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Jan Petersen

Jan Petersen is a danish journalist writing for the danish daily newspapers JyllandsPosten and Kristeligt Dagblad about the Middle East. He is a contributor to documentary programme P1 Dokumentar, produced by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. 
He holds a Masters degree in Political Science from University of Copenhagen as well as a degree in journalism from the Danish Schools of Media and Journalism. He has served as Head of Section at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and taught International Relations Theory at the University of Copenhagen and at the Royal Danish Army Officers Academy. He has numerous peer review publications about Security and the Middle East.

Danish German English Faroese
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries Feature Stories Content Writing Research Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast) Photography Live Reporting Fact Checking
Politics War Reporter Research Cultural Fact Checking

Even the most stringent gluten-free diet is ‘more aspirational than achievable’, say scientists

Kurdish authorities violates human rights in disputed territories

Christian exodus from Iraq

Frontpage story for Kristeligt Dagblad about ISIS-prisoners in prisons controlled by SDF

Iraqi Christians

Forced conscription, JyllandsPosten

Peer reviewed chapter for the book Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict

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