto by FEDUP, emphasizing the rights of babies and families to remember their lost children. The manifesto called for recognition of the unique pain of loss regardless of gestational age and for the rights of families to register their babies and raise awareness among those involved in the process of a baby's death.

Novelda proudly celebrates being part of the Valencian Community

09 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
Novelda commemorated the Day of the Valencian Community with a traditional event celebrating local traditions and language. The event featured music by Unión Musical La Artística de Novelda and was attended by local dignitaries, including festival queens and law enforcement representatives. Mayor Fran Martínez spoke about the pride of being part of the Valencian Community and the importance of the Valencian language, which is now heard in the Congress of Deputies. He also congratulated local business Carmencita for receiving the Generalitat Valenciana's award for Business and Social Merit, and concluded by emphasizing Novelda's identity and opportunities within the Valencian territory.

The closing ceremony of the X Jornadas de la Ilustración awards culture and art once again

05 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The closing ceremony of the X Jornadas de la Ilustración, held at the Centro Cultural Gómez Tortosa, celebrated culture and art by awarding the IV Bienal de Pintura and the X Concurso Internacional de Microrrelatos 'Jorge Juan'. The event featured a presentation by Antonia Montaner Amorós on her book 'Tras la Estela de Jorge Juan' and included various conferences and exhibitions. Key winners included Gonzalo Romero Pastor for his painting and María José Guillén García for her micro-story. The event highlighted the cultural heritage of Jorge Juan y Santacilia and involved numerous participants and speakers.

The exhibition 'Women of the Republic Making History' ends

01 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The exhibition 'Women of the Republic Making History' concludes with a workshop dedicated to female writers of the Generation of '27. Organized by the Federación de pensionistas de Comisiones Obreras del País Valencià and Izquierda Unida de Novelda, with support from the Ayuntamiento de Novelda and Dones en Acció, the exhibition has toured several municipalities since its inception in 2004. Pura Díaz Vera from Dones en Acció emphasized the importance of the exhibition and the challenges faced in highlighting women's history.

Novelda gathers to celebrate the 311th anniversary of Jorge Juan's birth

01 Oct 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
Novelda celebrated the 311th anniversary of Jorge Juan y Santacilia's birth with a series of commemorative events, including the unveiling of three plaques in his honor. The event was attended by local authorities, cultural organizations, and residents. Jorge Juan's contributions as a mariner, scientist, and spy were highlighted, emphasizing his significant impact on Spanish history and his legacy in scientific and naval advancements.

María Ginés and Candy Abad crowned as queens of La Garrova

24 Sep 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The La Garrova neighborhood celebrated the coronation of its new queens, María Ginés Lifante and Candy Abad Martínez, in a heartfelt ceremony. The event featured speeches, emotional videos, and the presence of local dignitaries, including the mayor of Novelda, Fran Martínez. Loli García Quintana, the outgoing president of the Commission of Festivities, was honored for her 18 years of service. The ceremony concluded with expressions of gratitude from the new queens and a special tribute to García.

The potential impact of delivery mode and breastfeeding on oral Candida species carriage in a population of young adults

29 Aug 2023  |  Dialnet
This study investigates the association between delivery mode and breastfeeding with oral yeast carriage in young adults. It finds that individuals born via vaginal delivery have a higher prevalence of oral Candida species compared to those born by caesarean section, while breastfeeding shows no significant impact. Additionally, low salivary flow rate and frequency of dental visits are linked to increased oral yeast carriage.

The festivities in honor of San Roque conclude with a moving procession

16 Aug 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
On August 16, a series of community events marked the festivities in honor of San Roque, culminating in a moving mass and procession. The day included a children's drawing contest, a lunch provided by Pastelería Fernando, and a meal for the elderly organized by the Comisión de Fiestas. The evening concluded with a mass officiated by Antonio Alcolea, Manolo Martínez, and Eduardo Lorenzo, followed by a procession through the streets of Novelda, accompanied by the Unión Musical La Artística de Novelda. The event was attended by political authorities, the Comisión de Fiestas, and community members, ending with a promise to return next year.

Festive Day in San Roque: gachamigas contest, offerings, and fun for all the neighbors

15 Aug 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
San Roque celebrated a day full of activities on August 15, including a gachamigas contest with prizes from local businesses, a flower offering to San Roque, a foam party, and a dance gala by Elena Beneyto's School, The Urban Tribe. The gachamigas contest featured 166 entries, with 5 winners receiving Carmencita prize packs. The religious spirit was honored with a flower offering procession, and the community showed solidarity with a fruit offering to the Asylum for the Elderly. The day ended with a dance gala at 22:30.

Children's Fun and Good Taste Return to San Roque

14 Aug 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
San Roque hosted a day full of family activities, including children's games, a bean tasting, and a rock concert. The event featured contributions from local businesses, creating a vibrant and memorable atmosphere for attendees.

San Roque organizes a fun afternoon for all ages

13 Aug 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
San Roque organized an eventful afternoon featuring a Randa demonstration, a children's costume contest sponsored by Ciclomanía, and a community dinner at Replaceta. Local flavors were showcased by Café Bou, with special snacks from Carmencita and Horno de Concha. The costume contest included a bicycle raffle and sweet surprises from Pastelería Fernando, while Juguetería Rocamora provided vouchers for the best costumes. The evening concluded with a dinner and gift raffles, fostering camaraderie among the neighbors.

Exciting day of sports in the San Roque neighborhood for the Neighborhood League

13 Aug 2023  |  noveldadigital.es
The San Roque neighborhood hosted the XXII Cross Popular as part of the Neighborhood League, featuring various athletic categories for all ages. Organized by the Comisión de Fiestas del Barrio de San Roque, the Concejalía de Deportes led by Carlos Vizcaíno, and the company Correeventos, the event saw enthusiastic participation and celebrated community spirit and athleticism. The meticulously planned schedule ensured a smooth flow of competitions, making the event a significant highlight in the local sports calendar.

La Calle Mayor inaugurates its decoration, marking the beginning of Christmas

21 Dec 2022  |  noveldadigital.es
On December 21, the traditional Christmas decoration of Calle Mayor was inaugurated, thanks to the efforts of the local neighborhood association. Attendees enjoyed hot chocolate, coca boba, and unique decorations, including large lollipops with Christmas messages. Notable attendees included the Reinas and Damas of Novelda, Deputy Mayor Genoveva Micó, and the Councilor of Festivities, José María Chacón, who expressed gratitude for the community's efforts.

Lawyer Zumelzu on Caval: 'The Prosecutor hid agreements with the President's daughter-in-law'

30 Jan 2016  |  radio.uchile.cl
Mario Zumelzu, a lawyer involved in the Caval case, criticized the Public Prosecutor's Office for hiding agreements made with Natalia Compagnon, daughter-in-law of President Michelle Bachelet. He expressed that the prosecutor Luis Toledo had reached agreements with all defenses regarding precautionary measures except with Chadwick and Díaz, and did not inform the plaintiffs. Zumelzu compared the situation unfavorably to the Penta case and highlighted inconsistencies in the legal measures taken against Compagnon compared to others processed for similar crimes. He condemned the lack of transparency and fairness in the judicial process, marking it as a bad day for Chilean justice.

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