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Usman Abba Zanna

Maiduguri, Nigeria
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About Usman
Usman Abba Zanna is a journalist based in Maiduguri, Nigeria. He is a consultant community development and conflict management, multimedia editor and photographer. He do video documentary.
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Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

School Activities Resume In Nigeria’s Kirawa Community After 8 Years

16 Nov 2023  |  HumAngle
Residents of Kirawa community in Borno state, Nigeria, celebrated the reopening of their primary school after eight years of closure due to Boko Haram insurgency. The school, reopened on November 16, marks a significant step in the community's resettlement process. Despite the renovation, the school lacks essential instructional facilities, prompting calls for further government support. The closure of IDP camps in Maiduguri had disrupted children's education, forcing some parents to send their children to schools in neighboring countries. The community remains hopeful but critical of the government's efforts and the ban on humanitarian aid.

Accused Of Aiding ISWAP Abduction, Borno Police Detains Three Men For Months Without Trial

02 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Three men, Babagana Kyari, Kaka Mallum Musa, and Sani Haruna, were detained by the Borno State Police Command for several months without trial after being accused of aiding an ISWAP abduction. The men, who worked for FHI 360 and Halogen Security, were arrested following an ISWAP attack in Ngala, Borno state. They were released without charges, but their detention caused significant personal and financial hardship. Their families struggled to secure their release, facing health issues and financial ruin. The article criticizes the police and their employers for their handling of the situation and calls for justice and compensation for the wrongful detention.

In Two Days, Four Farmers Were Kidnapped While Ploughing Fields In Borno Community

02 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Armed men suspected to be Boko Haram insurgents attacked Dalori village in Borno State, Nigeria, twice in a week, abducting four farmers. The incidents have instilled fear in the community, causing farmers to avoid their fields. One victim, Baba Mari, was released after a ransom was paid, while three others remain captive. The local security unit expressed frustration over the community's lack of timely cooperation. The village, hosting many internally displaced persons, has faced multiple attacks in the past, affecting their farming activities and sense of security.

Breathing Life Into Malnourished Children Using Local Knowledge, Products — One NGO’s Blueprint

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Aisha Mohammed Maidala, a nutritionist, founded the non-profit Gender Environmental and Nutritional Care (GENC) to combat malnutrition in displaced communities in Borno, Nigeria. Using her extensive experience, she developed a locally made Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) called NISAJ, which has successfully treated many malnourished children. Despite resource constraints following her retirement, Aisha continues to advocate for support to expand her efforts. The article highlights the severe impact of food insecurity exacerbated by the Boko Haram insurgency and the suspension of humanitarian aid, stressing the importance of local solutions in addressing malnutrition.

Abandoned Public Hospitals Pushing Nigerian Villages Into Deadly Health Crisis

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
In Borno, Nigeria, villages like Malamari and Waddiya face a severe healthcare crisis due to abandoned public hospitals. Residents, including village heads and community members, recount tragic experiences and preventable deaths due to the lack of functional healthcare facilities. The State Primary Healthcare Development Board has not responded to requests for comment. The crisis is exacerbated by financial and transportation challenges, leaving communities dependent on drug vendors and informal assistance.

Herders Are Increasingly Coming Under Attack In Northern Borno

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Bappa Tambaya, a herder in northern Borno, Nigeria, was attacked by suspected Boko Haram members while grazing his cattle. The attack, aimed at stealing cattle and valuables, left Bappa severely injured and in need of costly medical treatment. This incident highlights the ongoing violence and cattle rustling by Boko Haram in the region, which has displaced thousands of herders to makeshift camps in Maiduguri. The Nigerian Army has been combating these terrorists, but the herders continue to live in fear and insecurity.

Farmers In Northeast Nigeria Turn To Irrigation Farming After 2022 Flood Disaster

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Farmers in Northeast Nigeria, particularly in Borno and Adamawa states, are turning to irrigation farming to recover from the devastating 2022 flood disaster. The flood, exacerbated by the release of water from the Lagdo Dam in Cameroon, destroyed farmlands and crops, leading to significant financial losses for many farmers. Despite the high costs and challenges associated with irrigation farming, including the need for water pumping machines, fertilisers, and specialised farming implements, farmers like Mari Bulama, Daniel Bala, and Muhammad Abubakar are determined to rebuild their livelihoods. The Borno State Government has initiated irrigation schemes to support these efforts, while experts highlight the need for soil fertility replenishment due to the flood's impact.

Closure Of Borno IDP Camps Forcing More Children Out Of School

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
The closure of IDP camps in Borno by the state government has forced many children out of school, exacerbating the educational crisis among displaced families. Despite efforts by NGOs to re-enroll children, the lack of resources and ongoing insecurity hinder progress. Parents struggle to prioritize education over basic survival needs, leading to increased child labor and other social issues. The government's resettlement program and new educational initiatives have not sufficiently addressed the needs of displaced children, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive support and awareness campaigns.

Terrorists Release Captives After Ransom Paid In Northeast Nigeria

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Terrorists have released 11 captives, including five children, in Borno, northeast Nigeria, after a ransom of three million naira was paid by the community. The captives, held for 21 days by suspected Boko Haram terrorists, were welcomed at the Shuwari V IDP camp in Maiduguri. The community has faced multiple abductions, with many still in captivity due to unpaid ransoms. Medicine Sans Frontieres has been contacted to provide medical assessments and care for the released individuals.

The Girl Who Fled Her Parents’ Home To Escape Boko Haram

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Seven years ago, 12-year-old Kaltume Modu fled her home in Borno State to escape Boko Haram's frequent raids and forced abductions of young girls. Despite her parents' objections, she and other young women escaped to Pulka, only to later learn that her family had been captured by the terrorists. Now 19, Kaltume lives in an unfinished building in Maiduguri with her uncle's family, struggling to survive. Her friend Maryam Ali, also from Barawa, shares a similar plight, having been wrongfully detained by the Nigerian Army. Both women represent the ongoing suffering of displaced victims in Nigeria's North East.

Nigerian Resettled Community Still Crossing To Cameroon For Basic Amenities One Year After

01 Oct 2023  |  HumAngle
Residents of Kirawa, a town in Borno, Nigeria, resettled after fleeing Boko Haram, continue to cross into Cameroon for basic amenities due to inadequate local infrastructure. Despite government efforts to resettle the community, issues such as water scarcity, lack of healthcare, and educational facilities persist. The Borno State government's resettlement plan has faced criticism from international organizations and human rights groups. The community remains vulnerable to Boko Haram attacks, and many residents, including Falmata Mala, struggle with health issues and lack of medical care. The local clinic is under-resourced, and residents often seek medical help in Cameroon, facing discrimination and high costs.

Nigerian Resettled Community Still Crossing To Cameroon For Basic Amenities One Year After

07 Sep 2023  |  humanglemedia.com
Residents of Kirawa, a Nigerian town on the border with Cameroon, continue to face severe challenges a year after being resettled from displacement camps. Despite government promises, the community lacks basic amenities such as water, healthcare, and education. The Borno State government's decision to close IDP camps and resettle people has been met with criticism. Residents often cross into Cameroon for healthcare and education, and security remains a significant concern due to Boko Haram's presence. The local clinic, renovated as part of a World Bank-supported project, is non-functional, forcing residents to seek medical care elsewhere. The primary school lacks resources, and there is no secondary school. The community's safety is compromised, with some residents sleeping in Cameroon to avoid Boko Haram attacks. The local security forces, including the CJTF and vigilantes, face challenges due to unpaid allowances and insufficient equipment.

Kirawa: A Borno Community Expected Rain, But Bullets Fell Instead

05 Sep 2023  |  humanglemedia.com
In August 2014, the town of Kirawa in Borno, Northeast Nigeria, was attacked by Boko Haram terrorists, resulting in residents fleeing to neighboring Cameroon and other settlements. Falmata Mala, a resident carrying her one-month-old baby, was trapped but eventually escaped to Cameroon with her children, despite being pursued by the terrorists. Over the next eight years, Falmata's family faced hardships as refugees, including hunger, loss of two pregnancies, and the death of her five-year-old son. Despite the challenges, they heard of Kirawa's resettlement and decided to return, although Falmata's husband remained skeptical and stayed in Cameroon. The attack on Kirawa had a significant impact on the community, with Boko Haram looting military equipment and disrupting the once vibrant market activities.

Landowners Evict Unofficial Displaced People’s Camp In Nigeria’s Borno State

26 Jul 2023  |  HumAngle
Thousands of displaced people in Borno, Nigeria, including Zanna Rebo Boderi and his herder community, face eviction from their makeshift camp by landowners reclaiming their plots. Despite efforts to maintain good relations and pay rent, the community is now left with nowhere to go. The ongoing violence by Boko Haram in their home villages prevents their return, leading to fear, frustration, and a sense of abandonment. The government has been criticized for not intervening, and there are rising tensions and potential for reprisal among the herders.

Nigeria’s Displaced People Wasting Away Outside The Fold Of Humanitarian Support

01 Jul 2023  |  humanglemedia.com
Internally displaced people (IDPs) in Maiduguri, Borno state, Nigeria, are facing severe hardships due to a lack of humanitarian assistance. The Shuwari Five displacement camp, home to thousands, has many residents who have never received significant aid. The state government ceased aid distribution in December 2021, exacerbating the situation. The Danish Refugee Council provides some support, but it is insufficient and not all-encompassing. IDPs, including former herders and businessmen, have lost everything to Boko Haram and struggle to adapt to urban life. The camp faces the additional threat of closure by private landowners, leaving IDPs with nowhere to go amid ongoing security concerns.

Vigilantes And Paramilitary Members In Nigeria’s Gwoza Quit Over Lack Of Pay

30 May 2023  |  HumAngle
Armed civilian security groups in Kirawa, Gwoza local government area of Borno State, Nigeria, have ceased their protection services due to unpaid allowances for over a year and inadequate ammunition supplies. Despite a directive from Borno State Governor Babagana Umara Zulum to pay the allowances, the situation remains unchanged. The groups, which include the Kirawa Civilian Joint Task Force and the Kirawa joint vigilantes and hunters’ group, have been essential in providing security in the region, which is prone to Boko Haram attacks. The lack of support has led to dissatisfaction among the members, with some leaving for other work, and poses a significant risk to the community's safety.

Presidential Election Results In One Of Besieged Borno LGAs Rejected

26 Feb 2023  |  humanglemedia.com
The presidential election result from Gubio LGA in Borno State, Nigeria, was rejected due to irregularities, specifically a discrepancy between the total registered voters and accredited voters. The issue was identified when the collation officer, Aminah Gaji, presented the results in Maiduguri. An observer, Abubakar Sadiq Muazu, highlighted the significant difference between the number of accredited voters and those who cast votes. Internally Displaced Persons had traveled approximately 80 kilometers to vote at the local government headquarters.

Thousands Waiting For Corrected Voters’ Cards Won’t Get A Vote

23 Feb 2023  |  HumAngle
Thousands of voters in Maiduguri, Borno State, are unable to vote in the upcoming election due to delays in receiving corrected Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs). Despite repeated visits to collection centers, many voters have been told their cards have not arrived, leading to significant disenfranchisement. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has acknowledged the issue but stated that the distribution deadline has passed, and remaining cards will only be available after the elections. This situation has caused widespread frustration and disappointment among affected voters.

Survivors Of Deadly Attacks In Borno Left With Gruesome Injuries

02 Dec 2022  |  humanglemedia.com
Survivors of attacks in Borno State, Nigeria, such as Ali Jigila and Ashigar Abba Bukar, have been left with severe injuries and life-altering consequences. Jigila, a victim of gunfire, has undergone multiple operations and depleted his finances, while Bukar, a victim of a suicide bombing, had his leg amputated. The Borno State Contributory Health Management Agency, through the Z-SHIP, and the International Committee for the Red Cross have provided medical care to some victims. However, the extent of support from organizations like the Victim Support Funds is unclear, and there are concerns about adherence to International Humanitarian Laws by state and non-state actors in the region.

The Art of Music as a Medium for Social Change in Nigeria

23 May 2022  |  Audible.com
In the episode, host Usman Abba Zanna engages in an exclusive discussion with guest Maxwel Anthony Daniel about the role of music as a form of expression that can drive social change in Nigeria. The conversation likely explores the impact of music on society and how artists use their craft to address and influence social issues within the country.

Freedom of Expression and Political Participation

15 Mar 2022  |  Audible.com
Usman Abba Zanna hosts a discussion with Maxwel Anthony Daniel on the role of music as a medium for social change in Nigeria, emphasizing freedom of expression and political participation.

Peace Promotion and Religious Tolerance from Borno State, a training organised by Search for Common Ground.

Peace Promotion and Religious Tolerance Messages from Borno State, a two day training organised by Search for Common Ground.







Interview on anti-corruption, accountability and transparency

Interview with Tony Olymelu, Chairman UBA and founder Tony Olymelu Foundation, and interview of thousand dollars beneficiaries of the foundation.

Interview with Sheik Mufti Menk when he visited Maiduguri in Nigeria.

Maiduguri Central Mosque completed after 33years of construction.

This is a video documentary of Advancing Religious Tolerance in Nigeria High-Level Technical Meeting, organised by Search for Common Ground and supported by US Department of State.

This is a video documentary of an NGO project in Borno state. Its implemented by REBHI and funded by National Humanitarian Fund, NHF.


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