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Find a freelance researcher in Denpasar

Find a freelance researcher in Denpasar

Paydesk has 4 researchers in Denpasar. Our researchers, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top researchers in Denpasar are Made Arnawa and Danar Tri Atmojo.

Use our researcher directory to find a member to work for you.

Researchers in Denpasar

Made Arnawa

Denpasar, Indonesia
Made Arnawa is a journalist based in Denpasar, Indonesia.
Breaking News

Danar Tri Atmojo

Denpasar, Indonesia
Danar Tri Atmojo is a Travel & Portrait photographer based in Bali & Jakarta, Indonesia.
English Indonesian Javanese
Feature Stories Corporate Content Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast)
Science & Environment Natural Disasters Entertainment & Celebrity

Dicky Bisinglasi

Denpasar, Indonesia
Dicky Bisinglasi is a Bali-based Indonesian visual journalist and documentary photographer.
He was born in 1987 and began his professional career in 2014 as a staff photojournalist for a local newspaper. In 2019, he made the decision to work full-time as a freelance photographer and videographer Read morefor a select international media publications.
His enthusiasm for visual journalism and storytelling led to him receiving a number of national honours, as well as the Award of Excellence in Asia regional yearly award; Pictures of the Year (POY) ASIA 2023
English Indonesian Javanese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Politics Current Affairs

Johannes Christo

Denpasar, Indonesia
Work as a freelance editorial and travel photographer.

Regularly, I’m contributing for some news agencies, newspapers and magazine. I have been covering some major events since 2009. I Always eager to make high quality and distinctive images. Interested in socio-culture stories, environmental Read moreissues, making portrait and exploring remote places. My passion pushes me to keep learning and searching in creating unique visual narration through personal projects. 

For online portfolio please visit www.jpchristo.net
English Indonesian
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment
Popular Countries
Switzerland, Singapore, Poland, Syria, Gabon, Gambia, Burma, Georgia, Martinique, Costa Rica

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