Collins Mtika is a seasoned Malawian investigative journalist, renowned for his in-depth reporting on economic and social issues within Malawi and the broader Southern African region. Born in Malawi and raised in Zimbabwe, where he completed his primary and secondary education, Mtika returned to Read moreMalawi following the closure of mines in Zimbabwe in the late 1990s. His journalistic career began in 2002, and since then, he has become a prominent figure in the media landscape, serving as the Bureau Chief for the Northern region at Blantyre Newspapers Limited, which publishes several major newspapers including The Daily Times, Sunday Times, Malawi News, and The Weekend Times.
Mtika's commitment to uncovering the truth led him to establish the Centre for Investigative Journalism in Malawi (CIJM), an organization dedicated to promoting transparency and accountability. His reporting has exposed the exploitation in the cotton industry by Chinese firms, the concealment of child abuse allegations by the St John of God order, and the detrimental impact of illicit financial flows, smuggling, and tax evasion on Malawi's economy. He has also worked as a Chief Reporter for The Guardian, a tri-weekly publication, and has contributed to international outlets, serving as a correspondent for IPS (Africa), heading the investigations desk for, and reporting for the South African weekly Mail & Guardian and Africa Independent.
In addition to his journalistic endeavors, Mtika is furthering his education in the field of communication, pursuing a BA in Communication Science through distance learning with the University of South Africa (UNISA). His academic background also includes a certificate in Journalism from Pen Point School of Journalism, a certificate in mental health, a Diploma in Journalism from Agrrey Memorial, and an advanced diploma in Journalism (ABMA). Through his work, Mtika continues to shine a light on the complex issues that affect public revenue, labor practices, and the mining industry, with a steadfast goal of holding those in power to account.
Investigative Journalism
Fact Checking
Investigative Reporting
Fact Checking