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> Global Directory > All Countries > Portugal > Analysts in Aveiro

Find a freelance analyst in Aveiro

Find a freelance analyst in Aveiro

Paydesk has 1 analyst in Aveiro. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top analyst in Aveiro is Andrew Cline.

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Analysts in Aveiro

Andrew Cline

Aveiro, Portugal
View Profile
I am a visual journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Aveiro, Portugal. * Emeritus professor in the Department of Communications, Media, Journalism & Film at Missouri State University
* Co-founder of the non-profit documentary film studio Carbon Trace Productions 501(c)(3) in Springfield, Read more
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Documentaries Photography
Food & Drink Social Cultural
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