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Rita Nyaga

Nairobi, Kenya
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About Rita
Rita Nyaga is a Reporter / Photo Journalist living in Nairobi, Kenya. She has worked across Africa and done assignments in Europe and Asia. Story telling and humanitarian stories of communities affected by disasters, emergencies and epidemics are among her key strengths. 
Rita is a member of the Media Council of Kenya, the Public Relations Society of Kenya and seafarer certified to work at sea by the Kenya Maritime Authority.
English Kikuyu Swahili
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Business Current Affairs Natural Disasters

At the height of the Tigray conflict in Northern Ethiopia, many residents sought safety in neighbouring Sudan. The Sudanese Red Crescent continued providing them with support for more than one year.

The story follows a search and rescue mission of migrants on the mediterranean sea. The rescue is done jointly by IFRC and SOS Mediterranee

The Africa Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES) has convened a crucial strategy 4-day meeting Nairobi, with climate experts from 30 African Countries in attendance. AGNES and partners convened this meeting to prepare African negotiators ahead of the upcoming 60th Session of Subsidiary Bodies (SB60), Climate Change Conference scheduled for 3 -13th June in Bonn, Germany.

The 2024 world press Freedom Day was themed on ‘A press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environment Crisis.’ The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) organized a Climate Africa Warsha (workshop) for media practitioners with panellists from across the continent.

Risk reduction against water-borne diseases bears fruit in rural Kenya

In Sudan, safety of volunteers critical to addressing complex crisis of conflict and climate change

Somalia: Livestock treatment sets herders on recovery path

Crisis within crisis

Somalia: Water an extra-precious resource during severe drought

Somalia: Encouraged by colleagues, a woman heads Mogadishu rehab centre

Maintaining a healthy marketplace

Somalia: Farming cooperatives mean more food for everyone

Somalia: 20,000 text messages sent to boost cholera prevention effort

Somalia: Working together for humanity


Rita's confirmed information

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Verified May 2024
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Verified May 2024
May 2024

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