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Sarah Tekath

Amsterdam, Netherlands
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About Sarah
I am a journalist, foreign correspondent and podcaster based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. My main topics are women's rights, feminism, LGBT rights and social topics. I have also worked as a fixer/stringer and translator for The Telegraph, Arte and Spiegel TV.
German English Dutch
Feature Stories Research Investigative Journalism
Fact Checking

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Blossoms of Patriarchal Violence

08 Jan 2024  |  nd-aktuell.de
The article discusses the impact of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on women, highlighting the patriarchal violence exacerbated by war and societal norms. It describes the plight of refugees in Masis, Armenia, and the trauma experienced by women and children due to domestic violence linked to the conflict. The piece includes interviews with activists and experts who address the increase in domestic violence, the societal expectations placed on women, and the normalization of violence due to war. It also touches on gender-selective abortions and the marginalization of women in politics. The article concludes with the efforts of the Feminist Peace Collective to unite women across borders against patriarchal oppression.

World AIDS Day 2023: Support people living with HIV

01 Dec 2023  |  coupleofmen.com
World AIDS Day 2023 emphasizes the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS, highlighting the importance of awareness, support for those living with HIV, and the commemoration of those who have died from AIDS-related illnesses. The article discusses the significance of the red ribbon as a symbol of support, the current state of HIV treatment and infection rates, and the efforts of activists like Chris Vincent. Despite advancements in treatment, the virus remains a significant threat, particularly in regions like Southern Africa, East Europe, and Central Asia.

Right-wing extremists are election winners in the Netherlands

23 Nov 2023  |  nd-aktuell.de
The right-wing extremist PVV, led by Geert Wilders, emerged as the largest party in the Dutch elections, securing 37 seats. This result has caused significant concern among the Muslim and migrant communities. Despite Wilders' attempts to present a milder image, his post-election speech was marked by strong anti-immigration rhetoric. The political landscape in the Netherlands is fragmented, with potential coalitions being discussed, but many parties have ruled out working with the PVV. The election results reflect a broader trend of political disillusionment and a shift towards extreme positions in the country.

Dutch Parliamentary Elections: Four Parties Neck and Neck

21 Nov 2023  |  nd-aktuell.de
The Netherlands is set to hold early parliamentary elections following the collapse of Prime Minister Mark Rutte's coalition over family reunification for refugees. Rutte, with the longest tenure in Dutch history, and D66 leader Sigrid Kaag have resigned amid threats and harassment. The VVD, now led by Dilan Yeşilgöz, faces competition from new and existing parties, including Pieter Omtzigt's NSC, a joint campaign by GroenLinks and PvdA led by Frans Timmermans, and Geert Wilders' far-right PVV. Polls show a close race among these parties, with notable decline for D66 and varying support for PVV. The BBB, led by Caroline van der Plas, has lost visibility despite previous success. Discussions on potential coalitions and the softening of PVV's stance are ongoing, with many voters still undecided ahead of the elections.

Even Shell Must Now Contribute to Climate Protection

04 Oct 2023  |  nd-aktuell.de
Dutch environmental organizations won a court case against Shell, requiring the company to reduce its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030. The court ruled that Shell's significant CO2 emissions pose a risk to the Netherlands and the Wadden Sea region. Milieudefensie, along with other groups and individuals, initiated the lawsuit, highlighting Shell's long-standing knowledge of the harmful effects of oil and gas. The ruling is expected to influence global legal actions and pressure other oil companies and politicians to adopt greener policies. Shell's defense that other suppliers would fill the gap if they reduced fossil fuel sales was rejected by the court. The article also mentions environmental damages caused by Shell in Groningen, Curacao, and Nigeria, and references a previous landmark case by Urgenda against the Dutch government.

Fear and Anger are the Predominant Feelings

01 Oct 2023  |  nd-aktuell.de
Olexiy Ladyka, currently in Kramatorsk, describes the tense situation as residents prepare for potential Russian attacks. Despite the fear and anger, the community is actively supporting the military and organizing resources. Many have evacuated, but a significant number remain, determined to defend their city. The current conflict is contrasted with the 2014 situation, highlighting a stronger local resistance and unity against the Russian forces. Ladyka, though unable to continue his journalism work, uses social media to keep the public informed.

Lady Galore Book interview: 'Glitter makes everything better'

01 Oct 2023  |  coupleofmen.com
Lady Galore, a prominent drag queen from Amsterdam, discusses her journey, the challenges of being a drag queen, and her new book 'Glitter maakt alles beter'. The book serves as a biography, a guide to LGBTQIA+ terms, and a resource on mental health. Despite the Netherlands' liberal stance, Lady Galore highlights ongoing struggles for acceptance and safety within the LGBTQ+ community. She uses her drag persona for activism, aiming to bring attention to important issues. The interview underscores the importance of personality, drive, and creativity in becoming a successful drag queen.

Bloodwood through the back door

01 Oct 2023  |  nd-aktuell.de
Teakwood from Myanmar, prized for its durability and prestige, continues to enter the EU market despite a ban on imports that cannot prove sustainable and legal sourcing. The EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) mandates market participants to verify the legality and sustainability of their wood sources, but enforcement is inconsistent across member states. Germany's stringent controls contrast with more lenient practices in countries like Italy, which remains a major importer. Experts suggest listing Myanmar's natural teak under the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as a potential solution, though cooperation from Myanmar's military regime is unlikely. The EU is also considering new legislation for deforestation-free supply chains.

EU's mega-rich found to be fuelling the illegal 'blood timber' trade

05 Mar 2022  |  www.euronews.com
Teak, a highly prized hardwood, is increasingly popular among the mega-rich for yacht decks, despite EU sanctions against illegal timber trade following Myanmar's military coup. The European Timber Regulation aims to prevent illegal timber sales in the EU, but lacks a pan-European procedure, leading to illegal timber entering through countries like Italy, Croatia, and Greece. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Thünen Institute in Germany are investigating and testing timber origins, but face challenges due to mixed stockpiles and indistinguishable borders. Jeff Bezos's new mega-yacht by Oceanco and Germany's military training ship renovation have been linked to potentially illegal teak. Solutions include listing teak under CITES and using technology for logging area monitoring, while the EU is developing a supply chain law to curb illegal timber imports.

Would you buy clothes made out of human hair?

06 Dec 2021  |  www.euronews.com
Amsterdam-based designer Zsofia Kollar is pioneering the use of human hair to create sustainable clothing through her initiative, Human Material Loop. By collecting hair from local salons, she aims to reduce waste and promote local production, thereby cutting down on CO2 emissions. The project has produced a prototype jumper made entirely of recycled human hair. The initiative aligns with the goals of organizations like Fashion Revolution, which advocate for a closed-loop system in the fashion industry to minimize environmental damage. Experts like Dieuwertje de Wagenaar and Yophi Ignacia support the use of existing materials to create sustainable solutions.

Everything you need to know about the hydrogen revolution going on in the Netherlands

12 Oct 2021  |  euronews.com
The Netherlands is focusing on green hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels, with the government being legally mandated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The country is hosting discussions on hydrogen strategies and launching projects like the Amsterdam hydrogen hub and the world's largest wind park by Vattenfall. Tata Steel plans to switch from coal to hydrogen by 2050, and Shell has opened hydrogen refueling stations. Public transport in Groningen is also adopting hydrogen, and Schiphol Airport aims to be emission-free by 2030.

New Parties, Old Sexism

17 Mar 2021  |  nd-aktuell.de
In the upcoming Dutch parliamentary elections, over half of the listed 37 parties are new, with a record number of female candidates. The conservative-liberal Volkspartei (VVD) leads the polls, but is expected to lose seats, followed by the right-wing populist Party for Freedom (PVV). Newcomers with a chance for seats include the right-conservative JA21, pro-EU Volt, 'citizen-democratic' Code Oranje, and left-leaning BIJ1. The high number of female candidates has highlighted issues of sexism and online harassment, with a study showing at least one in ten tweets directed at female politicians contained hate or sexism. Key targets of such harassment include D66's Sigrid Kaag and BIJ1's Sylvana Simons, with Groenlinks' Kauthar Bouchallikht facing additional racism and Islamophobia.

Dutch election: Is online sexism holding women back from becoming MPs?

17 Mar 2021  |  www.euronews.com
Female participation in the Dutch election is at a record high, with 37% of candidates being women and 10 women leading political parties. Despite this progress, online sexism remains a significant barrier, with 10% of tweets directed at female candidates containing hateful or sexist comments. Sigrid Kaag, a prominent female politician, received a substantial amount of online abuse. This hostile environment discourages many women from pursuing political careers, as highlighted by Devika Partiman and Joelle Canisius. The Utrecht Data School's research underscores the prevalence of online misogyny, which perpetuates a patriarchal system and hinders gender parity in politics.

One protester on why he took to the streets over Dutch COVID curfew

06 Feb 2021  |  www.euronews.com
The Netherlands experienced its worst street violence since 1980 due to riots against the government's COVID-19 curfew. Marcel R., a 56-year-old protester, voiced his dissatisfaction with the lockdown, mask requirements, and vaccination strategy, emphasizing the need to protect civil liberties. Frank den Hertog from the Dutch Institute for Public Health and Environment noted that the riots were more about societal issues than pandemic measures, highlighting the economic and educational disparities exacerbated by the pandemic.

How to get fed in Amsterdam even at night

01 Oct 2020  |  FAZ.NET
In the center of Amsterdam, near Rembrandtplein and the flower market, there is a variety of dining options including an Argentine steakhouse and the fast-food chain Febo. Febo's concept features glass compartments filled with snacks like cheeseburgers and 'Frikandeln', with items labeled in Dutch and English. The article describes the experience of different groups of tourists interacting with the Febo system, including payment methods and reactions to trying the food, such as a hot 'Krokette'.

Death in the Form of Toys

27 Jul 2020  |  nd-aktuell.de
Southeast Asian countries, particularly Cambodia and Laos, continue to suffer from the deadly legacy of US bombings during the Vietnam War, with millions of unexploded ordnances still buried in the ground. These explosives, often resembling toys, cause numerous casualties, particularly among children. Despite decades of demining efforts, the region remains heavily contaminated. Organizations like APOPO have introduced innovative methods such as using trained rats for mine detection, significantly improving the efficiency and safety of demining operations. The article also discusses the ongoing challenges and the international support for clearing mines, including financial aid from the US during Obama's presidency and the controversial reversal of a landmine ban by the Trump administration.

Dutch History in Srebrenica

11 Jul 2020  |  nd-aktuell.de
The responsibility of UN troops for the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia remains controversial. Initiatives are calling for the voices of the victims to be heard. On July 11, 1995, Dutch UN unit Dutchbat, led by Thom Karremans, was overpowered by Ratko Mladić's forces, resulting in the Dutch handing over 25,000 refugees to the Bosnian-Serb military. Dutchbat soldiers, feeling abandoned by the UN and their own country, face ongoing criticism. The 25th anniversary of the genocide brings these issues back to the forefront, with public remembrance and calls for more attention in Dutch history education. Campaigns like 'Srebrenica is Dutch history' by Dutch citizens with Bosnian roots seek to establish a national monument in The Hague and increase the topic's presence in history lessons.

Gay Pride History: Beginning of LGBTQ+ movements

29 Jun 2020  |  coupleofmen.com
The article explores the history of Gay Pride and the LGBTQ+ rights movement, tracing its origins back to the Stonewall Inn uprising in New York City in 1969. It highlights the earlier homophile movement and key organizations like the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, Mattachine Foundation, and Daughters of Bilitis. The Stonewall Riots are depicted as a pivotal moment that led to the formation of the Gay Liberation Front and the first pride parades. The article also covers the spread of LGBTQ+ demonstrations in Europe and the establishment of EuroPride and WorldPride events. Despite progress, it notes ongoing challenges and counter-protests faced by the LGBTQ+ community worldwide.

Sexual Harassment in the Netherlands: Petition by Myrthe van der Houwen

27 Jun 2020  |  jetzt.de
Myrthe van der Houwen, a 19-year-old student from Enschede, Netherlands, experiences sexual harassment as a daily occurrence and has initiated an online petition to raise awareness and compel local authorities to take action. Despite the police's inaction, her petition has gained significant traction with over 16,700 signatures in three weeks. She has been invited by the local administration to present her concerns and is scheduled to meet with the mayor. The article discusses the challenges in addressing sexual harassment, the potential exacerbation of the issue during the COVID-19 crisis, and the societal and legal obstacles to combating it.

Gay in Laos: LGBTQ+ community between tolerance & acceptance

19 Jun 2020  |  coupleofmen.com
Laos is considered one of the most tolerant communist countries for the LGBTQ+ community, yet public awareness and acceptance remain limited. The organization Proud to be us (PTBU), founded by Anan Bouapha, plays a crucial role in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, supported by the United States Embassy. Despite the government's inclusion of HIV/AIDS prevention in its national agenda, public demonstrations like pride parades are still not permitted. Discrimination in education and employment persists, particularly for transgender individuals. Greater visibility and public discourse are needed to achieve true acceptance and equality for the LGBTQ+ community in Laos.

How safe is Couchsurfing?

14 Jun 2020  |  jetzt.de
Couchsurfing, a network with 14 million members, connects people offering a free couch with those seeking accommodation. However, the platform's low barrier to entry and lack of mandatory identity verification have led to safety concerns, particularly after incidents of assault on women and gay men. Despite a safety team, Couchsurfing's response to such incidents is criticized for being insufficient. The article contrasts Couchsurfing's approach with Airbnb and Uber, which have more robust safety checks and features. The piece also discusses the misuse of Couchsurfing by some men to target women, and the importance of users taking personal safety precautions.

With Pepper to Education

03 Jun 2020  |  nd-aktuell.de
La Plantation, a pepper plantation in Bosjheng, Cambodia, is committed to ecological farming and development aid. Founded by Nathalie Chaboche and Guy Porré in 2013, the plantation employs locals and supports regional schools through the project 'Les Écoles de La Plantation'. The initiative provides financial aid, workshops, and scholarships to improve educational access and quality, addressing challenges such as poverty, long commutes, and high dropout rates. Despite government efforts to improve education, issues like inadequate facilities, teacher absenteeism, and corruption persist. The plantation's school is a beacon of hope, offering children a chance at education in a country still recovering from the Khmer Rouge's legacy.

Unwanted pregnancy during the Corona crisis

In the Netherlands, abortion is legal under certain conditions, but the COVID-19 crisis is hindering access to abortion clinics, leaving many women without practical options. A petition initiated by Women on Waves and Bureau Clara Wichmann seeks to change this by allowing abortion pills to be sent by mail, accompanied by tele-counseling. The court in The Hague rejected this proposal, citing the continued operation of abortion clinics and the desire to maintain quality standards. The political youth organization DWARS is raising awareness and demanding a swift, bureaucratic-free solution. The social-democratic politician Lilianne Ploumen has publicly questioned the Health Minister Hugo de Jonge about considering a solution similar to the UK, where abortion pills can be taken at home up to the 10th week of pregnancy without a clinic visit. The minister has not yet responded.

Gay in Cambodia: How LGBTQ+ friendly is the Asian kingdom?

28 Feb 2020  |  coupleofmen.com
Cambodia's national language recognizes a third gender, kteuy, but societal acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals lags behind. Despite regular gay pride events in Phnom Penh since 2003, same-sex relationships are not legally recognized, and there are no anti-discrimination laws. Activists like Sidara Nuon from the Cambodian Center for Human Rights are working to change this, advocating for marriage equality and anti-discrimination laws. Discrimination is prevalent in schools and families, with many LGBTQ+ individuals facing emotional and physical abuse. Organizations like APTBY provide support and resources for the LGBTQ+ community, but societal acceptance remains limited, especially outside major cities like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

Gay in Lebanon: LGBTQ+ between Religion, Society & Optimism

02 Oct 2019  |  coupleofmen.com
Lebanon is considered the most liberal Middle Eastern country regarding LGBTQ+ rights, with significant events like Beirut Pride. Despite this, societal and legal challenges persist, including Article 534 of the Lebanese Penal Code, which criminalizes 'unnatural' sexual relations. NGOs like Proud Lebanon and Helem play crucial roles in supporting the LGBTQ+ community, offering legal, medical, and psychological assistance. The Lebanese Medical Association for Sexual Health (LebMASH) works to improve understanding of sexual health among professionals. While there have been positive legal precedents and a gradual shift in societal attitudes, strong conservative currents and censorship of LGBTQ+ content remain significant obstacles.

Sex Marriage in Russia: Interview with Gay Couple Pavel & Evgenii

26 Sep 2019  |  coupleofmen.com
Pavel Stotcko and Evgenii Voitsekhovskii, a gay couple, fled Russia to the Netherlands after facing severe persecution following their same-sex marriage in Denmark. They describe the hostile environment for LGBTQ+ individuals in Russia, including threats, violence, and lack of legal protection. The interview highlights the broader issues of LGBTQ+ rights in Russia, the role of the authorities in perpetuating discrimination, and the dire situation for activists. The couple calls for legal reforms and greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in Russian society.

Being Gay in Russia under the ban on homosexual propaganda

25 Sep 2019  |  coupleofmen.com
The article discusses the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Russia, highlighting the murder of activist Yelena Grigoriyeva, the anti-homophobia statement by the band Rammstein, and the oppressive laws against LGBTQ+ propaganda. It details the lack of anti-discrimination laws, the violence by radical groups, and the difficulties in organizing gay pride events. Despite these challenges, NGOs and activists continue to fight for equality and provide support, with initiatives like the Illuminator project and the LGBT Network offering legal assistance and emergency aid. The article also mentions a gay-friendly Airbnb in St. Petersburg, promoting safe spaces for LGBTQ+ travelers.

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