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Priyanka Shankar

Amsterdam, Netherlands
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About Priyanka
I'm an independent journalist, based in Amsterdam, with a keen interest in press freedom, human rights and podcasting. With experience in producing, reporting and presenting news for radio, television and online content using software like Avid Media Manager and Adobe Audition, I currently freelance with the magazine, Are We Europe. I was formerly at the European parliament's audio-visual team, Reuters and United Nations Radio.
Feature Stories Fact Checking
Current Affairs Fact Checking

Biden tells Democrats he will continue his fight against Trump

07 Aug 2024  |  www.hechoencalifornia1010.com
President Joe Biden reassures Democratic senators and legislators of his commitment to the presidential race against Donald Trump, emphasizing his belief in being the best candidate to defeat the former president. Despite criticism from a recent debate, Biden has engaged in extensive discussions with party leaders and voters, acknowledging their concerns. He underscores the importance of the electoral process and the decision of Democratic voters in choosing him as their candidate for the upcoming election.

Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive

‘When will our good days come?’ The Mumbai cook voting in India’s election

20 Apr 2024  |  www.aljazeera.com
Manisha Santosh Kadam, a cook in Mumbai, shares her struggles and resilience as she navigates economic hardships and government policies. Despite moving to Mumbai with high hopes, she faces challenges like unemployment, demonetization, and rising living costs. As India heads to the polls, Manisha remains skeptical of political promises, focusing instead on her dream of educating her children and securing a better future for them.

Developing cutting-edge technology for climate-sensitive agriculture

01 Apr 2024  |  Mongabay-India
Advances in agricultural technology in India are addressing challenges such as low productivity, climate resilience, and soil infertility. Researchers are developing climate-resilient seeds through gene-editing, while startups like Krishitantra and SatSure are innovating with rapid soil testing and satellite data for agricultural loans and insurance. Despite these advancements, adoption remains uneven due to factors like economic conditions, technological infrastructure, and gender gaps in technology access. Public-private partnerships and improved digital infrastructure are essential for scaling these technologies and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices.

Farming with AI and drones to increase yields, manage resources and reduce pests

01 Apr 2024  |  Mongabay-India
Farmers in India are increasingly adopting AI, IoT devices, and drones to enhance agricultural productivity, manage resources efficiently, and combat pests. Technologies like Fasal IoT and Plantix are helping farmers reduce water usage, cut production costs, and improve crop quality. Despite the benefits, technology adoption remains fragmented, necessitating greater awareness and education among farmers. Initiatives like Telangana's AI for Agriculture Innovation are showing promising results, underscoring the need for a comprehensive digital agriculture framework to support sustainable farming practices.

Technologies to decrease food loss and increase farmer incomes

01 Apr 2024  |  Mongabay-India
Advances in post-harvest agricultural technologies in India aim to reduce food loss and increase farmer incomes. Innovations such as solar-powered dehydrators, cold-storage chambers, and demand-forecasting tools are helping farmers preserve produce and streamline supply chains. Agritech startups like S4S Technologies, WayCool, and DeHaat are leading these efforts, supported by organizations like the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Experts emphasize the need for climate-resilient crop varieties, precision-farming tools, and public-private collaborations to scale these technologies and make them accessible to all farmers.

Richie Mehta on addressing the elephant in the room in ‘Poacher’

01 Mar 2024  |  Mongabay-India
Richie Mehta's multilingual crime drama series 'Poacher' is based on real-life incidents of elephant poaching in Kerala and the subsequent operation by the Kerala Forest Department, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, Wildlife Trust of India, and the police. The series, which took two years of research including meetings with wildlife crime fighters and trips to national parks, aims to bring the issue of wildlife crime to a mainstream audience. It features a strong female lead, Mala Jogi, who is a forest officer determined to catch poachers and atone for her father's past as a hunter. The series also showcases a variety of species and addresses the human-wildlife conflict, while maintaining a low impact on the environment during production.

In Modi’s constituency Varanasi, India’s next temple-mosque spat explodes

06 Feb 2024  |  Al Jazeera
In Varanasi, India, a dispute has erupted over the Gyanvapi Mosque, believed to be built on the ruins of a 16th-century Hindu temple. The local court allowed Hindus to pray in the mosque's basement, sparking controversy. The mosque committee plans to challenge the order. The case is politically significant as Varanasi is Prime Minister Narendra Modi's constituency. Critics accuse Modi's government of promoting Hindu supremacy, and the mosque's future is now in the hands of the courts. Despite tensions, Varanasi residents hope for continued social harmony.

European politicians and activists call for Israel's expulsion from Eurovision

06 Feb 2024  |  balkans.aljazeera.net
Organizers of Eurovision are under increasing pressure to exclude Israel from this year's competition due to its ongoing conflict with Gaza. Over 20 politicians, including members of the European Parliament and Spain's Podemos party, have written to the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) arguing that Israel's participation rewards a regime accused of ethnic cleansing and war crimes. The EBU has previously banned Russia from the competition following its invasion of Ukraine. Musicians and activists from Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Ireland have also called for Israel's exclusion. Some Eurovision fans have threatened to boycott the event if Israel is allowed to participate.

Why has Belgium vowed to back the ICJ’s verdict on Gaza ‘genocide’?

23 Jan 2024  |  www.aljazeera.com
Belgium has expressed support for the International Court of Justice's upcoming decision on South Africa's genocide case against Israel, diverging from other EU nations like Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic, which have rejected the claims. Belgium's stance, influenced by its history and commitment to international law, includes a financial contribution to the ICC for investigating potential war crimes in Israel and Gaza. The Belgian government's position reflects a broader European view that Israel has a right to self-defense, but criticism has grown as the Palestinian death toll increases. Belgium's role is further highlighted by its current presidency of the Council of the European Union, requiring a balance between its own views and those of pro-Israeli EU countries. With elections approaching in June, Belgium's foreign policy focus on fighting impunity and promoting accountability is expected to continue regardless of government composition.

India’s stateless babies: How lawless asylum rules leave refugees in limbo

05 Jan 2024  |  www.aljazeera.com
The article highlights the plight of stateless babies born to Myanmar refugees in India's Mizoram state, emphasizing the lack of a national refugee law and India's non-signatory status to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention. It details the struggles of refugees like Jamie and Ruati, who face significant challenges due to the absence of official refugee status and the resulting lack of access to essential services. The article criticizes the Indian government's discriminatory policies, particularly against Muslim refugees, and underscores the need for comprehensive refugee legislation. It also discusses the historical context of India's refugee policies and the ongoing debates within the country's legal and human rights communities.

With Europe’s help, a Libyan brigade accused of killings returns refugees

11 Dec 2023  |  aljazeera.com
A Libyan armed group, Tareq Bin Zayed (TBZ), allegedly linked to Russia's Wagner Group and accused of human rights abuses, has been forcibly returning refugees to Libya with European assistance. Investigations by Al Jazeera and partners reveal that TBZ has been using GPS coordinates from Europe's border agency Frontex to intercept refugees in European waters, a practice that is illegal under international law. Despite awareness of TBZ's actions and ties to renegade general Khalifa Haftar, European institutions have not intervened. Malta is implicated in directly aiding TBZ, with evidence of a Maltese air force pilot providing coordinates to the militia. Refugees report torture, beatings, shootings, and extortion by TBZ members.

Malta welcomes foreign workers to fill labour shortage, but repels refugees

04 Dec 2023  |  aljazeera.com
Malta has become a hub for migrants, particularly from South and Southeast Asia, to fill labor shortages in sectors like hospitality, healthcare, and services. Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat's policies have facilitated this influx, aiming to replicate Dubai's migrant worker recruitment system. However, Malta has been criticized for its treatment of refugees, with accusations of illegal pushbacks at sea. Rights groups and independent researchers highlight the disparity in treatment between contracted migrants and refugees, with the former often exploited by recruitment agencies and the latter facing harsh government measures. The Maltese government is drafting new rules for recruitment agencies, but human rights organizations argue for more stringent legislation to protect migrant workers. The situation reflects a broader European trend of welcoming foreign labor while adopting hostile policies towards undocumented migrants.

Can Elon Musk’s Starlink provide internet service to Gaza?

29 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
A social media campaign urges Elon Musk to provide Starlink internet to Gaza amid a communications blackout. While Musk expresses willingness to support aid organizations, experts highlight significant logistical and political challenges, including Israeli control and potential misuse by Hamas. Historical context includes Starlink's use in Ukraine, with mixed outcomes. Efforts to restore communication in Gaza include eSIM campaigns and Vodafone Egypt's mobile stations. The feasibility and safety of Starlink in Gaza remain uncertain, with international aid organizations seeking solutions.

Israel-Hamas war updates: ‘Long and difficult’ fight as Israel pummels Gaza

28 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Updates from the Israel-Gaza war on October 28, 2023, highlight a 'long and difficult' fight as Israeli bombings intensify and Gaza experiences significant destruction and power outages. The conflict continues to escalate with severe impacts on both sides.

Are social media giants censoring pro-Palestine voices amid Israel’s war?

24 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
The article discusses accusations against major social media platforms, including Meta, TikTok, and YouTube, for allegedly censoring pro-Palestine content amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. Various individuals, including activists, journalists, and civil rights groups, report reduced engagement and content takedowns, which they attribute to shadowbanning. Meta and other platforms deny these claims, attributing issues to bugs or policy enforcement. Civil rights organizations and digital rights advocates call for transparency and respect for Palestinian digital rights, emphasizing the importance of free information flow during crises.

EU’s Palestine envoy: Bloc lacks sympathy for victims of Israel’s bombing

19 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Abdalrahim Alfarra, head of the Palestinian Mission to the EU, criticizes the European Union for its lack of sympathy towards Palestinian victims of Israeli bombings, particularly following the deadly explosion at al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza. He highlights the EU's silence and perceived bias, contrasting it with their support for Israeli victims. Alfarra calls for increased humanitarian aid and pressure on Israel to allow aid into Gaza. He also expresses concern over the influence of Israeli propaganda and its impact on Western perceptions and actions.

Friendly businesses roll on despite politics

14 Oct 2023  |  www.dw.com
In Poland, businesses such as Dwa Borsuki and Kubota continue to support the LGBTQ community despite the anti-LGBTQ stance of the ruling Law and Justice party. The 'pink economy' in Poland, valued at nearly €36 billion, is an incentive for companies to cater to LGBTQ consumers. With the upcoming elections, the potential impact of the LGBTQ vote is highlighted, and businesses express their intention to support the community regardless of political developments.

Israel-Hamas war updates: Israeli water supply move a ‘distraction’

14 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Israel continues its relentless bombing of Gaza and is planning a ground offensive.

Israeli flags adorn EU buildings after Hamas attacks. Is the bloc united?

11 Oct 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Following Hamas's unprecedented attacks in Israel, several EU buildings, including the Brandenburg Gate and the Eiffel Tower, displayed Israeli flags in solidarity. The European Commission and Parliament also hoisted Israeli flags, sparking debates within the EU. Critics argue that these gestures do not represent all European citizens and highlight the complex and divisive nature of the EU's stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The EU's foreign policy chief emphasized the need to focus on the grave situation in the Middle East and continue supporting the Palestinian Authority. The article reflects mixed sentiments towards the EU's actions and the broader geopolitical implications.

EU Seeks To Project United Approach Towards China Ahead Of High-level Brussels Meetings

01 Oct 2023  |  www.everand.com
The European Union aims to present a united front in its approach to China during a two-day summit in Brussels, despite internal divisions. EU Council President Charles Michel emphasized the need for a cohesive stance on China, while a leaked draft statement highlighted the bloc's intent to 'de-risk and diversify' economic relations without harming China. However, concerns persist among member states about national security and the pace of these measures. The article also touches on China's stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its actions in the Taiwan Strait, which have caused friction within the EU. Human rights issues in Tibet and Xinjiang are also a point of contention, with calls for a strategic approach to challenge Chinese policies.

China and EU to hold high-level trade talks this week

01 Oct 2023  |  South China Morning Post
China and the European Union are set to hold high-level trade talks amid a backdrop of the war in Europe and global economic uncertainties. Analysts suggest that China's slow response to setting a date for the talks reflects its adjustment to a new relationship with the EU, where contentious issues are frequently raised. The China Chamber of Commerce to the European Union is optimistic about the talks, hoping they will address concerns about the EU's restrictive investment environment. However, analysts do not expect any new deals to emerge, as China continues to push old strategies and the EU remains unlikely to ratify the comprehensive agreement on investments.

Lampedusa: "An operational crisis, not a migration crisis"

18 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
Thousands of migrants, including Abubakar and Farde Sheriff from Sierra Leone, have arrived in Lampedusa, overwhelming the island's capacity to manage the influx. The local mayor declared a state of emergency, while the Organization for Migration (OIM) emphasized that the issue is operational rather than migratory. The Italian government is criticized for not preparing adequately. Local residents, like Antonello di Malta and his mother, have stepped in to provide humanitarian aid, highlighting the community's compassionate response.

Migrants on Lampedusa: Italy, EU announce action plan

17 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
In response to the arrival of over 7,000 migrants on the Italian island of Lampedusa, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a 10-point action plan to address the crisis. The plan includes deploying the European Union Asylum Agency and the European Border and Coast Guard to manage new arrivals. Local authorities declared a state of emergency as the main migrant reception center, with a capacity of 400, struggled to accommodate the influx. The European Commission emphasized that migration is a European challenge requiring a collective solution. Despite the announced measures, some locals expressed frustration over the handling of the situation, while others showed empathy and willingness to help the migrants.

Lampedusa: "A crisis for the island, not for Italy"

16 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
The Mediterranean island of Lampedusa is facing a significant influx of migrants, overwhelming its capacity to manage the situation. With over 7,000 refugees arriving in a week, the island's facilities, designed for 400 people, are stretched thin. Local authorities have declared a state of emergency, and the Italian government, led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, is considering extraordinary measures, including a European mission to stop migrant boats. The UN Organization for Migration emphasizes that this is an organizational issue for Lampedusa rather than a national crisis for Italy. The EU-Tunisia agreement aimed at curbing irregular migration has not yet delivered the promised financial support, exacerbating the situation. Local residents show compassion by providing food and assistance to the migrants, highlighting the humanitarian aspect of the crisis.

Lampedusa: 'Operational emergency,' not 'migration crisis'

15 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
Thousands of migrants have arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa, leading to an 'operational emergency' rather than a 'migration crisis' for Italy. The influx has overwhelmed local facilities, prompting calls for immediate action from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and highlighting the need for better preparation and support from the European Union. The situation has been exacerbated by a recent EU-Tunisia deal aimed at curbing irregular migration, which has yet to disburse promised funds. Local residents and authorities are struggling to manage the humanitarian needs, while broader European solidarity remains limited.

Russia-Ukraine war updates: Kyiv says Russian targets damaged in Crimea

13 Sep 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Updates on the Russia-Ukraine war indicate that Kyiv has reported damage to Russian targets in Crimea. The blog provides a factual account of the events on Wednesday, September 13.

Modi’s plan to change India’s name to Bharat ‘absurd’: Rahul Gandhi

11 Sep 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
India's opposition leader Rahul Gandhi criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi's proposal to rename India as Bharat, calling it an absurd diversionary tactic. Gandhi, during his five-day trip to Europe, discussed the issue with Al Jazeera in Brussels, alongside concerns about crony capitalism and the government's favoritism towards industrialists like Gautam Adani. He also addressed the formation of an opposition alliance named INDIA, the challenges to India's democracy, and the country's stance on the war in Ukraine. Gandhi's visit to Europe includes meetings with EU lawmakers and discussions on EU-India relations, democracy, and ethnic tensions in India.

Why is Poland no longer sending arms to Ukraine?

09 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced that Poland will focus on rebuilding its own weapon stocks and halt the transfer of weapons to Ukraine. This decision comes amid a grain import ban imposed by Poland to protect local farmers, which has strained relations with Ukraine. Despite the halt, Poland will fulfill current commitments to Ukraine. The dispute has led to diplomatic tensions, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticizing European countries for indirectly supporting Russia. Analysts suggest that Poland's decision is influenced by the need to replenish its arsenal and the upcoming general election. Poland remains a key transit country for Western military aid to Ukraine, and the EU's support for Ukraine is stated to remain firm.

Migrants on Lampedusa: Italy, EU announce action plan

01 Sep 2023  |  www.dw.com
Over 7,000 migrants have arrived in Lampedusa, Italy, from Tunisia, overwhelming the local reception center. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited the island to assess the situation. The European Commission announced a 10-point action plan, involving the deployment of EUAA and Frontex to manage new arrivals and negotiations with migrants' countries of origin. The EU's deal with Tunisia to curb migration is still in progress. Locals have mixed feelings, with some providing aid to migrants while others protest the government's handling of the crisis. Meloni plans to discuss the situation at the European Council meeting.

Russia-Ukraine updates: US unveils new $250m military package for Ukraine

29 Aug 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
The United States has announced a new $250 million military aid package for Ukraine, which includes additional mine clearing equipment, missiles for air defense, artillery ammunition, high bar systems, and over three million rounds of small arms ammunition. This development is part of ongoing support for Ukraine amidst its conflict with Russia.

US-Iran relations: Why did the prisoner exchange deal happen now?

26 Aug 2023  |  aljazeera.com
The United States and Iran agreed to a prisoner swap deal after two years of negotiations, which will release five US-Iranian citizens in exchange for Iranians jailed in the US and access to $6bn in frozen Iranian funds in South Korea. The deal has been met with mixed reactions, with some accusing the US of giving into Iranian 'blackmail' and others highlighting the humanitarian and strategic benefits. The deal does not change the US's overall approach towards Iran, which includes continued pressure and diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and addressing human rights abuses and regional destabilization. The direct negotiations for the prisoner exchange are seen as significant, though experts doubt it will lead to a normalization of US-Iran relations.

What impact will the EU's Digital Services Act have?

25 Aug 2023  |  dw.com
The EU Digital Services Act (DSA), effective from August 25, introduces new rules for tech giants to moderate illegal content and protect users' rights online. The EU has identified 19 'very large' digital platforms, including Meta, Google, and Amazon, which must comply with the DSA or face fines and bans. The legislation aims to make the digital sphere safer and more transparent, with provisions for user privacy and content moderation. Some platforms like Zalando have contested their inclusion, while others like TikTok have taken steps to align with the new regulations. The DSA is seen as a trailblazer, with global implications for online platform regulation.

Russia-Ukraine war updates: ‘Three killed’ in region bordering Poland

15 Aug 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Updates on the Russia-Ukraine war indicate that three people were killed in a region bordering Poland. The blog covering these updates has been closed.

Russia-Ukraine updates: Moscow warns of retaliation after attacks

24 Jul 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
The blog provided updates on the Russia-Ukraine war, highlighting Moscow's warning of retaliation following attacks, including an ammunition depot hit in Crimea.

NATO didn’t ‘create incentive’ for Putin to stop Ukraine war

12 Jul 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
NATO's recent summit in Vilnius resulted in significant decisions, including backing Sweden's membership and pledging security guarantees for Ukraine, but stopped short of inviting Ukraine to join the alliance. The declaration reaffirmed support for Ukraine but remained vague on membership timelines, causing mixed reactions from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. NATO and G7 nations pledged new defense packages for Ukraine, while Russia criticized these moves and warned of security risks. Turkey agreed to Sweden's NATO membership in exchange for EU membership talks, reflecting a transactional approach. The summit highlighted ongoing geopolitical tensions involving NATO, Russia, and China.

NATO membership of Ukraine, Sweden in focus at Vilnius summit

10 Jul 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
NATO leaders are convening in Vilnius to discuss Ukraine's potential membership and Sweden's stalled accession. The summit aims to strengthen support for Ukraine amid ongoing conflict with Russia, with NATO members divided on offering full membership to Kyiv. The US and Germany express caution, while Baltic states push for faster integration. Sweden's membership faces opposition from Turkey over security concerns, with negotiations ongoing. The summit also addresses NATO's stance on China, emphasizing information exchange rather than military expansion in Asia.

Hawala, the ancient banking system that pays for the journey to Europe

29 Jun 2023  |  voxeurop.eu
Zanyar, a young man from Iraq, lost his life attempting to reach the UK, highlighting the perilous and costly nature of clandestine migration routes. The article explores the role of hawala, an ancient informal banking system, in facilitating these journeys amidst tightening migration policies. The investigation reveals how migrants, driven by geopolitical instability and lack of opportunities, rely on hawala to mitigate the risk of fraud while navigating dangerous paths to Europe.

Hawala: the ancestral payment system preferred by smugglers

29 Jun 2023  |  voxeurop.eu
Zanyar's dream of living far from his hometown in Iraq cost his family €11,000 and his father's land, ultimately leading to his death. Between 2020 and 2021, over 56,000 people from Iraqi Kurdistan left due to geopolitical instability and lack of opportunities. Zanyar, who aimed to settle in the UK as a barber, died of hypothermia in the English Channel. The absence of legal migration routes has led to the rise of criminal smuggling networks and the use of the hawala system, an ancient informal payment method based on mutual trust, to facilitate these perilous journeys.

China in focus as EU leaders prepare for key summit

28 Jun 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
EU leaders are set to meet in Brussels to discuss their China strategy amid ongoing geopolitical tensions. The EU's stance on China has hardened due to issues like the coronavirus pandemic, China's rise as a tech and economic power, and its alliance with Russia. Divergences persist among EU member states on how to approach China, with some prioritizing economic security and others focusing on geopolitical risks. The EU aims to 'de-risk' rather than 'decouple' from China, balancing economic ties with security concerns. Human rights and Taiwan remain contentious issues, with varying stances among member states. The EU's relationship with the US also influences its China policy.

Ukraine war updates: Deadly missile attack in Kramatorsk city

27 Jun 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Updates on the Russia-Ukraine war for Tuesday, June 27, include a deadly missile attack in Kramatorsk city. The blog has now closed.

Environmental economics: Economic valuation of ecosystem services

23 Jun 2023  |  Mongabay-India
Mongabay-India, in collaboration with the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), is conducting a series of workshops titled 'Environmental Economics for Journalists' to bridge the gap between economics and environmental journalism. The second workshop, 'Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Internalising Values in Policy, Institutional and Market Interventions', is scheduled for July 19, 2023. It will cover topics such as Net Present Value, gross ecosystem product, and tiger habitat valuation. Madhu Verma, Senior Economic Adviser at Iora Ecological Solutions, New Delhi, will be the speaker. The workshops are aimed at journalists and copy editors from South Asia with at least four years of experience and a basic understanding of the region's environmental issues.

Drug trafficking increases in Europe, report finds

16 Jun 2023  |  www.dw.com
The supply of illicit drugs within the European Union remains high, challenging narcotics regulation and health policies, according to a report by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). The report highlights significant increases in drug seizures, including cocaine, cannabis, and methamphetamine, and notes the growing role of Europe in drug production, export, and transit. The rise in drug trafficking has also led to increased drug-related violence, with notable incidents in Antwerp and Rotterdam. The report underscores the need for EU cooperation with third countries to combat drug trafficking and calls for enhanced forensic and toxicological information to understand drug market trends and health implications. The EU is reformulating its drug policies, with some countries introducing new regulations for cannabis supply and the establishment of a new agency to monitor drug use and develop health and safety assessments.

European Commissioner: Ukraine 'on track' to EU membership

06 Jun 2023  |  www.dw.com
Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia's aspirations to join the European Union advanced, with EU ministers discussing their membership prospects. Ukraine and Moldova have been granted EU candidacy status, while Georgia must still implement reforms. EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi reported Ukraine's progress, meeting two of seven conditions for membership, including judicial reforms and media legislation. Moldova has also made progress, but faces challenges with the Transnistria region. Georgia has more work to fulfill recommendations. The EU's enlargement is seen as a counter to Russia, with Putin increasingly viewing EU membership as a threat. The EU will formally assess the enlargement report in October.

Is the OSCE's future in crisis?

06 Jun 2023  |  www.dw.com
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) faces a potential crisis as Russia and Belarus block Estonia's bid for the 2024 chairmanship, raising concerns about the organization's future. Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto warns of a possible collapse if no consensus is reached. The OSCE, comprising 57 members, has been hindered by Russia's actions, including blocking decisions and fieldwork in Ukraine. The EU supports the OSCE's role in maintaining peace and security, but the organization's effectiveness is questioned amid geopolitical tensions. The next six months are crucial for determining the OSCE's direction.

Survivors call for effective EU law to tackle child sex abuse

24 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Survivors of child sex abuse, including Mié Kohiyama and Rhiannon-Faye McDonald, are advocating for the European Union to implement effective laws to tackle child sex abuse both online and offline. The proposed EU law aims to improve investigations and support for victims, but faces opposition from tech companies and privacy advocates. The article highlights the need for societal change, better support systems, and the abolition of the statute of limitations to ensure justice and protection for victims.

Ukraine updates: ‘20,000’ Wagner fighters killed in Bakhmut

24 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Updates on the Russia-Ukraine war indicate that approximately 20,000 Wagner Group fighters have been killed in Bakhmut. The blog provides a factual account of the ongoing conflict.

Ukraine updates: Kyiv says Russian shelling kills four in Donetsk

15 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Kyiv reports that Russian shelling has resulted in the deaths of four individuals in Donetsk. This update is part of the ongoing coverage of the Russia-Ukraine war.

What Turkey’s elections mean for Sweden’s NATO membership

12 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Turkey's upcoming elections will influence Sweden's NATO membership, which has been stalled due to Turkey's security concerns and demands. While Finland's membership has been ratified, Sweden's application remains pending. The elections will determine Turkey's stance, with both leading candidates expected to eventually ratify Sweden's membership. The article discusses the political dynamics, including Erdogan's nationalist appeal and opposition candidate Kilicdaroglu's pro-EU stance. The outcome will also impact Hungary's position, which has followed Turkey's lead. Experts suggest that regardless of the election result, Sweden's NATO membership will likely be ratified.

Ukraine updates: Russia targets C Asians to serve in war – UK

08 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Russia is reportedly targeting Central Asians to serve in the war against Ukraine, according to UK sources. The conflict continues with new waves of attacks launched by Moscow on Kyiv.

EU due diligence rules could test trade ties with ASEAN

05 May 2023  |  dw.com
The European Parliament is voting on the Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), targeting large EU and non-EU companies to prevent environmental degradation and human rights abuses in their value chains. Prompted by the Rana Plaza disaster, the law could impose sanctions and allow victims to sue for corporate abuse. Rights groups and environmentalists support the directive, though it may challenge ASEAN trade relations, especially with the Philippines where Dutch companies' activities have caused environmental damage. EU businesses express concerns about the directive's impact on them. The legislation aims to enforce corporate responsibility and is expected to come into force in 2024.

Russia-Ukraine updates: ‘Explosive device’ derails train

02 May 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
The live blog provided updates on the Russia-Ukraine war, including an incident where an 'explosive device' derailed a train. The Kremlin rejected the US assessment on war losses.

Finland, having cleared last NATO hurdle, heads to elections

01 Apr 2023  |  www.aljazeera.com
Finland is set to join NATO following Turkey's ratification, as the country heads to elections to form a new government. Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Social Democratic Party faces competition from the National Coalition Party and the Finns Party. The election will determine the next government, which must form a coalition to secure a majority. Key issues include NATO membership, inflation, climate change, and immigration. Marin's popularity remains strong despite personal controversies, and public opinion largely supports NATO membership due to security concerns stemming from Russia's actions in Ukraine.

EU urged to act as products end up in Myanmar despite ‘everything but arms’ sanctions

30 Jan 2023  |  South China Morning Post
The European Union is facing calls to take action as products from European companies are ending up in Myanmar despite sanctions aimed at preventing the military junta from obtaining arms and equipment for internal repression. SAC-M coordinator Isabelle Todd highlighted the complexity of supply chains and the need for companies to track their products to avoid human rights violations. The EU has imposed various sanctions and an embargo on Myanmar following the coup, but has maintained trade privileges to avoid harming the poorest workers. Activists and NGOs urge for more decisive international measures, including a global arms embargo and recognition of the National Unity Government of Myanmar.

Netherlands set to formally apologise for 250 years of slavery

Why does India still use and trade asbestos?

12 Dec 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
Despite the known health risks and bans in 70 countries, India continues to trade in asbestos, particularly chrysotile, used in roofing. In 2019-2020, India imported over 361,000 tonnes, mostly from Russia, and exported 1,001 tonnes, mainly to Bangladesh. Critics argue that commercial interests are prioritized over public welfare, and there is a 'lewd relationship' between the government and asbestos manufacturers. A controversial study co-sponsored by an industry association claimed asbestos is not harmful, contradicting international consensus. The Indian government is aware of the risks but influenced by the industry's profitability. Global rulings have supported asbestos bans, but Indian trade lobbies resist, claiming health concerns are distorted. Public awareness and education are seen as crucial in reducing demand for asbestos.

Russian oil price cap: Five things you need to know

05 Dec 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The G7 and the EU have implemented a price cap and ban on Russian seaborne oil to reduce Russia's war financing capabilities in Ukraine. The EU's ban covers a significant portion of its Russian oil imports, with some temporary exemptions for countries heavily reliant on Russian pipeline oil. The embargo and price cap are expected to affect the EU's oil market, global oil prices, and Russia's oil exports. The EU has prepared by seeking alternative oil supplies, while Russia has options to retaliate. Non-EU countries like India and China may negotiate with Russia, and OPEC+ has decided to continue reducing oil production. The sanctions aim to penalize Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

Ex-NATO chief says Russian army disorganised, using old weapons

02 Dec 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
Ten months into Russia's war in Ukraine, former NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen discusses NATO's increased relevance and unity in supporting Ukraine. He emphasizes the need for continued military aid to Ukraine, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile equipment, to counter the disorganised Russian military. Rasmussen also addresses NATO membership for Ukraine, the challenges faced by Finland and Sweden in joining NATO, and the importance of not repeating past mistakes in dealing with Russia. He advocates for strong support for Ukraine to ensure a favorable position in any future negotiations with Russia.

Belgium’s 2016 suicide bombings trial: Five things to know

01 Dec 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The trial for the 2016 Brussels suicide bombings, claimed by ISIL (ISIS), is set to begin, marking Belgium's largest criminal trial. The attacks killed 32 and injured over 300. Ten men are accused, with links to the 2015 Paris attacks. The trial faced delays due to human rights concerns over glass boxes for defendants. Victims seek closure and government support, with some criticizing the trial's focus on the accused over the victims. The trial's onset is seen as a step against radicalization, with a public jury selected. The case highlights the need for better integration initiatives to prevent radicalization.

Europe has labelled Russia a state sponsor of terror. What next?

24 Nov 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The European Parliament has declared Russia a state sponsor of terrorism, citing atrocities in Ukraine and violations of international laws. This symbolic move, welcomed by Ukrainian officials, aims to pressure EU member states to take a stronger stance against Russia. The declaration also calls for the inclusion of Russian paramilitary groups on the EU's terror list. Despite the lack of immediate legal consequences, the decision could influence future legal structures and international isolation of Russia. The Kremlin responded angrily, and the European Parliament's website faced a cyberattack. The vote revealed political divides within the EU, with right-wing blocs opposing the declaration. The article discusses the potential implications for EU-Russia relations and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Women call for tougher EU stance on Poland’s abortion laws

18 Nov 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The article discusses the call for a tougher EU stance on Poland's stringent abortion laws, highlighting the tragic case of Izabela Sajbor, who died due to the restrictive legislation. It covers the widespread protests in Poland, the impact on women's reproductive rights, and the involvement of various stakeholders, including the European Union and advocacy organizations. The article also touches on the challenges faced by Ukrainian refugee women in Poland and emphasizes the importance of protecting women's rights to protest.

NATO faces new challenge as Ukraine war spills into Poland

17 Nov 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
A missile exploded in a Polish village near the Ukrainian border, killing two people, which initially raised concerns of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia. Polish President Andrzej Duda initially suggested the missile was Russian-made, but later, along with NATO and Western nations, attributed it to a Ukrainian air defense missile, while still holding Russia responsible as the aggressor in the ongoing war. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and other analysts emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine and strengthening NATO's eastern flank. The incident highlighted the risks of spillover from the conflict in Ukraine into NATO territory and the challenges of air defense in the region.

Dutch judges to deliver MH17 trial verdicts: Five things to know

16 Nov 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
On July 17, 2014, flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine's Donetsk region, killing all 298 people on board. The Dutch court is set to deliver a verdict on four accused individuals: Leonid Kharchenko, Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, and Oleg Pulatov. The trial, which began in March 2020, is significant as it will provide an independent judgment on the incident. The accused have been tried in absentia, with the exception of Pulatov, who is represented by lawyers. Prosecutors have demanded life sentences and the verdict could lead to arrests if the whereabouts of the accused are confirmed. The victims' families seek justice and accountability, with potential compensation being announced. The trial underscores the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the importance of legal cooperation among nations in the pursuit of truth and justice.

EU launches military training mission for Ukraine’s armed forces

15 Nov 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The European Union has initiated a military assistance mission to train up to 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers in response to Ukraine's request for support, following over eight months of Russian invasion. The mission, operational within three months, will be led by Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean and funded with 16 million euros from the European Peace Facility. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and geopolitics director Harry Nedelcu of Rasmussen Global acknowledged the mission's value, despite some EU member states' under-delivery of arms. Germany's defence minister Christine Lambrecht announced training for 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers in Germany and the establishment of a repair centre in Slovakia. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell emphasized the need for the EU to consider its own arms stock and defence capabilities, with joint procurement of arms being a potential challenge due to varying contributions to Ukraine and the need to replenish depleted stocks, as exemplified by Poland's purchase of K2 tanks from South Korea.

EU response to energy crisis looms amid rising oil, gas prices

19 Oct 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
EU leaders are meeting in Brussels to address the energy crisis exacerbated by COVID-19 lockdowns and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The crisis has led to soaring energy prices and protests across the EU. Some member states support a gas price cap, while others oppose it. The European Commission has proposed a 40 billion euro fund to limit excessive prices and called for joint gas purchases. Environmental groups are concerned about the impact of the crisis solutions on the environment. The EU is also considering a transition to renewable energy sources, as exemplified by Greece's recent use of solar and wind energy.

Lithuanians remain calm, but prepare for potential conflict

14 Oct 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
Residents of Vištytis, Lithuania, near the heavily militarized Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, live a tranquil life despite their proximity to the strategic Suwałki Gap, considered geopolitically sensitive since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Locals, accustomed to the presence of Russian border guards and recalling Soviet times, dismiss claims of imminent danger as fear-mongering. Following the conflict in Ukraine, Lithuania has reinforced its military readiness, reintroduced conscription, and prepared civilians with shelter maps and safety measures. While some residents have taken personal precautions, the general sentiment is one of resilience and skepticism towards the likelihood of conflict, with a belief in NATO support if needed.

Nato chief, challenged on the need to confront China, cites its military build-up and rights record

14 Jul 2022  |  South China Morning Post
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, responding to challenges on the need to confront China, cited China's military build-up and human rights record as reasons that cannot be ignored. He highlighted China's assertive behavior in the South China Sea and its strategic partnership with Moscow as threats to NATO interests. The NATO 'strategic concept' document adopted at the Madrid summit addresses these challenges. Stoltenberg emphasized the importance of EU-NATO cooperation and mentioned a new joint declaration being prepared. German MEP Reinhard Buetikofer welcomed NATO's stance and inquired about stringent export controls on China. China's Wang Lutong expressed on Twitter a desire for constructive engagement with Europe. Despite being the EU's top trading partner, China's close ties with Russia complicate EU-China trade and security talks. Analyst Noah Barkin noted a consensus within the EU for a more 'clear-eyed approach' to China, despite differences in how to reshape the relationship.

EU Parliament condemns arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen, 4 other Hong Kong democracy activists

14 Jul 2022  |  South China Morning Post
The European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen and four other trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund in Hong Kong, viewing it as an attack on freedoms guaranteed by the Hong Kong Basic Law. The resolution calls for the charges to be dropped and for the 612 fund to resume operations. The arrests, seen as part of a broader crackdown by Hong Kong's Chief Executive John Lee and Beijing, have drawn condemnation from the EU, the US, and the Vatican. The resolution also urges the repeal of Hong Kong's national security law and calls for increased support for Hong Kong activists.

China firms warn EU foreign subsidy rule could hit investor confidence

11 Jul 2022  |  South China Morning Post
The European Union's new foreign subsidy regulation, effective from 2023, aims to ensure a level playing field by investigating subsidies from non-EU countries and imposing fines for non-disclosure. The regulation, welcomed by EU officials, targets unfair competition, particularly from Chinese state-backed companies. The China Chamber of Commerce to the EU expressed concerns about the administrative burden and potential negative impact on Chinese businesses. Despite these challenges, Chinese investments in the EU, especially greenfield investments, have been increasing. Analysts suggest that while the regulation may complicate investment processes, it is unlikely to significantly deter Chinese companies from operating in Europe.

EU seeks to boost ties with India as relations with China cool

01 Jul 2022  |  South China Morning Post
EU-India trade talks, previously stalled in 2013, are gaining momentum as the EU seeks to strengthen ties with India amidst cooling relations with China. Experts like Garima Mohan from the German Marshall Fund and Vivek Mishra from the Observer Research Foundation highlight the maturity of EU-India relations and India's potential as a market and democratic anchor in the Indo-Pacific. The EU's prioritization of India is evident despite India's neutral stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Trade analysts note the geostrategic need for the West to keep India onside. European businesses, particularly in Germany, are looking to diversify supply chains post-pandemic, with India being a key focus.

Nato leaders say China is a ‘systemic challenge to Euro-Atlantic security’

30 Jun 2022  |  South China Morning Post
NATO leaders have identified China as a systemic challenge to Euro-Atlantic security, citing its strategic partnership with Russia and its global ambitions. The new strategic concept adopted at the NATO Summit in Madrid highlights concerns over China's political, economic, and military activities, including cyber operations and control over critical sectors. Chinese officials refuted these claims, emphasizing NATO's past actions and warning against its involvement in the Asia-Pacific. The summit also saw participation from leaders of Australia, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand, reflecting a growing concern over China's influence in the region. The document underscores the need for cooperation with China while maintaining security interests.

Nato poised to harden position on China as support for Russia deepens distrust

24 Jun 2022  |  South China Morning Post
Nato is expected to adopt a tougher stance on China due to its deepening support for Russia, as stated by Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg. While some European leaders, like French President Emmanuel Macron, have previously downplayed the need to focus on China, the current geopolitical climate has shifted perspectives. China’s failure to condemn Russia and potential support in cyber and arms domains are seen as threats by Nato members. The upcoming summit will also address Asia-Pacific security, with partner nations like Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea participating. South Korea aims to discuss North Korea’s nuclear program, highlighting the broader security concerns in the region.

Why are some nations neutral on the Russia-Ukraine war?

23 Jun 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
European Union officials are meeting in Brussels to grant EU candidacy status to Ukraine and boost support for Kyiv amid the conflict with Russia. Despite global lobbying efforts, nations like India and members of the African Union remain neutral, citing concerns over Eurocentrism and the global food crisis exacerbated by sanctions on Russia. Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar criticized Europe's selective attention to global issues, while African Union President Macky Sall highlighted the impact of sanctions on grain and fertilizer imports. The EU has pledged significant financial aid to address food insecurity in affected regions. Analysts suggest that countries outside the transatlantic alliance prioritize their interests over aligning with Western positions, emphasizing the need for the EU to counter Russia's narrative more effectively.

Divisions over EU policy persist as top leaders visit Ukraine

16 Jun 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
The European Union has provided significant support to Ukraine since the war began, including military aid, humanitarian assistance, and sanctions against Russia. However, internal divisions persist, particularly regarding weapons delivery and Ukraine's EU candidacy. French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi are visiting Kyiv to discuss these issues with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The visit comes ahead of a crucial EU summit that will address Ukraine's membership status. The leaders' trip also has domestic political implications, reflecting their need to demonstrate leadership and solidarity within the EU.

China-Germany economic ties shift with Xinjiang allegations, zero Covid and supply chain issues

09 Jun 2022  |  South China Morning Post
Germany is actively working to diversify its economy and reduce dependency on China amid issues such as Xinjiang human rights allegations and supply chain disruptions caused by China's zero-Covid policy. Despite political differences and a shift in perception of China from a trading partner to a strategic competitor, Germany and China are set to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties. German industry is affected by lockdowns in China, with European businesses struggling to access raw materials and retain staff. The European Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and Germany's Institute for Economic Research highlight the significant impact of China's policies on trade. The EU is discussing the need to diversify supply chains, while German businesses and analysts express concerns over reliance on the Chinese market.

Months into the Ukraine war, has Germany’s position changed?

05 May 2022  |  www.aljazeera.com
Germany's foreign, trade, and security policy has been scrutinized for its soft stance towards Russia during the Ukraine war. Criticism targets the SPD's historical dealings with Russia and former Chancellor Schröder's personal ties to Russian firms. Despite trade increases with Russia in early 2022, Germany has imposed sanctions and supported an EU ban on Russian oil. Chancellor Scholz's refusal to visit Kyiv and the snubbing of President Steinmeier by Ukraine have sparked controversy. Germany has shifted its policy by supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, with Scholz defending the decision against domestic criticism.

From refugee to rescuer, one Syrian woman faces Europe's hostility to migrants

17 Nov 2021  |  Middle East Eye
Sarah Mardini, a Syrian refugee who gained asylum in Germany, faces trial in Greece for her humanitarian work aiding asylum seekers. Alongside fellow volunteer Sean Binder, she is accused of espionage, money laundering, and human trafficking, charges they both deny. The case highlights the broader European divide over the treatment of refugees and those who assist them. Despite the legal challenges, Mardini remains resilient and continues to advocate for refugee rights. Her story, along with her sister Yusra's, has inspired a Netflix documentary set to release next year.

Breaking International News & Views

03 Jun 2019  |  Reuters
The article discusses the Biden administration's response to the increasing number of civilian deaths in southern Gaza due to Israel's military offensive. The U.S. government is exerting diplomatic pressure on Israel to reduce civilian casualties. However, the administration is not taking stronger actions that could compel Israel to change its approach, such as the possibility of restricting military aid to Israel.

This is the story of the men who search for gold from the Gutters of Mumbai in India

This is the story of a a Finnish writer and feminist who is challenging the country’s norms around skin colour and representation.

The Real Krewes of Mardi Gras: Culture, Costumes, and Community

08 Feb 2017  |  the-inkline.com
The article by Priyanka Shankar delves into the cultural significance of the Mardi Gras Indians in New Orleans, focusing on the personal story of Horace Anderson, a Mardi Gras Indian. It highlights the history of the Mardi Gras Indians, who are predominantly African Americans that were excluded from the main carnival due to racial segregation. The tradition, which dates back to the 1800s, was influenced by Native Americans and has evolved into a vibrant cultural phenomenon with about 50 tribes. The article also touches on the social impact of the Mardi Gras Indians, particularly their role in preventing youth involvement in crime by engaging them in cultural activities. The LEAF International NOLA Mardi Gras Indian Program is mentioned as an initiative that collaborates with Indian chiefs to involve young people and preserve black diaspora culture. The article concludes with Horace's dedication to the culture and his efforts to recruit and mentor young members in the community.

A new project to empower women in the refugee camps of Turkey

06 Jan 2017  |  UN News
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has initiated a project aimed at empowering women residing in Turkish refugee camps. These women, having escaped conflicts in Syria and Iraq, are being provided with training in textile production. The project's goal is to assist them in securing employment and achieving greater independence. The report, presented by Priyanka Shankar, highlights the efforts to improve the livelihoods of these women through skill development.

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