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Photographers in Zulia

Algimiro Montiel

Zulia, Venezuela
Algimiro Lenin Montiel González, a correspondent from Frontera and a member of the Wayuu ethnic group from Zulia, Venezuela, is a distinguished journalist renowned for his investigative reporting on the environmental and political impacts of coal mining in the region. His work has meticulously Read moredocumented the transition from Hugo Chávez's environmental policies to Nicolás Maduro's intensified mining operations, often in partnership with Chinese companies. Montiel's reporting sheds light on corruption, the violation of indigenous rights, and the ecological resistance movements, providing accurate and truthful coverage of events that affect human rights and the environment.

Montiel's career has spanned various national media outlets, and he has produced reports for international audiences as a photographer and documentary filmmaker. His dedication to investigative journalism in high-risk areas has earned him recognition as a reliable source of information on the Zulia border. As an activist and humanitarian, Montiel is committed to social causes, particularly addressing the issue of malnutrition among Wayuu children.

His accolades include several awards for his journalism in Venezuela and internationally. Notably, Montiel co-authored an investigative piece titled "Venezuela: The Smugglers' Paradise," which traces the trafficking of gold from southern Venezuela to Europe. This extensive report was broadcast by major international media and won the Text category at the prestigious Gabo Prize in 2020. Additionally, Montiel is a member of the Wayuu communicators' network Putchimajana and leads communications for the Human Rights Committee of La Guajira. He founded the digital platform Guajira En Vivo, where he also conducts workshops for youth and adults on photo documentation and reporting on human rights issues.
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Politics War Reporter Investigative Reporting
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