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Stephane Correa

Paris, France
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About Stephane
Stephane Correa is a director and DP based in Paris, France.
He is a geographer educated at La Sorbonne and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Sciences Sociales.
In 2018, he co-directed The Man Who Was Looking For His Sohn, a 90-minute documentary that tells the story of a man who looking for across China for his kidnapped son and gradually falls down. For 20 years, Stéphane has been making films around the world, from Greenland to Australia, via Senegal where these roots are and of course Guyana, his adopted land.
Her films have been selected in numerous festivals in France (FIPA, Festival d'Histoire de Blois, Festival du film de femmes, FIDMarseille) and abroad (Festival de Nion, Festival du court-métrage de Bruxelles, Fespaco, etc.)

Director, Editor, DP
English French
Video Rushes Interview
Business Current Affairs Technology

En Amazonie, à la frontière entre la Guyane française et le Suriname, des orpailleurs clandestins détruisent la forêt tropicale dans l'espoir de trouver une vie meilleure.


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Jul 2024
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Verified Jul 2024
Jul 2024

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