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Find a freelance analyst in Jacmel

Find a freelance analyst in Jacmel

Paydesk has 3 analysts in Jacmel. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top analysts in Jacmel are Eveline Adonis and Marcia Moise.

Use our analyst directory to find a member to work for you.

Analysts in Jacmel

Eveline Adonis

Jacmel, Haiti
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Eveline Adonis is a multi-media journalist based in Jacmel, Haiti.  She has experience in reporting for radio and television. She has worked for the Voice of America's Creole Service.
Creole French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Breaking News Fact Checking

Marcia Moise

Jacmel, Haiti
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Je suis Marcia MOISE, Journalisme multimédia, PDG de Canal1ereMediaTv je travaille pour des médias en ligne dont **** ; **** ; **** ; Le Tous Aux Pluriels. J’anime une rubrique sur **** qui s'intitule "à la découverte" qui présente des personnalités de la société civile.
Creole French English
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Current Affairs Entertainment & Celebrity Media Training

Walter Darius

Jacmel, Haiti
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Walter Darius is a journalist based in Jacmel, Haiti. 
And the CEO of magmedialive a agricultural platform which has a mission to inform educate innovate sensitization the world about Haiti agricultural sector.
Creole English French
Investigative Journalism Photography Journalism
Science & Environment Natural Disasters Cultural
Jobs Completed 1
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