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Yevgeny Matyushenko

Kyiv, Ukraine
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About Yevgeny
I am a journalist, editor, translator and part-time fixer based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Now hired by the English-language office of the national news agency Ukrinform. I have been covering the war since its outset in 2014 and countering disinformation efforts across Ukrainian and international media space. Occasionally providing commentary, including live video feeds, on politics and war for international outlets, including from Canada, the U.S., and across the EU. Contributed opeds to CBS News and Newsweek.
English Russian Ukrainian
Content Writing Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast) Fixing
Politics Current Affairs Risk Analysis

PS752 downing by Iran intentional act of terrorism, Canada court rules

13 Jul 2024  |  www.unian.info
The Ontario Superior Court in Canada has ruled that the downing of Ukraine International Airlines' Flight 752 near Tehran by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards was a deliberate act of terrorism.

Biden to speak with Zelensky before meeting with Putin – Foreign Ministry

Russia plans to issue 1 million passports to occupied Donbas residents before year-end

Armed law enforcers spotted near Mayor Klitschko's home

14 Apr 2024  |  www.unian.info
Armed law enforcers were seen near the residence of Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko, as reported by journalist Yuriy Butusov. Klitschko, who was out for a morning workout, returned to address the situation, suggesting it might be part of a political pressure campaign against the city's authorities. His press secretary, Oksana Zinovyeva, confirmed that no search was being conducted in the mayor's apartment at the time. Sources from Ukrayinska Pravda indicated that the SBU security service was planning to conduct a search. Klitschko stated his administration's openness and transparency, and his belief that those behind the pressure would be held accountable.

Donbas: Kyiv invites NATO to hold joint military drills

04 Apr 2024  |  unian.info
Ukraine has proposed to NATO the idea of holding joint military exercises as a response to Russia's military buildup near the Ukrainian border. Deputy Head of the President's Office, Roman Mashovets, discussed the situation with NATO's Alexander Vinnikov, emphasizing the need for a joint response and the advancement of Ukraine's NATO integration. Vinnikov offered condolences for Ukraine's recent losses and assured that information about the security situation would be relayed to NATO's headquarters.

Army is ready: Zelensky on latest tensions with Russia

04 Apr 2024  |  unian.info
During a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), the situation in Donbas was highlighted as a priority, according to President Zelensky.

MP talks of gruesome sexual violence against Ukrainian POWs held in Donbas warzone

04 Apr 2024  |  unian.info
Ukrainian MP Iryna Herashchenko reported that many Ukrainians liberated from captivity in Donbas had been victims of sexual violence by militants. She discussed this on the Right to Power panel show on 1+1 TV and mentioned that she had provided the new prosecutor's office with translated texts on sex crimes in the conflict zone. Herashchenko also highlighted the absence of such reports in international human rights documents and called for a class-action lawsuit.

Russia is to soon double military grouping deployed near Ukraine border – Bankova

02 Oct 2023  |  www.unian.info
Roman Mashovets, Deputy Head of the President's Office, announced that Russia will soon double its military presence along Ukraine's borders. In a meeting with Sweden's Ambassador to Ukraine, Tobias Tyberg, Mashovets discussed the deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine and the need for coordinated international action to prevent further escalation. The ambassador reiterated Sweden's support for Ukraine's sovereignty and efforts to peacefully resolve the conflict, highlighting Sweden's role in ensuring transparency of Russia's military actions as the current chair of the OSCE.

Project Promin: SBU exposes Medvedchuk's plot to set up Russian influence network in Ukraine

01 Oct 2023  |  www.unian.info
Viktor Medvedchuk is allegedly involved in the Promin project, aimed at creating a Russian influence network in Ukraine through labor migrants. The SBU Security Service, led by Ivan Bakanov, revealed that the project intended to gather personal data, recruit Ukrainians, and spread Russian propaganda. The investigation views this as an anti-Ukrainian effort, with handwritten notes by Medvedchuk confirming his involvement.

American with Ukrainian roots seeks to join Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression

05 Apr 2023  |  www.unian.info
Jim Kovpak, an American with Ukrainian heritage, expressed his desire to join the Ukrainian military in an interview with UNIAN. Having lived in Russia for over a decade, Kovpak observed a shift in Russian attitudes due to Kremlin propaganda, particularly hostility towards the West. Kovpak, who writes under a pseudonym for Western media and has a blog, has been working as a journalist and visited Ukraine's Donbas region. He criticized the Russian portrayal of the conflict as a civil war, instead calling it a Russian invasion. Despite his military background from the U.S. Army, Kovpak faced obstacles in joining the Ukrainian forces due to medical reasons and bureaucracy. He discussed the differences between the U.S. and Ukrainian militaries, the concept of 'Total Resistance', and the need for Ukraine to engage in information warfare. Kovpak also commented on the lack of sufficient U.S. support for Ukraine, criticizing both the Obama and Trump administrations for their approaches to the conflict.

Occupied Donbas: A Black Market for Illegal Arms Production and Smuggling

05 Apr 2023  |  www.unian.info
The article discusses the transformation of the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine into hubs for illegal arms production and smuggling, particularly to the Middle East. These regions, once highly industrialized, have had their facilities repurposed post-occupation to service military equipment and produce weapons like small arms, explosives, and ammunition. The article mentions the use of a local production facility for assembling portable MLRS Grad-P systems, originally designed for Soviet allies. It also touches on the use of these weapons by militants in the Middle East, including Hamas and ISIL, and suggests that these arms may be originating from the occupied Ukrainian territories and shipped through Crimea. The piece raises concerns about the Kremlin's potential role in arming terrorists while simultaneously calling for a coalition against terrorism.

Exclusive interview with OSCE's Alexander Hug on the situation in Ukraine

05 Apr 2023  |  www.unian.info
Alexander Hug, Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE SMM to Ukraine, discussed the challenges faced by the mission in monitoring the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. He clarified that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's resolution for a peacekeeping operation is not binding, as decisions are made by the Permanent Council in Vienna. Access to conflict areas is often restricted, affecting the mission's ability to verify compliance with the Minsk agreements. Hug highlighted the difficulties in monitoring the Ukrainian-Russian border, which is not under government control, and the risks faced by monitors, including aggression and electronic jamming of their equipment. He emphasized the importance of investigating violations against the mission and the need for the sides to remove any security threats. Hug also addressed the presence of Russian monitors in the mission and the criticism it draws. He stressed the ongoing risks along the contact line, the readiness for battle on both sides, and the severe impact of the conflict on civilians. The humanitarian situation remains dire, with the mission facilitating aid delivery when possible. Hug concluded by calling for an end to the conflict and a return to normal life for the affected civilians.

Rallies in Russia: A Sign of Growing Discontent?

03 Apr 2023  |  www.unian.info
The article discusses the recent protests in Russia, sparked by an investigation into Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's alleged corruption conducted by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, led by Alexei Navalny. It highlights the lack of coverage by Russian media and the government's heavy-handed response to the protests. The piece questions why President Vladimir Putin is not the focus of similar hashtags and suggests that the political elite is protected from repercussions. It also touches on the murders of opposition figures and the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, suggesting that any real opposition to Putin's regime is systematically crushed. The article speculates on the upcoming elections and Navalny's potential candidacy, hinting at the possibility that Putin may allow some opposition to appease the public.

How Putin's Justification for Invading Ukraine Backfired

13 Nov 2022  |  Newsweek
The article discusses the cultural and linguistic shift in Ukraine following Russia's invasion. It highlights the historical dominance of the Russian language in Ukrainian culture and the recent legislative efforts to promote the Ukrainian language. The 2017 education law and the 2019 law mandating Ukrainian as the state language are mentioned, as well as the ban on Russian books and music. Influencers and public figures like Olya Polyakova and Anton Ptushkin are shifting to Ukrainian, reflecting a broader societal change. President Zelensky's stance on language use is also covered, alongside reports of Russian suppression of the Ukrainian language in occupied areas. The article touches on the mixed reactions to these changes, with some advocating for a natural linguistic transition without bans. The impact of the war on language perception and the generational differences in language preference are also explored.

Cabinet could extend quarantine beyond June 30, official admits

11 Jun 2021  |  covid.unian.info
Adaptive quarantine in Ukraine may be extended beyond June 30, depending on the COVID-19 situation, according to Minister Oleh Nemchinov. The decision will be based on the coronavirus incidence rate, and citizens are urged to comply with quarantine regulations. Some regions, including Kyiv, are being withdrawn from the 'red' quarantine zone. The Cabinet of Ministers had previously extended the quarantine until June 30, 2021.

Russia publishes list of 'unfriendly' countries

14 May 2021  |  unian.info
Russia has released a list of countries it deems 'unfriendly,' which currently includes the United States and the Czech Republic. The list is a response to actions perceived as hostile by these countries, including the expulsion of Russian diplomats and the imposition of financial restrictions. The Czech Republic has expelled 18 Russian diplomats in response to an ammunition depot explosion, while the U.S. has expelled 10 Russian diplomats and imposed borrowing restrictions due to various disputes, including the treatment of Aleksei Navalny.

Medvedchuk, targeted in treason probe, reports to Prosecutor General's Office

12 May 2021  |  www.unian.info
Viktor Medvedchuk, a prominent Ukrainian lawmaker and ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, reported to the Prosecutor General's Office in Kyiv amid a treason probe. Medvedchuk, accompanied by fellow MPs, denied the charges and labeled the prosecution as political repression. He claimed that President Volodymyr Zelensky had threatened him with persecution since 2019. Medvedchuk dismissed accusations of illegal transfer of a gas field to Russia and handing over military information to Russian special services as baseless and politically motivated.

Zelensky: Ukrainians fought against Nazism not to have another war take their lives today

08 May 2021  |  www.unian.info
President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the importance of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation to honor those who died in WWII and to remember the cost of peace. He condemned any justification of Nazism and highlighted that Ukrainians fought alongside many nations against it. Zelensky stressed that the war was not fought for another conflict to take lives 76 years later. He underscored the role of international institutions in maintaining global peace and the duty of nations to respect these rules.

New EP resolution proposes switching off SWIFT for Russia if Kremlin invades Ukraine

29 Apr 2021  |  www.unian.info
The European Parliament adopted a resolution imposing severe sanctions on Russia if it invades Ukraine, including cutting off from the SWIFT payment system and halting oil and gas imports. The resolution also addresses the case of Alexei Navalny, condemns Russian military build-up, and calls for the expulsion of Russian diplomats. It urges the EU to reduce dependence on Russian energy and stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The resolution demands the release of Navalny and other detained protesters, and criticizes Russia's actions in the Czech Republic and its intention to declare Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation an extremist organization.

Sea Breeze 2021: Ukraine, 29 NATO Allies to conduct joint exercise

27 Apr 2021  |  www.unian.info
Organizers in Odesa have finalized plans for the Ukraine-U.S. Sea Breeze 2021 military exercises, set to take place in the Black Sea region, including Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Odesa. The exercise will involve the Naval Forces, National Guard of Ukraine, other military forces, and 29 NATO Allies and partners. The goal is to enhance the compatibility of Ukraine's Armed Forces with NATO Allies. This year's exercise will see participation from 27 countries, with up to 35 countries involved, including first-time participants Senegal and Tunisia. The exercise will feature over 30 warships, 30 aircraft, and more than 1,400 military personnel.

EU appeals to Russia over amassing of troops at Ukraine border

12 Apr 2021  |  www.unian.info
The European Union has urged Russia to avoid actions that could escalate tensions with Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of diplomatic efforts to prevent conflict. EU spokesperson Peter Stano highlighted the EU's concern over the security situation in eastern Ukraine and the movement of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border and in Crimea. The issue will be discussed at an upcoming EU foreign ministers' meeting, with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba invited to attend. The EU continues to call for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements as the path to a peaceful resolution.

Donbas update: Ukraine reports 1 KIA, 1 WIA amid enemy attacks

11 Apr 2021  |  www.unian.info
Russian-controlled forces violated the ceasefire ten times in eastern Ukraine on April 10, resulting in one Ukrainian soldier killed and another injured. The attacks included the use of mortars, anti-tank weapons, and small arms in various locations such as Pishchevyk, Pisky, Shyrokyne, Avdiivka, and Kamenka. Ukrainian forces returned fire, and an enemy drone was suppressed by electronic warfare units.

Cabinet approves Concept of Crimean Tatar language development

07 Apr 2021  |  unian.info
The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has approved a concept for the development of the Crimean Tatar language, as announced by the Ministry for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories. Deputy Prime Minister Oleksiy Reznikov highlighted the plan's 10-year scope and its role in creating a strategy for the language's development from 2022 to 2032. The concept aims to ensure generational language transmission, establish linguistic rights, and consider adopting the Latin script. It also includes initiatives like supporting the Crimean Tatar Wikipedia and proposing a language course to Duolingo. The strategy is to be presented at the Crimean Platform summit in August 2021.

COVID-19: Zelensky signs decree to vaccinate majority of adult population by year-end

03 Apr 2021  |  covid.unian.info
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has signed a decree to implement the National Vaccine Prevention Plan for COVID-19, aiming to vaccinate the majority of the adult population by the end of 2021. The Cabinet is tasked with developing and approving the plan within seven days, ensuring vaccine supply and establishing monthly vaccination targets. The government will intensify negotiations with vaccine manufacturers and seek international assistance. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are directed to take urgent measures to facilitate vaccine supply and international cooperation.

U.S. not to leave Ukraine to its own devices if Russian aggression escalates: Defense chiefs' phone call

01 Apr 2021  |  www.unian.info
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin assured Ukraine's Defense Minister Andrii Taran of continued support in the face of Russian aggression during a phone call initiated by the U.S. They discussed strengthening security and defense cooperation, with Taran briefing Austin on the situation in Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, and near Ukraine's state border. Austin condemned Russia's recent provocative actions and reiterated the U.S. commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, mentioning over $2 billion in security assistance provided to Ukraine since 2014.

Foreign universities allowed to open branches in Ukraine

25 Mar 2021  |  unian.info
Ukraine has permitted foreign higher educational facilities to establish branches within the country, as part of its integration into the European educational space. This development, outlined in Cabinet Resolution No. 304, requires educational activities by foreign university branches to have a permit from the Ministry of Education and Science. Universities must rank within the top 3000 in international rankings such as QS, THE, or ARWU. Restrictions apply to entities with ties to aggressor or occupying states and in certain Ukrainian cities.

Ukraine to take part in Turkish Navy exercise

15 Mar 2021  |  www.unian.info
Ukraine's Naval Forces Command participated in the inaugural conference for the Turkish Navy exercise Dogu Akdeniz 2021, scheduled for late 2021 in the western Mediterranean. Ukrainian units will be involved, with discussions focusing on training routing, force composition, and the involvement of Navy offices in the exercise's multinational headquarters. The exercise will also include training onboard Turkish Navy's ADA class corvettes, highlighting the strengthening of Ukraine-Turkey military ties.

Purported phone call between Medvedchuk, Surkov leaked (Transcript)

25 Feb 2021  |  www.unian.info
A leaked recording from 2014 reveals a phone call between Viktor Medvedchuk, a political operative for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, and Vladislav Surkov, Putin's aide in Russia. The conversation touches on various topics, including Ukraine's refusal to negotiate coal purchases with pro-Russian militants, the resignation of then-energy minister Yuriy Prodan, and the Trilateral Contact Group's meetings. The dialogue also mentions political strategist Alexey Sytnik's work with Yulia Tymoshenko. The leak was initially published by TV Channel 24.

U.S. Embassy: Reforming SBU key step on path to NATO

10 Feb 2021  |  www.unian.info
Reforming the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in line with Euro-Atlantic principles is deemed crucial for Ukraine's path toward NATO, according to U.S. Charge d'Affaires Kristina Kvien. The reform, led by People's Deputy Mariana Bezuhla, aims to align the SBU with best practices, enhance accountability, and eliminate political engagement and corruption. SBU Chairman Ivan Bakanov emphasized the importance of these reforms for gaining public trust and improving operational efficiency. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg supports the legislative changes, viewing them as accelerating Ukraine's NATO integration.

Hybrid war as means of Kremlin’s survival

04 May 2017  |  www.unian.info
The article discusses Russia's strategy of distributing weapons to various states and non-state actors, drawing parallels with the USSR's tactics. It highlights Russia's interest in destabilizing regions to maintain its hydrocarbon export dominance, particularly in Syria, where it aims to prolong conflict to prevent competing oil pipeline projects. The article also mentions Russia's covert support of terrorists, including ISIS, to create chaos and buffer zones, as seen in Ukraine and Syria. This strategy is seen as contributing to the refugee crisis in Europe, which diverts attention from Russia's actions in Ukraine. Additionally, the article touches on Russia's recent military aid to Fiji, which is interpreted as a move to extend its influence in the Pacific and escalate tensions with the West, especially in light of the UK's Litvinenko report and potential sanctions against Russia.

Russia's Desperate Attempt to Regain Status Amid Sanctions

22 May 2014  |  www.unian.info
The article discusses the impact of international sanctions on Russia's economy and the Kremlin's response, particularly in relation to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The annexation of Crimea and aggression against Ukraine led to the G8 members' refusal to attend a summit in Sochi, marking a significant political response. The SPIEF, despite its importance to Russia, is facing a decline in status due to the absence of key international participants, with many CEOs from major companies and countries expanding sanctions against Russia. The article highlights the double standards of Russia's government and questions the country's ability to be a reliable partner in international economic relations. It also notes the significant cost of the Forum to the Russian treasury and the shift in the Forum's status from 'World' to predominantly 'Asian and Arab' due to the refusals to participate.

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