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Verónica Romano

Lyon, France
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About Verónica
I am a multimedia journalist, currently based in Porto, Portugal. I'm working as a freelancer for Euronews.

Investigative journalism is my passion and ambition.

I'm from Portugal, so I'm a native Portuguese speaker.
I'm also fluent in English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English, CPE - level C2). I have the upper intermediate level (B2) in Spanish and the basic level (A1) in French.
English Spanish French
Investigative Reporting

Where do Europeans invest the most in cryptocurrencies?

05 Mar 2024  |  fr.euronews.com
Cryptocurrency adoption varies significantly across Europe, with Eastern European countries like Ukraine, Turkey, and Russia leading in investment. The UK and Spain follow in Western Europe. Globally, Asia, particularly India, dominates cryptocurrency adoption, with significant contributions from Nigeria and Vietnam. The overall market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has surged, reflecting their growing integration into traditional financial systems. Europe hosts over 1,100 blockchain-related entities, primarily in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and northern Italy, contributing significantly to the sector's value.

Do psychedelics reduce distress for palliative care patients? EU funds study to find out

12 Feb 2024  |  www.euronews.com
European researchers have initiated a clinical trial to explore the efficacy and safety of psilocybin, a compound found in magic mushrooms, in alleviating psychological distress in palliative care patients with advanced illnesses. The EU has allocated over €6.5 million to the project, named PsyPal, which will be conducted across clinics in the Netherlands, Czechia, Denmark, and Portugal. The trial, coordinated by the Dutch University Medical Centre Groningen, will involve over 100 patients and focus on conditions such as COPD, MS, ALS, and atypical Parkinson’s disease. The study aims to start in early 2025, with results expected by 2027.

Why are four out of five people with autoimmune diseases women?

05 Feb 2024  |  www.euronews.com
Scientists have identified a potential reason why women are more prone to autoimmune diseases than men, attributing it to the presence of two X chromosomes in females. A study by Stanford University researchers, published in Cell, found that the molecule Xist, which inactivates one of the X chromosomes to prevent protein overproduction, can also trigger autoimmune responses. Experiments on male lab mice with a modified Xist gene showed similar autoimmune responses to females when exposed to an irritant. This discovery could enhance the detection and treatment of autoimmune conditions.

Measles Outbreak in Europe. Doctors Urge Not to Delay Vaccination

24 Jan 2024  |  ru.euronews.com
The World Health Organization has raised alarms over a significant increase in measles cases in Europe, with a 30-fold rise in 2023 compared to the previous year. Over 30,000 cases were reported in 40 out of 53 European countries, leading to 21,000 hospitalizations and five deaths. The UK and Romania are among the hardest hit, with the UK declaring a 'national incident' and Romania experiencing an epidemic. Austria, France, and Germany have also reported notable outbreaks. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and WHO attribute the resurgence to suboptimal vaccination coverage, which has declined since 2020. Health authorities stress the importance of receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus.

Health professionals told not to report illegal abortions to police

24 Jan 2024  |  www.euronews.com
New guidelines from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) state that healthcare professionals are not legally required to report suspected illegal abortions to the police, emphasizing patient confidentiality and compassionate care. The guidelines come amid rising police investigations into later gestation abortions and pregnancy losses in the UK. The RCOG aims to remove abortion care from criminal law, placing it under medical regulation. Abortion laws vary across the UK and the EU, with most countries allowing abortion on request within specific gestation limits, except for Poland and Malta, which have highly restrictive laws.

Unemployment in the euro area drops to 6.4%

09 Jan 2024  |  www.euronews.com
The eurozone's unemployment rate decreased to 6.4% in November 2023, down from 6.5% in October and 6.7% the previous year, according to Eurostat. The EU's overall unemployment rate also fell to 5.9%. Youth unemployment in both the EU and eurozone was 14.5%. Switzerland's unemployment rate dropped to 2%, its lowest since 2001, while Italy's rate fell to 7.5% with youth unemployment at 21%.

Boeing shares plummet after plane window blowout

08 Jan 2024  |  euronews.com
Boeing's shares fell 9% after the FAA grounded 171 of its 737 MAX 9 jets for safety checks following an incident where part of an Alaska Airlines jet's fuselage tore off. Airbus shares rose over 1%, with the company expected to announce record deliveries and orders, maintaining its position as the world's biggest planemaker. Shares of Boeing's suppliers and customers, including Spirit Aero, Alaska Air, and United Airlines, also dropped. The Boeing incident is anticipated to affect the Dow Jones Industrial Average, with Dow Futures already down 188 points. Boeing's CEO Dave Calhoun emphasized the company's focus on responding to the incident, with a safety webcast planned.

UK manufacturers see growing competitiveness against Germany and France

08 Jan 2024  |  www.euronews.com
UK manufacturers are increasingly optimistic about their competitiveness, particularly against Germany and France, with over half viewing the UK as a more competitive place to operate compared to last year. This sentiment is supported by a survey from Make UK and PwC, which also indicates a positive outlook for the manufacturing sector in the new year. Investment in new products, market expansion, and digital technologies, including generative AI, are seen as key drivers for improving business conditions.

International Criminal Court seeks to investigate war crimes in Israel and Gaza. What is Europe's position?

11 Dec 2023  |  pt.euronews.com
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has jurisdiction over Palestinian territories and has opened a formal investigation into violence in the region since 2014. ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan has the authority to investigate war crimes committed by both Palestinians and Israelis. Israel, not a member of the ICC, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have denounced the investigation. The European Union is divided on the issue, with some member states rejecting ICC jurisdiction over Palestine. The EU's support for the ICC remains unchanged, but the bloc's fragmented stance and opposition from non-member allies like the US and UK could hinder the investigation. Belgium is funding the ICC's investigation into the Israel-Hamas conflict, while Ireland's opposition parties failed to pass a motion urging the government to denounce Israel to the ICC. The ICC's ability to conduct investigations relies on state cooperation, which is challenged by geopolitical influences and budgetary constraints.

Brussels accepts 'Air Schengen' proposed by Austria for Romania and Bulgaria

11 Dec 2023  |  pt.euronews.com
The European Commission has accepted Austria's 'Air Schengen' proposal, which allows partial Schengen membership for Romania and Bulgaria, focusing on airport travel while maintaining land border controls. Austria's proposal includes conditions such as increased Frontex agents, technical upgrades at borders, and EU funding for border infrastructure. Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu welcomed the news, while Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov expressed caution, emphasizing adherence to general European rules. The proposal requires unanimous approval from all EU member states.

German downturn eases while French economy contracts sharply

23 Nov 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The French economy experienced a significant contraction in business activity in November, driven primarily by a sharp decline in manufacturing, which has been the steepest in three years. In contrast, Germany's economic slowdown showed signs of easing, with business activity falling at its slowest pace in four months. The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for France remains well below the growth threshold, indicating continued economic challenges, while Germany's PMI suggests a potential return to growth by the first half of the next year. Expert opinions highlight geopolitical and economic uncertainties as key factors affecting the French economy, while there is cautious optimism for Germany's economic prospects.

UK borrows more money ahead of expected tax cuts

21 Nov 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The UK government borrowed £14.9 billion in October, marking the second highest October borrowing in 30 years. Between April and October, public sector borrowing reached £98.3 billion, which is £22 billion more than the same period last year but £17 billion less than predicted by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). Financial analysts suggest this could provide Chancellor Jeremy Hunt with some flexibility for pre-election tax cuts. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak indicated a focus on tax reductions following a slowdown in inflation and stronger tax revenues. However, concerns remain about the UK's economic growth and rising public debt, which now stands at over £2.6 trillion.

Why Denmark Will Be Tasked with Blocking Russian Oil Tankers?

15 Nov 2023  |  ru.euronews.com
The European Union has tasked Denmark with inspecting and potentially blocking Russian oil tankers passing through its waters to enforce a $60 per barrel price cap on Russian oil exports. This measure is part of the EU's 12th sanctions package against Russia, aimed at reducing the country's oil revenue and preventing sanctions evasion. Denmark's strategic location is crucial as it oversees the passage of 60% of Russia's maritime oil exports. The inspections will focus on tankers without Western insurance, which are suspected of posing environmental risks. The initiative aligns with broader efforts by the G7, EU, and Australia to regulate Russian oil exports amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Sanctions against HAMAS investors unlikely to shake group's funding

02 Nov 2023  |  ru.euronews.com
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on key figures and financial networks associated with HAMAS following an attack on Israel on October 7. These sanctions target the external financing of the Palestinian group, including its secret investment portfolio, which is primarily held by HAMAS supporters in the Arab world. Despite these efforts, Jonathan Schanzer, a former financial analyst for terrorism at the US Treasury and now a senior vice president at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, believes these sanctions are unlikely to significantly harm HAMAS's financial resources, which include substantial funding from foreign governments like Iran and Qatar. HAMAS also receives funds through cryptocurrencies, with over $40 million in transactions linked to the group between 2020 and 2023. Turkey, a NATO member, does not consider HAMAS a terrorist organization and allows its activities within its borders. The US has also targeted HAMAS's financial intermediaries in countries like Iran, Qatar, Sudan, and Algeria. The Holy Land Foundation in the US was shut down for funding HAMAS, while Interpal in the UK was cleared by the High Court of allegations of supporting HAMAS.

Sanctions on Hamas' secret investments unlikely to significantly impact group's funding

02 Nov 2023  |  es.euronews.com
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions on key financial networks linked to Hamas, targeting the group's secret investment portfolio. Despite these measures, experts like Jonathan Schanzer believe the sanctions will have limited impact due to substantial funding from countries like Iran and Qatar. Turkey's support for Hamas, under President Erdoğan, and the use of cryptocurrencies and NGOs for funding are also highlighted. The article underscores the complexity of disrupting Hamas' financial networks and the geopolitical challenges involved.

Sanctions on Hamas’ secret investment portfolio unlikely to have major impact on group’s funding

02 Nov 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Hamas-linked officials and financial networks, targeting the group's external fundraising through secret investments in real estate. Despite these measures, significant funding from Iran, Qatar, and Turkey, as well as other sources like cryptocurrency and smuggling, continue to support Hamas. Expert Jonathan Schanzer highlights the limited impact of sanctions due to substantial foreign government support and the complex financial networks that sustain the group. The article also discusses the role of non-governmental organizations and the challenges in curbing Hamas' financial resources.

Russian oligarch Alexey Kuzmichev detained in France as part of a money laundering and sanctions violation investigation

01 Nov 2023  |  ru.euronews.com
Russian billionaire Alexey Kuzmichev was detained for questioning in France regarding tax evasion, money laundering, and international sanctions violations. Searches were conducted at various locations, including Kuzmichev's Paris home and villa in Saint-Tropez. While under custody since the morning of October 30, no official charges have been filed against him. His lawyer declined to comment, and Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia would protect Kuzmichev's rights once more information is provided by French authorities. The EU considers Kuzmichev one of the most influential people in Russia, close to Vladimir Putin, and supportive of Russian authorities responsible for the annexation of Crimea and destabilization in Ukraine.

Who is Ted Pick, Morgan Stanley's new CEO?

26 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
Ted Pick, a banking veteran, will become the CEO of Morgan Stanley on January 1, 2024, succeeding James Gorman. Pick has been with the bank since 1990 and has held various significant roles, including co-president. He played a crucial role during the 2008 financial crisis, helping the bank recover. Both Pick and Gorman have expressed mutual respect and confidence in each other's leadership. Pick is also a trustee at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

What will Poland’s new government mean for the EU economy?

24 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The recent Polish elections marked a significant shift as pro-EU parties gained a parliamentary majority, ending the eight-year rule of the right-wing nationalist Law and Justice party. This political change is expected to have major economic implications, including the potential unfreezing of €112 billion in EU funds previously blocked due to judicial reforms. Donald Tusk, leader of the Civic Coalition, is poised to become the new prime minister, which could improve Poland's relations with the EU and possibly lead to the adoption of the euro. The election results have already generated economic optimism, reflected in rising stock and currency markets. Key challenges include reversing controversial judiciary rules and improving the central bank's performance.

China announces billions in investments in developing countries and pledges market opening

18 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
China's President Xi Jinping announced over €100 billion in financing for Belt and Road Initiative projects in developing countries and pledged to open China's market to foreign companies. The announcements were made at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, where Xi also addressed criticisms of the BRI's impact on poorer countries' debt. Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized the need for BRI projects to avoid complicating fiscal conditions. The forum also saw the attendance of Russian President Vladimir Putin, marking his first trip outside the former Soviet Union since an ICC warrant was issued against him.

Property crisis in China: IMF worries about country’s financial stability

11 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expresses concern over China's financial stability, urging national authorities to restore confidence in the real estate sector. The IMF downgraded China's growth forecast to 5% due to a liquidity crisis in real estate, with Evergrande nearing bankruptcy and Country Garden close to default. IMF officials emphasize the need for energetic action to prevent financial instability from spreading.

Why are four out of five people with autoimmune diseases women?

05 Oct 2023  |  ca.news.yahoo.com
Scientists have identified a potential reason why women are more prone to autoimmune diseases than men, attributing it to the presence of two X chromosomes in females. A study by Stanford University researchers, published in the journal Cell, found that the molecule Xist, which inactivates one of the X chromosomes to prevent protein overproduction, can also trigger autoimmune responses. Experiments on male lab mice with a modified Xist gene showed similar autoimmune responses to females when exposed to an irritant. This discovery could enhance the detection and treatment of autoimmune conditions.

Housing crisis: Number of young Portuguese homeowners has halved in 20 years

05 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The number of young Portuguese homeowners has significantly decreased over the past 20 years, with only a quarter of those born after 1997 owning a home by age 25, compared to 55% of those born between 1977 and 1986. This decline is attributed to a sharp rise in house prices over the last decade, with property prices increasing by 12.6% last year alone. Despite this, homeownership in Portugal remains higher than the Eurozone average, with 70% of families owning their main residence in 2021. The central bank attributes this to differences in social rental markets, post-World War II reconstruction, and tax incentives.

World Bank slashes China growth forecast for next year

03 Oct 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The World Bank predicts a 5.1% growth rate for China's economy in 2023 but has downgraded its 2024 forecast from 4.8% to 4.4%. The downgrade is attributed to China's slow post-COVID recovery, high debt, property sector weakness, and structural issues like an aging population. The East Asia and Pacific region is expected to grow by 5% in 2023, slightly lower than previously projected, with a further reduction in 2024 due to global economic challenges. China's economic difficulties significantly impact regional growth.

Where in Europe is the most invested in cryptocurrencies?

15 Sep 2023  |  es.euronews.com
Cryptocurrency investment is gaining traction in Europe, with Ukraine, Turkey, and Russia leading in adoption. The UK and Spain follow closely. Globally, India, Nigeria, and Vietnam are at the forefront of cryptocurrency adoption, with Asia Central and Meridional regions showing the highest adoption rates. Despite a recovery from the 2022 downturn, global adoption remains low, but middle-income countries are emerging as significant players in the cryptocurrency market.

Where in Europe are people investing in crypto the most?

15 Sep 2023  |  ru.euronews.com
Cryptocurrency is a highly popular term in the financial world, with approximately 31 million users in Europe according to TripleA. Chainalysis, a blockchain data platform, developed an index to identify the leading countries in Europe for cryptocurrency investment. Ukraine, Turkey, and Russia top the list, followed by the UK and Spain. Globally, Asia dominates with India, Nigeria, and Vietnam leading in cryptocurrency adoption. Despite a recovery from late 2022 disruptions, cryptocurrency adoption levels remain below historical highs, with stronger interest in lower-income countries, presenting opportunities for cryptocurrency creators.

African Union to create own credit rating agency

13 Sep 2023  |  www.euronews.com
The African Union plans to launch its own sovereign credit rating agency next year to provide an alternative to Moody's, Fitch, and S&P, which it believes unfairly rank African countries. A report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa highlights criticisms from Ghana's president Nana Akufo-Addo, who argues that these agencies exacerbate fiscal challenges in developing countries. The new African Credit Rating Agency aims to offer independent assessments of lending risks to African nations. Despite the 'big three' agencies' claims of unbiased ratings, the AU's initiative reflects a broader effort to address perceived biases and support economic recovery projected by the African Development Bank.

What are the highlights of the upcoming G20 Summit in India?

08 Sep 2023  |  tr.euronews.com
The G20 Summit in New Delhi, India, will see leaders from the world's richest and most powerful countries gather for a two-day conference. Key topics include the potential influence of the BRICS economic bloc, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and global issues like climate change and cybersecurity. The summit faces challenges in reaching a consensus, particularly due to objections from Russia and China regarding references to the Ukraine conflict. Notable absences include Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The summit's outcome remains uncertain, with historical precedents suggesting possible compromises.

The 2023 G20 Summit: What to Keep in Mind?

08 Sep 2023  |  es.euronews.com
The 2023 G20 Summit in New Delhi faces significant challenges, including the lack of consensus on key issues due to objections from Russia and China, particularly regarding the Ukraine conflict. The growing influence of the BRICS nations and their potential to challenge Western dominance is a key topic. Expert Dennis Snower warns of the dangers of fragmented global cooperation, emphasizing the need for unity on issues like climate change and security. The absence of key leaders like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping adds to the uncertainty, but there remains hope for partial agreements similar to past summits.

Here's what to watch out for at the G20 summit 2023

07 Sep 2023  |  euronews.com
The G20 summit in New Delhi has prompted city beautification efforts in anticipation of the world's richest and most powerful countries' leaders attending. India, holding the G20 presidency for 2023, faces challenges in reaching consensus due to Russia and China's objections to the language used regarding the Ukraine conflict. The summit will address the growing influence of the BRICS economic bloc and its potential shift away from Western dominance. Key global issues like climate change and international safety may be overshadowed by the war in Ukraine and power conflicts between countries. The absence of Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping adds to the complexity of reaching a unified agreement. However, the possibility of an '18 + 2 rule' could allow for progress despite disagreements, as demonstrated by the 2017 G20 summit.

The Saudi telecommunications company STC becomes the largest shareholder of Telefónica

06 Sep 2023  |  es.euronews.com
Saudi Telecom Company (STC) has acquired a 9.9% stake in Telefónica for €2.1 billion, becoming its largest shareholder. The acquisition involves 4.9% of Telefónica's share capital and 5% in financial instruments, pending regulatory approval. STC's CEO, Olayan Alwetaid, emphasized the investment as a strategic opportunity without intentions of majority control. Previously, BBVA and BlackRock were the largest shareholders. STC's investment underscores confidence in Telefónica's management and strategy.

Turkish Airlines orders 10 long-haul Airbus jets

04 Sep 2023  |  euronews.com
Turkish Airlines has placed an order for 10 A350-900 long-haul jets from Airbus, with deliveries scheduled between 2025 and 2027. This will increase their total A350-900 fleet to 24. The deal, estimated at nearly $3.2 billion based on 2018 list prices, aligns with the airline's expansion goals, especially in Africa and Asia, leveraging the new Istanbul airport as its main hub.

Portugal is covered by a smoke cloud from Canada's forest fires

28 Jun 2023  |  pt.euronews.com
A smoke cloud from Canada's forest fires has covered mainland Portugal and is expected to dissipate starting Thursday, intensifying over the Azores from Wednesday and Madeira from Thursday. Canada is experiencing its worst fire season on record, with over 76,000 square kilometers burned. The smoke crossed the Atlantic via a jet stream, reaching Norway and the UK. While it enveloped New York City in a dangerous orange haze earlier this month, prompting health warnings from Governor Kathy Hochul, it is not expected to significantly worsen air quality in Europe as it remains in the upper layers of the atmosphere, potentially creating picturesque skies.

Portuguese street artist Vhils creates underwater museum to combine art with marine conservation

15 Apr 2023  |  euronews
Portuguese street artist Vhils, also known as Alexandre Farto, has created an underwater museum off the coast of Algarve, Portugal, called the 'EDP Art Reef'. The museum will feature 13 sculptures made from decommissioned parts of power stations, which have been decontaminated and will be coated in live coral to foster marine life. The project, which began in early 2021, is Vhils' most ambitious to date and aims to be environmentally friendly. The University of Algarve will monitor the sculptures to ensure they contribute positively to the ecosystem. Some pieces are also displayed at EDP's headquarters in Lisbon. The underwater museum is expected to open to visitors in June 2024.



Euronews TikTok - Drug abuse in Finland

Who is Lucas, the young man with millions of followers on TikTok who dedicates himself to fulfilling strangers' wishes

01 May 2022  |  visao.pt
Lucas Rodrigues, a young man with millions of followers on TikTok, experienced a traumatic event in January 2020 when he and his then-girlfriend were kidnapped at knifepoint in a campsite in Vila Nova de Gaia. This incident led to severe anxiety and panic attacks, confining him to his home for almost a year. Despite this, Lucas has gained significant attention on TikTok for his efforts in fulfilling the wishes of strangers.

Cubans are divided over more rights for women and the LGBT community

02 Apr 2022  |  visao.pt
The Cuban government has proposed a new Family Code that includes legalization of same-sex marriage, adoption by same-sex couples, equal division of domestic tasks, prenuptial agreements, and medically assisted reproduction. Despite these progressive measures, public support is lukewarm, with only 54% in favor according to meetings held across the island. The code revises laws dating back to Fidel Castro's era, who admitted responsibility for past persecution of gays. The Catholic Church opposes the proposal, citing gender ideology threats. Mariela Castro is optimistic about the reforms, while expert Bert Hoffman notes the uncertainty of the referendum outcome, a first in Cuba's history.

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