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Robin Forestier-Walker

Tbilisi, Georgia
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About Robin
Robin Forestier-Walker is an award winning foreign correspondent based out of Tbilisi, Georgia. After beginning his career with the BBC in London in 2000, Robin moved first to Almaty in 2008 and began reporting for Al Jazeera English, covering news and current affairs from Bishkek to Budapest, before moving to Georgia in 2013. He is an experienced broadcaster, witnessing major news events from Ukraine's conflict with Russia and political crisis in 2014 to Armenia's Velvet Revolution in 2018. He has produced and presented for flagship current affairs programmes including Al Jazeera's Listening Post, People and Power and 101 East. Recently he has been developing documentary projects and is an alumni of Germany's prestigious Documentary Campus. His web series, “Clash of Narratives”, a wry take on political echo chambers, was his directorial debut for Coda Story, long-listed for the One World Media Awards in 2018, and officially selected for Raindance 2017.
English French Russian
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Business Finance Politics

Armenia and Azerbaijan’s new-old border war

19 Nov 2021  |  www.aljazeera.com
Since early summer, Armenian and Azerbaijani military forces have engaged in a new border conflict, with significant clashes occurring on November 16. Both sides have reported casualties, and footage shows intense military engagements. The conflict centers on disputed borders defined by Soviet cartographers, exacerbated by last year's Nagorno-Karabakh war. Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of isolation tactics, while Azerbaijan claims Armenia provoked the latest fighting. Russia's military presence in Armenia and its role as a mediator has been crucial in maintaining a fragile peace, with a recent intervention by Russia's Defence Minister leading to a cessation of hostilities.

Marking 10 years since Kyrgyzstan’s violent power struggle

08 Apr 2020  |  www.aljazeera.com
Kyrgyzstan marks the 10th anniversary of the overthrow of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev after a violent power struggle that resulted in dozens of deaths during the storming of the presidential palace. Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker, who witnessed the events, reflects on the country's journey towards democracy since the revolution.

Georgian business magnate takes on ruling party

26 Dec 2019  |  www.aljazeera.com
In the context of anti-government protests and upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia, banking magnate Mamuka Khazaradze has founded a new political party named Lelo. Al Jazeera's Robin Forestier-Walker interviewed Khazaradze in Kakheti to explore the potential rise of another oligarch in the country's personality-driven politics.

Georgians oppose hydro plans

Georgia protesters angered by promises broken on electoral reform

26 Nov 2019  |  www.aljazeera.com
Riot police deployed water cannons on protesters in Georgia who were demanding electoral reforms. The government has stated that changes will not be implemented until 2024, leading to public outrage over broken promises.

Georgia protesters attempt to shut down state buildings

22 Nov 2019  |  aljazeera.com
Opposition protesters in Georgia have attempted to shut down state buildings using padlocks and chains in response to the parliament's failure to pass planned electoral reforms. The opposition has united, employing tactics such as pop-up rallies and blocking access to ministerial buildings to maintain pressure on the government.

Kazakh election: Observers question vote count

11 Jun 2019  |  www.aljazeera.com
Election observers have criticized the presidential vote in Kazakhstan, which resulted in Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's victory by a wide margin. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe highlighted that the vote was marred by violations of fundamental freedoms. Robin Forestier-Walker reports from Nur-Sultan.

Kazakhstan police and protesters clash after poll

09 Jun 2019  |  aljazeera.com
On election day in Kazakhstan, police clashed with protesters who were opposing the fairness of the vote and calling for a boycott. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is expected to become the first new president in nearly three decades amid these protests.

For the most up to date information on my whereabouts and work please see my twitter account, includes links to the most recent reports.

Robin's production company website with further links and information about what work and services we can offer.

Overview and links to my work as a correspondent with Al Jazeera English and other outlets in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Hungarians continue protest over ‘slave law’

20 Jan 2019  |  www.aljazeera.com
Thousands of Hungarians protested against a controversial labour law that increases allowable overtime from 250 to 400 hours. Opposition parties, trade unions, and civil society groups criticize the law for putting workers at the mercy of employers. Prime Minister Viktor Orban defends the law as a solution to the labour shortage. Protests also target government control over media, judiciary, and universities, with demonstrators calling for freedom and reforms. The protests signify a broader political awakening against Orban's government.

Hungarians protest against PM’s new so-called ‘slave’ law

22 Dec 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Demonstrators in Hungary are protesting against a new labor law amendment, dubbed 'The Slave Law,' which allows employers to enforce more overtime and delay payments for up to three years. The protests, which have been ongoing nationwide, are notable for attracting participants from across the political spectrum. The government hopes the protests will subside over the Christmas period, but the widespread discontent suggests otherwise.

Georgia’s ruling party candidate leads in presidential runoff

29 Nov 2018  |  aljazeera.com
Preliminary results indicate that Salome Zurabishvili, the candidate backed by Georgia's ruling party, is leading with nearly 60 percent of the votes in the presidential runoff. This election is the last in which Georgians will directly elect their president due to a shift to a parliamentary democracy.

Saudi Arabia withdraws from Francophone union

13 Oct 2018  |  aljazeera.com
Saudi Arabia has withdrawn its bid to join the International Organisation of the Francophonie amid concerns over its commitment to human rights, highlighted by the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. The decision, supported by Canada and France, came before the organization's summit in Yerevan, where Saudi Arabia's observer status candidacy was to be considered.

2018 World Cup final: Croatia on the brink of history

14 Jul 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Croatia is preparing for the World Cup final against France, with high hopes resting on star players like Luka Modric. Despite their success, there is criticism towards the Croatian football federation for not providing adequate facilities. The federation has announced plans for a national football stadium, but questions remain about the delay in matching the team's talent with proper infrastructure.

Georgia: Thousands protest nightclub raids in Tbilisi

20 May 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Thousands of young people in Georgia protested against violent police raids on popular nightclubs, which were described as anti-drugs operations. The raids received support from neo-nationalist and religious groups, leading to significant public outcry and demonstrations in Tbilisi.

Armenia: Gyumri’s forgotten quake survivors share election hopes

01 May 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Earthquake survivors in Gyumri, Armenia's second-largest city, continue to live in poor conditions 30 years after their homes were destroyed. Government promises to rehouse them have not been fulfilled. Families are hopeful that the election of a new prime minister will bring an end to their plight.

Armenia’s ruling party will not nominate candidate for PM

29 Apr 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Armenia's ruling party has decided not to nominate a candidate for prime minister to avoid further tension in the region. The anti-government movement, which has been leading weeks of protests, is demanding the election of their leader, Nikol Pashinyan. The report highlights a day of political drama in Vanadzor, Armenia.

Why Armenians have been protesting against the Republican Party

27 Apr 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Armenia is in a political crisis following the resignation of former Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan amid major anti-government protests. Nikol Pashinyan leads a movement aimed at ending the Republican Party's dominance, accusing it and its associates, including the head of the Armenian Church, of profiting at the citizens' expense. An extraordinary parliamentary session is expected to vote for a new prime minister.

Protesters return to Armenia’s streets after talks cancelled

26 Apr 2018  |  www.aljazeera.com
Thousands of opposition protesters have returned to the streets of Yerevan after the acting prime minister cancelled crisis talks with the opposition. Protest leader Nikol Pashinyan has expressed his readiness to lead until new elections are held. This movement previously forced former leader Serzh Sargsyan to resign.

Armenian opposition leader calls for renewed protests

25 Apr 2018  |  aljazeera.com
Armenia's opposition supporters are urging more protests after talks with the ruling party were cancelled, following the resignation of Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan. They are seeking a transitional government and new elections. Meanwhile, a large crowd also marched to remember the mass killing of Armenians during World War One.

Global oil glut leaves Kazakhstan reeling

05 Feb 2016  |  www.aljazeera.com
Kazakhstan, heavily reliant on oil, is facing economic challenges due to plummeting global oil prices, which have dropped to their lowest since 2003. The government, led by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, is attempting to stabilize the situation amid budget cuts and public struggles. Local businesses, like those owned by Nailya Kaltayeva, are experiencing increased costs and reduced consumer spending.

The forgotten army of WWII: West Africa's soldiers in Burma – exclusive video

10 Aug 2015  |  theguardian.com
Over half of the 90,000 West African soldiers who fought in Southeast Asia after 1943 as part of the British army’s 81st and 82nd (West Africa) Divisions were Nigerians. Their role in the Burma campaign against the Japanese is less acknowledged compared to that of Indians and Gurkhas. General William Slim omitted the African soldiers in his commendation speech. Decades later, the lack of full recognition for their efforts remains a point of bitterness. Exclusive footage from the Imperial War Museum and the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League offers a glimpse into the intense jungle warfare these soldiers endured and their contribution to the Victory over Japan.

Azerbaijan pressured over sex-selective abortions

22 Jun 2015  |  www.aljazeera.com
Azerbaijan faces high rates of sex-selective abortions, with a 2014 ratio of girls to boys at 100:115. The issue is prevalent due to cultural norms favoring males and the availability of pre-natal gender identification technology. Local woman Sabira's experience of being pressured to abort her female fetus highlights the severity of the situation. Charity workers and politicians acknowledge the deep-rooted cultural bias and the need for societal change. While laws are being considered to limit abortions after three months without medical consent, education is seen as a crucial tool for change. The UN warns of potential increases in prostitution, human trafficking, and gender violence due to the gender imbalance.

Kazakhstan: Poisoned Legacy

19 Feb 2014  |  aljazeera.com
Kazakhstan, particularly the city of Shymkent, suffers from severe environmental pollution due to a lead smelting plant that operated since the 1930s. Despite its closure in 2008, British-owned mining company Kazakhmys reopened the plant in 2010 without proper environmental assessments, leading to further health issues among the local population, especially children. Studies revealed excessive lead levels in children, and Kazakhmys faced criticism for its handling of the situation. The plant closed again in late 2012, but the toxic legacy persists, with calls for accountability and potential investigations by financial regulators.

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