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Yakana Beyegue

Yakana Beyegue is a freelance Filmaker/videojournalist based in Yaoundé, Cameroon with 14 years experience in photography and video production. I have produced content in various roles as a freelancer for BBC,France24,CNN and various small businesses locally. I am able to pitch, script, shoot and edit. I have my own cameras (GH4 and RED Epic Mysterium X) and various equipment for video production.

English French Dutch
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries Photography Video Rushes Drone Footage Fact Checking
Film & Theatre Fact Checking

Kibonen moved from New York to Buea in Cameroon to join her partners set up Cameroon Clothing Company with the aim of helping solve the apparel production problems in Cameroon .

New report on the aftermath of the kidnaping and eventual assassination of a journalist in Cameroon. commisioned by France24. Worked as a cinematographer and editor.

Worked as a cinematographer and editor on the programme showcasing a culinary festival involving Cameroonian and African American chefs for France24

Assigment produced for BBC Africa (SMARTTECH). Shot in two cities across Cameroon. Spotlighting the inventor of the incubation machine (NEONAT). The first of its kind in sub-saharan Africa.

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