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Pierre Claver Niyonkuru

Kigali, Rwanda
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About Pierre
Pierre Claver Niyonkuru https://twitter.com/clavenkuru, Burundian Journalist.

Portfolio : https://tinyurl.com/28cjrwmh

Voice Of America (VOA) Reporter for the Central African Division. 
http://voanews.com  http://voaafrique.com https://www.voanews.com, East African Community and Great Lakes Region of Africa.

Senior International Journalist by Profession with more than 17 years of active experience. Bachelor’s Degree Holder in Mass Communication and Journalism. Communication and Information Specialist, Content Manager, Investigative journalist.

He works/collaborates also with other several media outlets 
Focus: Human Rights Issues, International Justice, Investigative Reports, Refugee Crisis, and Solution Journalism, Corruption, Advocacy.
He is interested and works closely with the International Criminal Court, ICC, on cases involving the Central Africa Division.

In November-December 2022, he followed Audiences/Hearings at the ICC in The Hague, on the trials of the ex-rebels from Central African Republic, Sudan, DR Congo, Uganda and Ivory Cost as well as following the case on countries under ICC Investigations like Burundi.

He has undergone several training courses on the processing of judicial reports. He is a Judicial Journalist Reporter before the East African Court of Justice https://www.eacj.org and African Court on Humans and Peoples' Rights https://www.african-court.org/wpafc/ all based in Arusha in Tanzania.
Journalist in Exile since 2015 because of his profession of Journalism.

Specialist in Journalism, social communication and mass advocacy, content manager. Pierre Claver Niyonkuru is Activist for Peaceful Conflict Resolution, Non Violent Communication and International Humanitarian Law. Member of several international networks of Journalists such as those interested in the ICC, the IFJ, the Francophone Press Organisation, etc.







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Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Burundi: Foreigners Concerned About the Census Conducted

28 Mar 2024  |  radiyoyacuvoa.com
Burundi is conducting a census of foreigners residing in the country, which the Ministry of the Interior claims is for national security reasons. The census has raised concerns among participants, particularly Congolese nationals, while Rwandans have been less present. There are suspicions that the census aims to identify Rwandans living in Burundi. The Ministry previously conducted a covert census of Rwandans and has expressed a desire to close borders with Rwanda. In response, the Rwandan government, through spokesperson Alain Mukularinda, has reassured Burundians in Rwanda and urged Burundi to treat Rwandans well.

President Ndayishimiye's Remarks Including That the Burundian Currency Equals the US Dollar Are Controversial

19 Mar 2024  |  radiyoyacuvoa.com
Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye has made several controversial statements, including claims that Burundians live in paradise, are wealthier than citizens of major countries like China and the USA, and that the Burundian currency is equivalent to the US dollar. He also suggested biblical locations and events, such as the Garden of Eden and Noah's Ark, originated in Burundi. His remarks have been met with skepticism and criticism from politicians, human rights activists, and citizens, particularly due to the high cost of living and scarcity of essentials like sugar and fuel. Despite these issues, Ndayishimiye has assured Burundians of economic self-reliance, dismissing the need for foreign aid. Critics argue his statements reflect a disconnect with reality and a lack of sound advice from his counselors.

Vote of Thanks after the truth and community dialogue project

02 Mar 2024  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) successfully completed the 'Truth Telling, Community Dialogue and Human Rights Educational Program' within the Burundian refugee community in Rwanda. The project, which reached nearly a hundred young people, community leaders, and refugees across Rwanda, aimed to promote truth, dialogue, and human rights. FMV's legal representative, Ferdinand Ndayiragije, and project leader, Godefroid Sindayigaya, expressed satisfaction with the project's outcomes, emphasizing the importance of truth for lasting peace and reconciliation. The project was funded by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, an American NGO dedicated to social justice and the fight against atrocities.

FMV concludes its truth and community dialogue project

02 Mar 2024  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) concluded its Truth Telling, Community Dialogue, and Human Rights Educational Program with a final workshop in Kigali, Rwanda. The project, aimed at Burundian refugees, emphasized the importance of sharing historical truths to combat generational vengeance. Key speakers, including Dr. Alphonse Rugambarara and Dr. Denis Kazungu, discussed the impacts of identity alienation and the psychological aspects of conflict. The project, funded by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, highlighted the need for continued commitment to peacebuilding and reconciliation in Burundi.

Burundi Accuses Red Tabara of Gatumba and Bubanza Killings

01 Mar 2024  |  radiyoyacuvoa.com
The Burundian government has opened two legal cases in response to killings that claimed 29 lives in Gatumba and Gihanga, Bujumbura and Bubanza provinces. The Prosecutor General announced legal action against the Red Tabara group, which claimed responsibility for the attacks in December and February. The group denies killing civilians, stating they targeted opposing soldiers. Discrepancies exist in the death toll, with the government reporting 29 fatalities, including two security personnel, while Red Tabara acknowledges only 16 military and police casualties. The government has issued international arrest warrants for the group's leaders, including politician Alexis Sinduhije, who is alleged to lead Red Tabara. Burundi accuses Rwanda of harboring and supporting the group, which Rwanda denies. Burundi has reportedly deployed over 1000 soldiers to South Kivu to counter Red Tabara, which claims the area as its base.

FMV: Retreat on Teamwork Principles

20 Feb 2024  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) held a conference in Kigali, Rwanda, focusing on organizational self-evaluation and New Year's greetings. The event included leadership training by Godefroid Sindayigaya, who emphasized principles of teamwork and leadership, referencing John Wooden's philosophy. Participants acknowledged the importance of collaboration and self-evaluated various departmental projects. The Executive Director, Révérien Gahimbare, outlined FMV's general situation and strategy, while other members presented on specific projects, including education for refugee children and pig breeding, supported by Spirit In Action and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience-ICSC. The meeting concluded with positive remarks on the progress of FMV's projects and the dedication of the team.

Burundi Takes Steps to Decriminalize Journalism

16 Feb 2024  |  Voice of America
Burundi's government has adopted a bill to replace prison sentences for journalists with fines for ethics violations. The National Communication Council will refer cases to a judge, who determines fines. The move has been welcomed by many media workers, though some have reservations and call for the release of jailed journalists, including Floriane Irangabiye. The bill was adopted unanimously in a Cabinet meeting chaired by President Evariste Ndayishimiye. Before becoming law, it must pass through additional legislative steps.

Rwanda, a good place to live and invest

16 Jan 2024  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
Ferdinand Ndayiragije, the legal representative of the Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV), praises Rwanda's business climate and values, highlighting its suitability for living and investing. The article discusses Rwanda's reception of asylum seekers from various countries and the FMV's mission to eradicate poverty and support genocide survivors. Ndayiragije shares his personal journey and the FMV's contributions to the Great Lakes region, emphasizing peace, love, and humanitarian efforts. The piece also touches on regional tensions and the FMV's initiatives in peace education and community projects.

Truth is fundamental for constructive transitional justice

16 Dec 2023  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The 'Truth Telling, Community Dialogue and Human Rights Educational Program' organized by the Forum pour la mémoire vigilante (FMV) continues to engage Burundian refugees in Rwanda, focusing on truth, reconciliation, and human rights education. The project, funded by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, aims to address historical conflicts and trauma among refugees. Key speakers emphasized the importance of truth, national unity, and managing trauma. The workshop concluded with recommendations for further psychological support and educational initiatives. The FMV and its partners are committed to using historical lessons to address current social justice issues.

Burundi: Half of Prisoners Detained Illegally

01 Oct 2023  |  www.radiyoyacuvoa.com
Over half of the prisoners in Burundi are detained illegally, according to a report by the international human rights organization IDHB. The report highlights that many prisoners have exceeded their sentences or are held on political charges without trial. The CNIDH confirms the overcrowding and illegal detentions, urging the government to take action. The article features testimonies from human rights advocates and a judge, revealing systemic issues within Burundi's judicial system. Despite attempts to get a response from the Ministry of Justice, no comments were provided.

Rwanda: FMV and SIA pay tribute to the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994

21 Jul 2023  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
On July 21, 2023, the Rwandan organization Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) and the American NGO Spirit In Action (SIA) honored the victims of the 1994 Tutsi genocide at the Kigali Genocide Memorial. The FMV, founded by Burundian refugees, focuses on education against crimes and humanitarian assistance. SIA's Executive Director Tanya Cothran visited projects in Malawi, Burundi, and Rwanda, including FMV's pig farming initiative aimed at community recovery for refugees in Muhanga. The project, initially managed by FMV, was transferred to the refugee cooperative 'Urunani'. Cothran encouraged the cooperative's members to use the project for financial stability and expansion. The FMV will oversee the project for a year, ensuring its focus on poverty reduction through agriculture and animal husbandry.

FMV support in community recovery of refugees

17 Mar 2023  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Memoire Vigilante (FMV), in collaboration with Spirit In Action (SIA), is implementing a pig farming project in Muhanga, Rwanda, aimed at improving the livelihoods of the local refugee community. The project involves breeding pigs to create a sustainable source of income and food security for the refugees. The initiative also aims to foster social cohesion and mutual support among the community members. FMV, known for its humanitarian efforts, partners with various organizations to enhance community resilience and peace education in the Great Lakes region.

Gashora: transit center to curb African clandestine migration to Europe (podcast)

24 Feb 2023  |  Latitudes - FR
Numerous African migrants aiming to reach Europe find themselves trapped in Libya by armed groups, enduring torture, sexual violence, and inhumane conditions. To save lives, Rwanda has welcomed over 1,500 refugees and asylum seekers from Libya to the Gashora transit center since 2019, awaiting potential resettlement in Western countries. While many still dream of reaching Europe, over half have been accepted by countries like Belgium, France, Sweden, Norway, and Canada. Recently, the European Union allocated an additional €22 million for their care, with support from the UN and the African Union.

FMV satisfied with the progress of the students supported

13 May 2022  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV), in collaboration with the American NGO Spirit in Action, conducted mid-term evaluations of over thirty refugee children supported by FMV in Rwandan schools. The evaluations aimed to identify and address potential causes of school failure, strengthen relationships between teachers and parents, and ensure the children are not discriminated against. The visits revealed that the children are performing well academically, though challenges such as lack of school materials and difficult home conditions persist. Teachers noted the intelligence of the Burundian children but highlighted the need for timely provision of school materials. FMV expressed gratitude to Spirit in Action for supporting the visits, which were deemed crucial by all stakeholders.

Rwanda: comics produced in Mahama refugee camp

07 Jan 2022  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum for Vigilant Memory, with funding from the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, produced two comics titled 'Allow me to make my choice' and 'The last incident' in the Mahama refugee camp in Rwanda. These comics, created by young Burundian refugees under the supervision of Godefroid Sindayigaya, focus on inter-religious tolerance and the socio-economic and political factors behind human rights violations. The projects aim to educate the public, particularly youth, on the importance of allowing individuals to make their own religious choices and understanding the broader context of religious conflicts.

The FMV for Inter-Religious Tolerance and Active Non-Violence

06 Oct 2021  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) conducted training sessions for young refugees and religious leaders in Mahama camp, Rwanda, focusing on inter-religious tolerance and non-violence. Supported by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, the initiative aims to foster peace and understanding among different religious communities. The training coincided with the International Day of Non-Violence, emphasizing resilience and peaceful conflict resolution. Participants, including religious leaders and youth, expressed commitment to promoting peaceful coexistence and using creative arts to further these goals.

World Refugee Day: Education as focus of FMV

23 Jun 2021  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum for Vigilant Memory (FMV) emphasizes education as a key solution for refugee development, supporting over fifty children in Rwanda. FMV representatives stress the importance of education for both children and adults to foster tolerance and non-violence. Despite challenges, including insufficient funds and unmet needs, FMV remains committed to expanding its support. The article highlights the determination of young refugees to succeed academically and the gratitude of their parents. Criticism is directed at UNHCR for not covering school fees for urban refugees, while the UN's broader call for inclusion in health, education, and sport systems is noted.

FMV and BMCAC celebrate a hygienic New Year for Burundian female refugees

21 Jan 2021  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
Two NGOs, Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) and Burundi Mémoires Communes Avenir Commun (BMCAC), are distributing feminine sanitary pads to nearly one hundred Burundian refugee women and girls in Rwanda's southern province. Funded with 500,000 Rwf, the project aims to provide six months' worth of sanitary pads to help refugees maintain hygiene, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Beneficiaries expressed gratitude, highlighting the pads' quality and the relief they provide. The initiative also aims to prevent unwanted pregnancies by reducing the need for young girls to engage in risky behavior to obtain sanitary products. The activity was attended by Etienne Nibaruta, chairman of the refugee committee, who called for continued support for Burundian refugees.

Huye: More than 40 young Burundian refugees made aware of the harmful effects of juvenile delinquency

04 Dec 2020  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) and Flaming Chalice International (FCI) organized training sessions to combat juvenile delinquency among young Burundian refugees in southern Rwanda. These sessions, held in Muhanga and Huye, aimed to educate the youth on the dangers of drug use, unwanted pregnancies, and other social issues. The initiative was well-received by the community, with many praising the efforts to keep the youth engaged and responsible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key speakers emphasized the importance of good behavior and education for a better future.

FMV as a new member of the “International Coalition of Sites of Conscience” family

10 Jul 2020  |  memoirevigilante.org
The Forum pour la Memoire Vigilante (FMV) joined the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience in June 2020. The Coalition, founded in 1999, is a global network with over 275 members in 65 countries, working to connect historical memory to action. The FMV, which operates in Rwanda and focuses on memory, peace education, and genocide prevention, is one of eight members from the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The Coalition and FMV are committed to addressing transitional justice needs and fostering a peaceful future through various global initiatives.

International Day for the Destruction of Small Arms: Great Lakes Africa remains a Big Market

06 Nov 2019  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
The article discusses the International Day for the Destruction of Small Arms, highlighting the persistent issue of unregulated weapons and their impact on global security. It focuses on the Great Lakes Africa region, where conflicts in countries like the DRC, South Sudan, and Burundi are exacerbated by the proliferation of small arms. The Mechanism for the Initiative for Peace Research and Development (MI-RPD) advocates for disarmament and the destruction of these weapons. The article also covers the conviction of Congolese rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity, emphasizing the ongoing violence and the need for justice and accountability.

Bosco Ntaganda declared by the ICC guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity

05 Nov 2019  |  memoirevigilante.org
Bosco Ntaganda, a Congolese rebel leader known as 'Terminator', was found guilty by the ICC of 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ituri, DRC, during 2002-2003. The crimes included massacres, sexual violence, and recruitment of child soldiers. The trial, which began in 2015, included testimonies from 80 witnesses and experts, and the participation of 2,129 victims. Ntaganda, who surrendered to the ICC in 2013, is one of five Congolese warlords prosecuted by the court. Sentencing and reparations will be addressed in subsequent hearings.

Rwanda: Disability not inability, impaired Burundian refugees integrate into society

25 Jul 2019  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
In Huye district, Rwanda, Burundian refugees with disabilities are integrating into society by engaging in various entrepreneurial activities. Patrick Muhizi, an electrical engineer, now earns a living through a billiard game machine and accounting services. Adelphine Konji, a seamstress, has formed a cooperative and diversified into soap making and crafting. Albert runs a clothing business at the Rango market, supporting his family. These individuals emphasize overcoming physical challenges and mental resilience, advocating for others with disabilities to remain industrious.

FMV to learn from Kigali Genocide Memorial

24 Jul 2019  |  www.memoirevigilante.org
Since November 2018, the Forum pour la Mémoire Vigilante (FMV) has organized multiple visits to the Kigali Genocide Memorial in Rwanda, honoring the victims of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Led by legal representative Ferdinand Ndayiragije, these visits aim to promote peace and reconciliation, particularly among Burundian refugees. The Aegis Trust, a British NGO, partners with FMV in these efforts. Participants are deeply moved by the national reconciliation in Rwanda and commit to educating future generations about the genocide. FMV plans to continue these educational visits to foster a spirit of 'Never again.'

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