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Stefanie Glinski

Kathmandu, Nepal
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About Stefanie
Journalist in Kathmandu, often with BBC Travel, der Spiegel, Stern, the Scotsman and other German and British media. 
Former senior foreign correspondent in Brussels covering EU affairs. Worked in broadcast, but still prefer print and photography. 
I usually write in English and German, but can interview in French and Spanish as well. I enjoy writing in English more, but either way works. 

A few recent stories:
German English Spanish
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Fact Checking

‘Anyone Who Dares Call Us Nazis Will Be Reported’

30 Mar 2024  |  Foreign Policy
In Sonneberg, Germany, the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has gained significant traction, with Robert Sesselmann becoming the first far-right district administrator since the Nazi era. Weekly protests criticize the government and advocate for nationalist policies, reflecting growing discontent with economic and social issues. The AfD, initially euroskeptic, has shifted towards more extreme positions, challenging Germany's democratic values. The party's rise is seen as a stress test for Germany, with upcoming elections in eastern states likely to bolster its influence. Critics warn of the AfD's potential to normalize right-wing extremism.

Afghanistan: After 40 Years of War, an Earthquake

21 Feb 2024  |  Neue Zürcher Zeitung
An earthquake struck the Afghan provinces of Paktika and Khost on the night of June 22, killing over 1100 people and injuring 2000, with 35 villages destroyed. Afghanistan, already suffering from a severe economic crisis since the Taliban's return to power, is struggling to cope with the disaster. International aid has been slow to reach some areas, and the Taliban's request for help highlights the country's inability to manage the crisis alone. The U.S. has pledged $55 million, and the EU €1 million, while the Taliban promised financial support to victim families. However, the distribution of aid is uneven, with some areas receiving abundant support while others, like Nawab Khan's village in Barmal, remain neglected. The upcoming winter and the need for shelter and food are pressing concerns for the survivors.

EU policies partly to blame for 3,000 deaths in Mediterranean last year, say rights groups

15 Feb 2024  |  the Guardian
Several NGOs criticize EU and Italian policies for contributing to over 3,000 migrant deaths in the Mediterranean in 2023. A decree by Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi mandates rescue boats to head directly to assigned ports, hindering additional rescues. NGOs argue this increases costs and risks lives, while the Italian government claims it helps distribute arrivals. Human rights groups, including Amnesty International and Oxfam, condemn these policies as cruel and unlawful. The EU's new asylum seeker deal aims to distribute responsibility among member states, but critics argue it perpetuates a harmful system.

Relentless Israeli night raids stir new front in West Bank as resistance fighters mobilise

06 Dec 2023  |  thenationalnews.com
Israeli army night raids in Jenin, West Bank, have become a frequent occurrence, prompting civilians to flee and resistance fighters to engage in all-night battles. The violence has led to deaths, destruction, and widespread fear among residents. Following a Hamas attack on Israel and the war in Gaza, West Bank raids and settler violence have increased. Resistance is growing in the refugee camps, with analysts suggesting Israel may be losing control. Civilians, particularly in the camps, bear the brunt of the violence, with recent strikes leaving casualties, including children. Despite the turmoil, some fighters like Ahmet express a desire for peace and an end to the occupation.

‘I want to tell the world’: the reporter determined to share Gaza’s stories

21 Oct 2023  |  theguardian.com
Jamileh Tawfiq, a 26-year-old freelance journalist for Al Jazeera, continues to report from Gaza amidst relentless Israeli bombings in response to a Hamas attack. With nearly 4,000 killed and 13,000 injured in Gaza, and media workers among the casualties, Tawfiq's work is challenging due to limited internet and frequent attacks. Despite the dire situation, including overcrowded shelters and scarce resources, Tawfiq is determined to share the realities of life in Gaza with the world.

‘If I can get a plane into the sky, I can do anything’: female Afghan pilot refuses to be grounded

08 Oct 2023  |  uk.news.yahoo.com
Mohadese Mirzaee, Afghanistan's first female commercial airline pilot, now living in Bulgaria, remains determined to continue her aviation career despite the Taliban's takeover, which forced her to leave her home and job. Mirzaee's story highlights her resilience and the broader struggle for women's rights in Afghanistan, where the Taliban's return to power has severely restricted women's freedoms and opportunities.

‘I was willing to risk it all, or die’: a week onboard a rescue vessel in the Mediterranean Sea

07 Oct 2023  |  ca.news.yahoo.com
The article narrates the harrowing experiences of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, highlighting the perilous journey and the humanitarian efforts of the Italian NGO Emergency and its rescue vessel, Life Support. Personal stories of individuals like Hanan Muhanned, Maher Ali, and Abdul Gader underscore the extreme conditions and dangers faced by migrants fleeing war, torture, and persecution. The piece also emphasizes the increasing number of migrants despite the risks, with over 270,000 arrivals in Europe last year and thousands of deaths or disappearances. The article sheds light on the critical role of rescue organizations and the profound impact of their work.

In Afghanistan, a wrenching choice between drought and migration

05 Oct 2023  |  www.context.news
Afghanistan faces a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by climate change-induced droughts, economic collapse, and poor governance by the Taliban. The drought has devastated agricultural communities, forcing many to consider migration for survival. The United Nations and other organizations are providing aid, but the situation remains dire with millions in need. The Taliban's lack of resources and governance challenges further complicate efforts to address the crisis.

‘I think of drowning myself’: the Iraqi families displaced by a dam – and homeless for 40 years

05 Oct 2023  |  ca.sports.yahoo.com
The article discusses the ongoing struggles of up to 600 Iraqi families from Jissary, who have faced multiple displacements over 40 years due to the construction of the Mosul dam and subsequent conflicts, including those involving the Islamic State. Currently residing in an abandoned military compound in Domiz, Nineveh province, these families face eviction by the Iraqi government. The article highlights the emotional and physical toll on the displaced individuals, particularly Mahmoud Talib and his wife Aishe Hussain, and the potential for violence if the evictions proceed. Dr. Haidar Al Moussavi from the Peace Paradigms Organisation is working to negotiate a solution, emphasizing the need for the government to provide permanent homes.

An Israeli Urban Plan Threatens a Historic Palestinian Village

01 Oct 2023  |  rebelion.org
The historic Palestinian village of Lifta, with its ancient limestone houses and rich cultural heritage, faces demolition due to an Israeli urban development plan. Activists, both Israeli and Palestinian, are preparing for a legal battle to save the village, which is a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage status. The Israeli Land Authority's plan has sparked controversy, with some Israeli authorities and residents opposing it. The village, abandoned since 1948, remains a poignant symbol of Palestinian displacement and cultural heritage, with calls for its preservation growing stronger.

Eastern Libya’s Rulers Crack Down on Protests—Not Shoddy Infrastructure

29 Sep 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Derna, Libya, devastating floods resulted in over 11,300 deaths and 40,000 displacements, sparking protests against corruption and the mismanagement of government relief funds. The Libyan National Army (LNA), which controls eastern Libya, initially allowed protests but later cracked down on dissent and press freedom. Journalists faced harassment, detentions, and restrictions, with foreign reporters eventually forced to leave. The LNA's actions reflect a broader pattern of suppressing dissent and controlling the narrative in Libya, a country ranked low on the press freedom index.

The waters carried him away: Derna families mourn for those lost to flood

21 Sep 2023  |  the Guardian
Thousands of people have been buried in mass graves in Derna, Libya, following devastating floods on 11 September. Survivors search for missing loved ones among the countless bodies. The floods, caused by Storm Daniel, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 11,000 people, with thousands still missing. The World Health Organization has identified nearly 4,000 victims. Rescue teams face challenges in documenting and identifying bodies, many of which are buried in mass graves. The city, squeezed between the Mediterranean and a steep mountain slope, is grappling with the stench of death and fears of disease outbreaks. Many residents have moved to temporary accommodations, with some relocating to Benghazi. Personal stories of loss and grief highlight the human toll of the disaster.

Turks Are Running Out of Cash—and Patience

07 Sep 2023  |  Foreign Policy
Turkey is grappling with severe inflation, with prices nearly doubling over the past year. President Erdogan's unconventional economic policy of keeping interest rates low to stimulate growth has backfired, leading to soaring inflation rates. Post-election, Erdogan has shifted his stance, raising interest rates to combat inflation. The economic strain is palpable among Turkish citizens, with many unable to afford basic outings and students forced to defer education due to financial struggles. Despite the economic turmoil, Turkey's tourism industry remains robust, attracting millions of visitors and generating significant revenue.

‘I think of drowning myself’: the Iraqi families displaced by a dam – and homeless for 40 years

29 May 2023  |  ca.sports.yahoo.com
For 40 years, the displaced families of Jissary, Iraq, have been seeking a permanent home after their village was submerged by the Mosul dam. Facing multiple displacements, including threats from Islamic State and forced relocations under Saddam Hussein, up to 600 families are now being evicted by the Iraqi government from an abandoned military compound in Domiz, Nineveh province. Despite their efforts to rebuild and settle, the families, represented by individuals like Mahmoud Talib and Aishe Hussain, are confronted with the prospect of homelessness once again. Dr Haidar Al Moussavi of the Peace Paradigms Organisation is negotiating with the government, seeking to halt the eviction until a solution is found. The situation remains tense, with potential for violence as the community's desperation grows.

‘I think of drowning myself’: the Iraqi families displaced by a dam – and homeless for 40 years

29 May 2023  |  theguardian.com
For 40 years, up to 600 families from the submerged village of Jissary in Iraq have faced repeated displacement, including by Islamic State and now by the Iraqi government seeking to reclaim an abandoned military compound in Domiz, Nineveh province, where they currently reside. The families, who were initially displaced in 1985 due to the construction of the Mosul dam, have been given an eviction notice with a June deadline. The dam, which provides electricity to 1.7 million people, was built on unstable ground and poses a risk of catastrophic failure. The community's plight has been marked by forced relocations, including from homes given to them in Bardiya during Saddam Hussein's Arabisation campaign, which were reclaimed by Kurdish owners after the US invasion in 2003. Dr Haidar Al Moussavi from the Peace Paradigms Organisation is negotiating with the government to halt the eviction until a solution is found, as the threat of violence looms with some considering taking up arms in desperation.

How Erdogan’s Supporters Are Thinking About the Runoffs

25 May 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Istanbul, supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan express strong national pride and satisfaction with his leadership, despite economic challenges. They highlight improvements in local infrastructure and national security, and view Erdogan as a leader who has strengthened Turkey's independence and global standing. The article also touches on historical and current geopolitical contexts, including Turkey's military advancements and past conflicts.

Erdogan’s Support Is Shakiest in Turkey’s Quake Belt

12 May 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Turkey's southern Hatay province, devastated by earthquakes in February, voters are returning to cast their ballots in the presidential and parliamentary elections, many with the explicit intent to vote against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The province, which suffered the highest death toll, has seen widespread infrastructure damage and a slow government response, fueling anger and a desire for political change. Opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu is running close in the polls with Erdogan, and the last-minute withdrawal of another candidate, Muharrem Ince, may benefit Kilicdaroglu. Despite logistical challenges, the determination to vote is strong among the residents, who are coordinating efforts to return and participate in the elections. The outcome of the vote in this region could be decisive, as millions displaced by the earthquakes across 11 provinces are expected to influence the election results significantly.

‘New Turks’ Are All in for Erdogan

10 May 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Istanbul, a group of Afghan men, now Turkish citizens, plan to vote for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the upcoming elections, citing gratitude, generous immigration policies, and shared religious identity. Erdogan, Turkey's longest-serving leader, faces a tight race against opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu amid economic challenges. The 'new Turks,' including naturalized citizens from conflict zones like Syria and Afghanistan, could play a pivotal role in the election. While Erdogan's policies have not been entirely open-door, many naturalized citizens prefer him over the opposition's anti-immigration stance. The sentiment among these new citizens is largely positive towards Erdogan, viewing him as a benefactor and a leader who aligns with their religious beliefs.

Turkey’s Dams Bring Power and Heartbreak

09 Apr 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Yusufeli, Turkey, the construction of one of the country's largest hydroelectric dams on the Coruh River is causing significant displacement and environmental impact. The rising water levels are submerging homes, historical sites, and unique biodiversity, uprooting approximately 7,400 residents. While the dam will generate substantial electricity, it has disrupted the social fabric and livelihoods of the local community. Residents express mixed feelings about their new accommodations, with some finding the new arrangements sterile and isolating. Environmentalists and locals have long opposed the project, citing the loss of cultural heritage and natural habitats.

On the ground in Turkey’s ‘little Afghanistan’, the refuge from the Taliban that lies in ruins

10 Mar 2023  |  ca.sports.yahoo.com
The town of Ovakent in Turkey's Hatay province, known as 'little Afghanistan,' has been devastated by recent earthquakes, leaving many Afghan refugees in tents. Despite the destruction, the Afghan community, some of whom have Turkish citizenship, remains determined to stay. The town has a long history of Afghan settlement, dating back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Many refugees face uncertainty due to lack of official documents, impacting their ability to integrate and access services. The Turkish government and international organizations continue to provide aid, but the future of the Afghan community in Ovakent remains uncertain.

Turkey’s Balancing Act Between Putin and the West

06 Mar 2023  |  Foreign Policy
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Turkey has become a crucial partner for Russia, providing a financial safe haven and receiving economic benefits in return. Despite being a NATO member, Turkey has balanced its relations with Russia by supporting Ukraine militarily while increasing its economic ties with Moscow. This balancing act is driven by Turkish President Erdogan's geopolitical and economic needs, especially ahead of challenging elections. The relationship is complex, with historical animosities and potential future frictions, but pragmatism currently rules both nations' approaches.

Erdogan’s Turkey Faces a Growing Exodus Ahead of Elections

27 Jan 2023  |  Foreign Policy
Many young and professional Turks are leaving the country due to economic hardship, political repression, and lack of future prospects. The upcoming elections on May 14 are crucial, but the opposition has yet to present a strong candidate. The exodus includes not only the youth but also millionaires and businesspeople, significantly impacting Turkey's human capital. The current government under President Erdogan is facing dwindling support, and there is a general sense of hopelessness among those who have left, although some express a desire to return if conditions improve.

Russia's 'fifth column' is working in Ukraine - more lively than expected

26 Jan 2023  |  newsrnd.com
Ukraine faces significant challenges from Russian collaborators and sympathizers, with concerns about traitors infiltrating various sectors, including government, judiciary, and healthcare. The Ukrainian Security Service has intensified efforts to identify and neutralize these threats, resulting in numerous arrests and criminal cases. Despite reforms, Russian influence remains deeply rooted, exacerbated by historical ties and ongoing propaganda. The article highlights the pervasive mistrust and the urgent need for systemic changes to safeguard Ukraine's sovereignty.

Russia’s Fifth Column in Ukraine Is Alive and Well

17 Jan 2023  |  Foreign Policy
In Ukraine, particularly in recently liberated cities like Kherson, Russian collaborators continue to pose a threat, with informants and traitors having supported Russia since the beginning of the conflict. Major Serhiy Tsehotsky of the 59th Motorized Brigade and Iryna Fedoriv, editor in chief of Chesno, highlight the pervasive nature of Russian influence in various sectors, including government, judiciary, and civilian life. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has been actively working to root out collaborators, initiating criminal proceedings and detaining enemy agents. Despite these efforts, the need for systemic reform is emphasized to fully eradicate pro-Russian elements and ensure Ukraine's sovereignty.

The quiet war being fought by Ukraine’s mothers

30 Dec 2022  |  sg.style.yahoo.com
Ukrainian mothers like Oxana Harbolinska and Julia are enduring the psychological toll of the war, coping with their own trauma and that of their children. Harbolinska, a psychologist, fled Russian-occupied Kherson with her sons and now offers counselling in Moldova. Unicef reports nearly 8 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe, with children suffering from violence and displacement. Psychologist Liydmila Alexandrovna emphasizes the often overlooked emotional battles these mothers face. Harbolinska's personal experiences and her work with other mothers highlight the ongoing struggle for emotional recovery amidst the war.

The quiet war being fought by Ukraine’s mothers

30 Dec 2022  |  The Telegraph
Ukrainian mothers like Oxana Harbolinska and Julia are enduring the psychological toll of war, coping with their own trauma while ensuring the safety and emotional well-being of their children. Harbolinska, a psychologist, fled Russian-occupied Kherson with her sons and now offers counselling in Moldova. Unicef reports nearly 8 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe, with children suffering from violence-induced trauma. Psychologist Liydmila Alexandrovna emphasizes the often overlooked emotional battles these mothers face. Julia's children, Maxim and Tanja, exhibit signs of stress and depression, with Julia choosing to stay in Moldova for their safety. Harbolinska encourages mothers to overcome depression and find happiness despite the ongoing conflict.

Ukraine Braces for a Brutal Winter Under Russian Bombs

06 Dec 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Ukraine faces a harsh winter amid ongoing Russian bombings targeting its energy infrastructure, leaving many without electricity, heat, and water. In Irpin, residents like Anne Silenko and Julia Myron grapple with the decision to stay and rebuild or leave for safety. The government and local authorities are setting up heating points to provide temporary relief. Despite the challenges, the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people remain strong.

A year after the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan searches for glimmers of hope amid poverty and fear

16 Aug 2022  |  Crikey
One year after the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, the country faces widespread poverty and fear. While corruption has decreased and large-scale fighting has subsided, almost every Afghan now lives below the poverty line. Women have lost many of their rights, and ethnic minorities and the LGBTIQA+ community feel unsafe. The Taliban's new restrictions have led to a humanitarian and human rights crisis. Despite some efforts to rebuild, many Afghans are desperate, and those who fled the country face challenges abroad. The article highlights the complex and dire situation in Afghanistan, with mixed sentiments about the current state of affairs.

In Afghanistan, a wrenching choice between drought and migration

16 Aug 2022  |  context.news
Afghanistan faces a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by climate change-induced droughts, economic crisis, and the Taliban takeover. The crisis has left millions in need, with many contemplating migration due to water shortages. Hussain Ali, a former police trainer, returned to his drought-stricken village in Bamyan Province, facing the prospect of migrating to survive. The U.N. and aid agencies warn of the growing risk of displacement as people lose livelihoods and incomes. The Taliban's poor governance and frozen assets hinder efforts to address the crisis, while the U.N. Development Programme has launched initiatives to improve resilience and mitigate natural disasters.

One Year Later, Afghanistan Is a Land of Shrugs and Sadness

13 Aug 2022  |  foreignpolicy.com
A year after the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, the country faces a mix of improvements and severe challenges. Corruption has decreased, and large-scale fighting has stopped, allowing rural reconstruction. However, poverty is widespread, with the UN reporting almost every Afghan living below the poverty line. The Taliban have executed former government employees and severely restricted women's rights. Ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ+ community feel unsafe, and Kabul has lost its vibrancy. The Taliban's promises of a more moderate rule have not materialized, with women and minorities facing harsh restrictions. Education for women has been curtailed, and the job market is bleak. Afghans who fled the country are struggling in refugee camps, with many feeling hopeless about their future.

‘If the water disappears, we’ll have to go too’: Drought pushes crisis-hit Afghans to the brink

12 Aug 2022  |  Scroll.in
Afghanistan faces a severe drought exacerbating an already catastrophic humanitarian crisis. Hussain Ali, a former police trainer, returned to his village in Bamyan province only to find it devastated by drought, forcing the community to consider migration. The Taliban's limited resources and poor governance, compounded by Western sanctions and frozen Afghan assets, have hindered effective climate change resilience and aid distribution. The United Nations and other organizations are attempting to provide support, but the situation remains dire, with millions of Afghans in need of humanitarian aid and at risk of displacement.

Taliban Wage War Over Coal in Northern Afghanistan

05 Jul 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Fighting in Afghanistan's Balkhab district between the Taliban and local forces led by Mawlawi Mehdi centers on control over coal mines. The Taliban, needing revenue due to international sanctions, are consolidating resources, leading to conflict with local power brokers. The violence has displaced civilians, caused casualties, and disrupted coal trade, with significant humanitarian implications. The Taliban's efforts to centralize tax income and control resources have intensified local disputes, exacerbating the region's economic and humanitarian crisis.

Afghan survivor: If another quake doesn’t kill us, poverty might

28 Jun 2022  |  aljazeera.com
A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan, resulting in over 1,000 deaths and 2,000 injuries, with 35 villages destroyed or damaged. The affected families in the impoverished and isolated district of Gayan are struggling to envision a future, as aid arrives but long-term rebuilding remains uncertain. The Taliban and international agencies are involved in relief efforts, but challenges persist due to a pre-existing humanitarian crisis, economic downturn, and international sanctions. The UN has appealed for $110m for quake response, while the Taliban has promised financial support for victims.

Afghans race to help amid wait for international aid

26 Jun 2022  |  the Guardian
Following a 5.9 magnitude earthquake in southeastern Afghanistan, local Afghans, including former Taliban officials, have been the first to provide aid, overshadowing international efforts. Over 1,000 people have died, and many more are injured. Local volunteers and small collectives like Aseel have been crucial in delivering immediate assistance, while international aid organizations are still mobilizing. The earthquake has exacerbated the already dire economic situation in Afghanistan, highlighting the urgent need for support.

‘Too much suffering’: survivors talk of quake’s deadly toll in Afghanistan

24 Jun 2022  |  the Guardian
A devastating 5.9-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan, particularly affecting the Gayan district, resulting in over 1,150 deaths and 1,500 injuries. Survivors recount the harrowing experience of losing family members and the struggle to find aid amidst the destruction. The quake exacerbates an already dire situation in Afghanistan, with economic hardships following the Taliban's takeover and frozen funds in US banks. Aid is slowly reaching the affected areas, but the need for tents, medicine, food, and water remains critical. The Taliban and local volunteers are working to provide assistance, but the challenges are immense.

Germany Is Displacing Afghan Refugees to Make Way for Ukrainians

20 Apr 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Germany is displacing Afghan refugees to accommodate newly arriving Ukrainian refugees, causing significant disruption and hardship for the Afghan families. The Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labor, and Social Services justifies the evictions as necessary due to the urgent need to house Ukrainians. Critics argue that the policy reflects unequal treatment of refugees and call for systematic changes to ensure fair treatment for all. The article highlights the personal stories of affected Afghan refugees and the broader implications of Germany's refugee policy.

Ukraine War: If Mykolaiv falls, the battle for Odessa begins

13 Mar 2022  |  FAZ.NET
Russian forces aim to capture Odessa to cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea. Locals in Odessa believe Putin is underestimating their resistance, while nearby Mykolaiv is already embroiled in conflict. Protective measures are being taken, such as using sandbags to prevent the destruction of the statue of the city founder Richelieu, a popular tourist spot.

Odesa’s Defense Stiffened by Belarusian Volunteers

13 Mar 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Belarusian volunteers have joined Ukrainian defense forces in Odesa to resist the Russian invasion, motivated by their opposition to authoritarian regimes in Belarus and Russia. These volunteers, many of whom fled Belarus after anti-government protests, are helping to secure the city and prepare for potential attacks. The article highlights the broader geopolitical context, including Belarus's alignment with Russia and the impact of Western sanctions. Key figures include activists and experts who provide insights into the motivations and implications of the conflict.

Kyiv Braces for the Onslaught

08 Mar 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Kyiv remains tense as Russian forces advance slowly, with increased attacks on residential areas and suburbs. Despite the dire situation, the Ukrainian capital holds on, with civilians and soldiers preparing for further assaults. Humanitarian corridors are reportedly targeted by Russian fire, exacerbating the crisis. The article highlights the resilience of Kyiv's residents and the Ukrainian military's efforts to defend the city, while condemning Russia's deliberate targeting of civilians.

Taliban in Afghanistan: Poverty, Hunger and Unaffordable Rents

In Ukraine, Refugees Flee West—and Volunteer Fighters Flood to the East

07 Mar 2022  |  Foreign Policy
Men from across Ukraine are heading to the front lines to fight against the Russian invasion, while women and children flee westward. Slava, a former oil industry worker, and Majid Gul, a Pakistani-Ukrainian, are among those joining the fight. The conflict has resulted in over 2,000 civilian deaths and widespread destruction. International bodies are investigating alleged Russian war crimes. Despite the dangers, many Ukrainians are determined to defend their country.

We’ll Keep Watching for the Russians

03 Mar 2022  |  Foreign Policy
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifies, civilians in Zhytomyr, west of Kyiv, have mobilized to form territorial defense units to support the Ukrainian army. Despite the overwhelming military power of Russia, Ukrainians like Olek and Yaroslav are determined to defend their country, setting up checkpoints and preparing for combat. The conflict has resulted in significant civilian casualties and destruction, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and U.S. President Joe Biden highlighting the resilience and strength of the Ukrainian people. The situation remains dire as Russian forces continue their advance.

‘I Wanted to Stay for My People’

09 Feb 2022  |  foreignpolicy.com
Despite the mass exodus of officials following the Taliban's takeover of Kabul, a significant number of Afghan civil servants and key government officials chose to stay, driven by a sense of duty to their country. Former government officials like Nazir Kabiri and Moneer Ahmad Yousufzai are working to mitigate the economic crisis and maintain essential services, despite the challenges of unpaid salaries and a volatile security situation. The Taliban claims a general amnesty for government workers, but skepticism and fear persist, especially as women are excluded from public office and reports of human rights violations surface. The international community's stance on recognizing the Taliban government and distributing aid remains uncertain, leaving Afghanistan in a precarious state.

Scared, hungry and cold: child workers in Kabul – picture essay

07 Feb 2022  |  the Guardian
In Kabul, child labor has surged as families struggle to survive amid Afghanistan's economic crisis. Shaista, a 10-year-old girl, sells plastic bags to support her family, while Noor Agha, also 10, scavenges for scrap metal. The Taliban's takeover and subsequent international sanctions have exacerbated poverty, leaving many without basic necessities. Aid organizations like the UN and Street Child highlight the dire situation, but the future remains uncertain as economic conditions worsen.

Taliban stop Afghan women from using bathhouses in northern provinces

07 Jan 2022  |  the Guardian
The Taliban has banned women from using communal bathhouses in northern Afghanistan, sparking outrage and concerns over women's rights. The bathhouses are essential for many women, especially during the cold winters, for ritual cleaning and purification. The ban, currently in place in Balkh and Herat provinces, may extend further, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. The UN predicts that 97% of Afghans could be living below the poverty line by mid-year. Human Rights Watch and other organizations have condemned the Taliban's decision, highlighting the severe impact on women's lives.

Countdown to catastrophe: half of Afghans face hunger this winter – UN

25 Oct 2021  |  the Guardian
More than half of Afghanistan's population faces acute hunger due to conflict, drought, and economic downturn, exacerbated by the Taliban takeover. The UN warns of a severe food crisis, with millions at risk of starvation or forced migration. Hospitals are overwhelmed with malnutrition cases, and many families are struggling to access adequate healthcare. The Taliban's wheat-for-work scheme aims to address the crisis, but cash shortages and unpaid salaries persist, leading to widespread begging and desperation.

Meet the women protesters of Kabul who plan to resist the Taliban – no matter what

17 Oct 2021  |  The Telegraph
Afghan women, led by activists like Mariam Sultani and Farzanah Farhad, are determined to resist the Taliban's oppressive regime despite the risks. With the Taliban backtracking on women's rights and enforcing strict Islamic codes, protests have erupted across major cities, including Kabul and Kandahar. The activists, using social networks to organize, refuse to be silenced, aiming to protect and reclaim their rights. The Taliban's interim government faces growing resistance and frustration as it struggles to establish effective governance and an economy.

Kabul's Struggle for Survival

08 Oct 2021  |  FAZ.NET
Afghanistan's economy has been in free fall since the Taliban took over, forcing people to sell their last possessions to obtain cash. Kabul's largest flea market is crowded with people selling household items, while others resort to begging. The dire economic situation has left many with nothing.

Afghanistan’s Economic Freefall

05 Oct 2021  |  Foreign Policy
Afghanistan faces a severe economic and financial crisis following the Taliban takeover, with foreign aid evaporating and the local currency plummeting. The country struggles with high poverty and inflation rates, banking paralysis, and a significant drop in domestic revenue. The Taliban's lack of international recognition exacerbates the situation, hindering access to overseas assets and further aid. The humanitarian situation is dire, with rising malnutrition and health facility closures. Experts warn of a potential failed state and emphasize the need for international engagement to prevent further deterioration.

#DoNotTouchMyClothes: Afghan women’s social media protest against Taliban

15 Sep 2021  |  the Guardian
Afghan women have launched a social media campaign using the hashtag #DoNotTouchMyClothes to protest against the Taliban's restrictive policies. The campaign features women sharing photos in traditional colorful attire, countering the Taliban's enforced dress code. The Taliban's recent actions, including forming an all-male interim government and excluding the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, have sparked fears of a return to the oppressive regime of the 1990s. Despite threats, women in Kabul vow to continue their protests, emphasizing their determination to fight for their freedoms.

Afghan journalists tell how the Taliban beat and tortured them

09 Sep 2021  |  thenationalnews.com
Afghan journalists Taqi Daryabi and Nehmatullah Naqdi, working for EtilaatRoz, were detained and severely beaten by the Taliban while covering a women's rights protest in Kabul. Zaki Daryabi, the paper's founder, attempted to evacuate his staff following the Taliban takeover but remained with those who couldn't leave. The Taliban's crackdown on protests and media coverage, along with the disabling of mobile broadband to prevent mobilization, signals increasing repression. Despite the assaults, both journalists expressed their determination to continue their work, emphasizing the importance of journalism in Afghanistan.

Life in Afghanistan: Who Needs to Be Afraid?

08 Sep 2021  |  FAZ.NET
Hamida, a Persian teacher living in a western district of Kabul, reflects on the current situation in Afghanistan following the Taliban's takeover. She seeks a poetic metaphor to describe the changes and challenges faced by the people in her community.

An Israeli Urban Plan Threatens a Historic Village Symbolizing the Expulsion of Palestinians After the 1948 War

30 Aug 2021  |  elDiario.es
The historic Palestinian village of Lifta, near Jerusalem, faces potential demolition due to an Israeli urban development plan. Lifta, uninhabited since the 1948 war, is at risk of being replaced by luxury villas, hotels, and shops. Activists are preparing for a legal battle to save the village, which is a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage status. The Israeli Land Authority's plan has sparked controversy, with some Israeli authorities and residents opposing it. The village, a symbol of Palestinian displacement, remains a cultural and historical site, with calls for its preservation growing stronger.

Taliban take Kabul: Why fighting would have been pointless

15 Aug 2021  |  FAZ.NET
The Taliban's capture of Kabul followed a similar pattern to their takeover of other provincial capitals in recent days. One of their first actions was to head to the city's largest prison, where they were likely to be welcomed as liberators. Eyewitnesses reported seeing hundreds of prisoners leaving the Pul-e-Charkhi prison.

Old Gaza homes make way for high-rises amid housing crunch

09 Aug 2021  |  sightmagazine.com.au
In Gaza, a housing shortage is leading to the demolition of older homes to make way for new high-rises. Adnan Murtaga is considering selling his family home for redevelopment, as are others in the Rimal neighborhood. Gaza City mayor Yahya al-Sarraj notes the growing population and housing demand, with 2.2 million people and a 3.2% annual growth rate. While historic buildings over a century old are protected, others are not, and families often exchange their plots for apartments in new buildings. The Israeli blockade and Egyptian restrictions, citing concerns about weapons reaching Hamas, have impacted the housing market by regulating imports and exports, including building materials. The recent conflict destroyed or damaged thousands of homes, with reconstruction costs estimated at $500 million. Despite these challenges, nearly 100 new residential buildings have started construction in the past year. Some Gazans, like civil engineer Faisal Shawa, choose to preserve their architectural heritage despite economic pressures.

Decades-old Gaza homes make way for high-rises amid housing crunch

04 Aug 2021  |  news.trust.org
The Gaza Strip faces a severe housing shortage due to its growing population and recent destruction from conflict with Israel. Older, unprotected buildings are being demolished to make way for new high-rises, despite the area's rich architectural heritage. Some residents, like Adnan Murtaga, are considering selling their properties, while others, such as Faisal Shawa, are determined to preserve their historical homes. The Israeli blockade and Egyptian restrictions, citing weapon concerns, heavily regulate imports and exports, affecting the housing market and construction materials availability. Despite these challenges, nearly 100 new residential buildings have been initiated in the past year.

Palestinians Find New Unity After War With Israel

13 Jul 2021  |  foreignpolicy.com
Following the recent war with Israel, Palestinians are experiencing a newfound sense of unity. The conflict, which resulted in a ceasefire in May, has brought attention to issues like home demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Palestinians, divided since 1948, are reconnecting despite physical and ideological barriers. The war and social media have played significant roles in this unity, with global awareness of their plight increasing. Despite the devastation in Gaza, Palestinians feel empowered to stand up to Israel, and this sentiment is recognized by both Palestinian activists and Israeli leadership. The unity extends to diaspora Palestinians and has sparked hope for a change in the status quo.

I can’t give up on my leg: the Gaza protesters resisting amputation at all costs

05 Jul 2021  |  the Guardian
Mohammed al-Mughari, a Gaza protester, has been resisting amputation despite chronic pain and infections from a leg injury sustained during the Great March of Return protests. Doctors, including those from Médecins Sans Frontières, have recommended amputation to improve his quality of life, but he remains determined to save his leg. The article highlights the broader issue of limited medical resources in Gaza, the impact of the Israeli blockade, and the challenges faced by injured protesters like Mahmoud al-Haq, who also refuses amputation despite severe complications.

A Razed Building and Another Possible Flash Point in East Jerusalem

01 Jul 2021  |  Foreign Policy
Tensions in East Jerusalem have escalated as Israeli authorities demolished a Palestinian-owned butcher shop in the Al-Bustan neighborhood, leading to clashes and injuries. The demolition is part of a broader policy that denies building permits to Palestinians, resulting in numerous demolition orders and potential displacement of residents. Advocacy groups criticize these actions as mechanisms of displacement, while Israeli authorities defend them as legal enforcement. The situation in Al-Bustan mirrors broader issues in East Jerusalem, where Palestinian neighborhoods face underdevelopment and legal challenges, exacerbating the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The trauma of mothers caught in Israel-Gaza conflict

30 Jun 2021  |  theguardian.com
May al-Masri, a mother in northern Gaza, lost her one-year-old son Yasser to a rocket attack and gave birth to a healthy boy amidst the trauma. The recent violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict resulted in 256 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths, including 68 children in Gaza. The psychological impact of the conflict has led to miscarriages, stillbirths, and difficulties in childbirth and breastfeeding. Women and children are disproportionately affected, with new mothers struggling to bond with their babies and children experiencing fear and anxiety. Despite a ceasefire, the future remains uncertain for those affected.

Gazans wait uneasily to rebuild after one month of ceasefire

21 Jun 2021  |  The National
One month after a ceasefire ended the 11-day conflict between Israel and Gaza militants, reconstruction in Gaza has yet to begin, leaving many homes destroyed and tensions high. Over 2,000 homes were destroyed, and thousands more damaged, displacing tens of thousands. Recent incidents, including incendiary balloons from Gaza and Israeli airstrikes, have reignited tensions. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and army chief Aviv Kochavi have indicated the possibility of renewed conflict. Hamas has also warned of potential future strikes. The situation remains unstable, with border restrictions and delayed funding from Qatar exacerbating the crisis. Reconstruction efforts by Egypt have barely started, and many Gazans face prolonged displacement and uncertainty.


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