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Zhang Max

Beijing, China
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About Zhang
Zhang Max is a journalist ,cameraman, photographer based in Beijing, China. Specializing in the production of a variety of video programs and 15 years of international media experience.
English Chinese (Mandarin)
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Documentaries
Current Affairs Science & Environment Arts & Books

Interview With Ren Zhengfei, Founder of Huawei. a video interview for TIME magazine. I was the producer/director/ cameraman

The story of a Tibetan Internet Influencer, a video documentary for TIME magazine. I was the producer/director/ cameraman

TIME Video: Informative, Powerful Stories About Our World

Meet the Chinese MMA Fighter Taking on the Grandmasters of Kung Fu

Life in Ulan Bator, the World's Most Polluted Capital

Your High Quality Caviar Might Just Be Made in China


Zhang's confirmed information

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Verified May 2024
May 2024

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