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Peter Randewijk

Épalinges, Switzerland
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About Peter
I was born in the Netherlands. In 1996 I finished my secondary education with a baccalaureate. After this I spent several years in Community Development work in the global south. This was a very formative time in my life where I learned to bridge cultural divides and work together with others in challenging circumstances. I also learned to speak French, Portuguese and some Spanish. After coming back to Europe, I founded with others a Non-Governmental Organization in Switzerland and The Netherlands in order to continue to support various ongoing projects.

In 2005 I got married with my wife Vanessa in Geneva. We have two children: a son, born in 2008 and a daughter, born in 2010. Both go to the village school in our hometown Epalinges, in the Lausanne area. As a family we worship with Eglise Evangelique de Chavannes-près-Renens, a free evangelical churchnin the Lake Geneva area, where I also serve as pastor (50%). Meanwhile I am enrolled at the Evangelical Theological Faculty in Belgium, where I follow courses on FoRB (Freedom of Religion and Belief) and am doing a research master focused early modern Christianity

While I did much academic writing in the context of my studies, I had a desire to get involved with more writing for a general audience. In 2023 I did the World Journalism seminar (WJI) in order to branch out in this domain. In my journalistic writing I focus on the tension between religion and politics, stories about Christian missions and the church.
English French Dutch
News Gathering Feature Stories Content Writing
Politics Current Affairs Investigative Reporting

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