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Roy Kim

Los Angeles, United States of America
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About Roy
Roy Kim is a DP, videographer.  Studio Technician from Voice of America Los Angeles Bureau.  
Experienced video, audio, light technician with documentary, news, corporation filming
English Korean
Video Rushes Interview 360 Videography
Business Current Affairs Technology

After a century-long absence, gray wolves have returned to California forests. Though some experts are thrilled to see their return, some farmers and ranchers worry the wolves pose a threat to their animals. From Tulare County, California, VOA’s Robin Guess reports. Camera: Matt Dibble, Roy Kim.

2023 Comic-Con Showcases Diverse Voices | VOANews

Interview with the President of Ecuador

Old vacuum cleaners and car parts find new life in robots


Roy's confirmed information

Verified using government ID
Jun 2024
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Verified Jun 2024
Phone number
Verified Jun 2024
Jun 2024

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