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Sadou Yaouba

Sadou Yaouba is a freelance journalist based in Ngaoundéré, northern Cameroon.

German English Fula French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Documentaries News Gathering Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content Risk Analysis Research Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast) Photography Fixing Video Rushes Drone Footage Interview 360 Videography Journalism Live Reporting Fact Checking
Business Finance Politics Current Affairs Technology Science & Environment Arts & Books Natural Disasters Film & Theatre Entertainment & Celebrity Sports Food & Drink Music War Reporter Health & Fitness Medical Paranormal Media Training Investigative Reporting Research Risk Analysis Social Cultural Training Breaking News Travel Climate Change Fact Checking

Street children struggling to survive under difficult conditions in cameroon's northern town of Ngaounderé

Street children struggling to survive under difficult conditions in cameroon's northern town of Ngaounderé

Friendly game: ASCRTV AD vs CMSC

Sport , Fenasco League B


The situation of Street children in Ngaounderé, northern Cameroon. This is just part of a 6 min report carried to determine the facts behind the increasing number of Street children in the town. It's titled : Street children surving under insecurity.

The situation of Street children in Ngaounderé, northern Cameroon. This is just part of a 6 min report carried to determine the facts behind the increasing number of Street children in the town. It's titled : Street children surving under insecurity.

Pissoumi, a village in northern Cameroon bothering the republic of Chad. I conducted an investigation to call it , pissoumi , a generation from frustrating life into modernisation.

Pissoumi , a village which went under hostage taking in the past two decades. I was born there , where peace is gradually returning unlike in the past as villagers were on the run due to assault.

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