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Find a freelance researcher in Macau

Find a freelance researcher in Macau

Paydesk has 2 researchers in Macau. Our researchers, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top researchers in Macau are Naya Aurora - and Luciana Leitao.

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We have researchers in Macao and Macau.

Researchers in Macau

Naya Aurora -

Macau, Macau
Naya - is a journalist based in Macau, Macau.
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fact Checking
Fact Checking

Luciana Leitao

Macao, Macau
Luciana Leitao, 34 years old, is a Portuguese journalist based in Macao, Macau, since 2007.

After finishing a bachelor degree in Law,  she pursued a vocational training in Journalism, in CENJOR (Lisbon), that was completed with an internship in the Portuguese national daily newspaper Diário de Read moreNotícias.

From then on, Luciana Leitão started working in a monthly bilingual (Portuguese / English) magazine called África Today, writing about the African continent, and, at the same time, she was the local correspondent for Diário Notícias, covering two districts in the Greater Lisbon region (Loures and Odivelas).

In 2007, she went to Macau (China) to work for Ponto Final, a Portuguese daily newspaper. She then worked for the Chinese newspaper Tai Chung Pou, having later joined the team of De Ficção Multimedia Projects, to work as a reporter for Macau Business magazine and as an editor for the lifestyle magazine Essential Macau.

In 2009, the author won the Macau Journalism Award, given by The Fundação Oriente, for a feature story on the Chinese community view of death. In the same year, she also published in Portugal a short-stories book called Genti di Macau.

She is currently collaborating, on a freelance basis, with local and international publications, including the newspaper Sol (Portugal) and the BBC (UK).

Since the beginning of the year, she has launched an online cultural magazine in English called mART (www.martmagazine.net).
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