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Find a freelance drone pilot in Goma

Paydesk has 10 drone pilots in Goma. Our drone pilots, who comply to all local laws and regulations and are appropriately licensed, can be used to capture aerial footage for any purpose: be it for film, broadcast tv such as news, or surveying of construction or agriculture.

Our top drone pilots in Goma are Al Katanty Sabiti Djaffar and Ruth Omar.

Use our drone pilot directory to find a member to work for you.

Drone Pilots in Goma

Al Katanty Sabiti Djaffar

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Al Katanty Sabiti Djaffar is a seasoned multimedia journalist and fixer based in Goma, North Kivu province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With a specialization in reporting from hostile environments, Djaffar has spent over a decade covering war, conflicts, tensions, and natural disasters for Read moreinternational media. His expertise lies particularly in the realm of natural disasters, with a focus on volcanic eruptions.

Djaffar's reporting has brought critical attention to the Mount Nyiragongo eruption and its devastating impact on the city of Goma and neighboring Rwanda. Through his work, he has illuminated the challenges faced by local observatories in monitoring volcanic activity and the subsequent humanitarian response. His coverage extends to the difficulties encountered by refugees and the intricacies of government evacuation procedures.

In his journalism, Djaffar adeptly explores the intersection of natural disasters with socio-political dynamics, providing a nuanced perspective on the complexities of disaster management and relief efforts. His dedication to the field has made him a vital source of information for understanding the profound effects of environmental catastrophes on affected communities and the broader geopolitical landscape.
Arabic English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Science & Environment War Reporter Media Training

Ruth Omar

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Meet the woman who believes journalism can make the world a better place. 
Ruth Omar is a journalist and a storyteller from Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo.
After studying journalism and communication studies at Cavendish University Uganda, Ruth engaged in her career by raising people’s voices Read morein her local community and Uganda. 
In 2019, she won the best technology news story prize at the Interuniversity Media Challenge Uganda. She is a 2020 Media Challenge Fellow. She is a Peace Building fellow from Never Again Rwanda
She has been publishing documentaries produced by different media houses, like BBC World Service, Les Hauts Parleurs, and Human Angle, among others. She is a Tech Sister Fellow from Africtiviste, passionate about digital security, and promotes digital rights for all through her work.
She is a blogger and a voice-over artist. Social media manager and communications specialist from different organizations in Goma/DRC. She is a VOA Stringer and a Radio personality in Goma
She is passionate about telling African stories and changing the African narrative.
She speaks French, English, and Kiswahili.
English French Swahili
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Politics Current Affairs Technology

Innocent Buchu

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Innocent Buchu is a seasoned journalist based in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where he has developed a reputation for insightful reporting on the intersection of media, culture, and social issues in the Great Lakes region of Africa. His work is characterized by a deep Read moreunderstanding of the local context, particularly the challenges and opportunities within Eastern Congo. Buchu's reporting has spanned a range of topics, from innovative business models employed by local media to maintain editorial independence, to environmental initiatives such as the plastic ban aimed at preserving the region's delicate ecosystem, to security news..

Buchu's journalism extends to covering significant cultural milestones, including the Congo International Film Festival and Goma's first contemporary dance festival, events that underscore the city's emerging arts scene and its potential to drive social change. His articles often shine a light on the role of the arts in fostering community resilience and transformation in a region frequently marred by conflict.

Moreover, Buchu is known for his dedication to amplifying the voices of civil society. He has meticulously documented the collaborative efforts in drafting a regional strategy for citizen participation, thereby promoting intergenerational dialogue and bolstering the work of human rights defenders. Through his reporting, Buchu has become a key figure in highlighting the importance of civil society engagement and the ongoing struggle for human rights and environmental conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
French Swahili
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Finance Politics Current Affairs

Akilimali Saleh Chomachoma

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Akilimali Saleh Chomachoma is a dedicated and ambitious independent journalist who reports from Congo and Central Africa. He produces stories about breaking news, business, politics, justice, environment, specifically climate change, and health
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Investigative Reporting

Daniel Michombero

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Daniel Michombero is a journalist based in Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic.
Spécialiste en vidéo, documentariste, Reporter, éditeur à www.libregrandlac.com , membre fondateur de www.congocheck.net , www.ouraganfm.com , bloggeur et vidéaste à www.habarirdc.net , Fixer,… Daniel Michombero est Read morejournaliste depuis mai 2009, il a couvert la guerre de m23 en 2013 au Nord-Kivu, Mutebusi dans la ville de Bukavu en RDC et ADF à Beni. Actuellement il travaille avec des agences et medias internationaux à travers le monde. 

Daniel Michombero vit dans la région hostile de la RDC, il couvre des évènements sensibles et il est habitué à la guerre. Il parle Français, Anglais, Swahili, Lingala, Kinyarwanda et autre dialecte de la RDC.

Daniel Michombero était d’abord correspondant audio, puis TV, il est devenu présentateur Radio, puis Télé, bloggeur, webmaster, éditeur, photo journaliste et aujourd’hui, il combine le tout parfois.
English French Lingala
Vox Pop Documentaries News Gathering
Politics Technology Science & Environment

Ruth Alonga

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Ruth Alonga is a female freelancer multimedia journalist (Web/Radio/Tv journalist), DW Kiswahili correspondent based in Eastern Congo; DRC
English French Lingala
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)

Charly Kasereka

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Charly Kasereka is a journalist, based in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo. I do reports for Voice of America, AFP TV, Anadolu Agency, and others.
English French
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Business Politics Current Affairs

Franck Zongwe

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
Franck zongwe is a journalist based in Africa , Congo The Democratic Republic.Audiovisuel Reseacher in peace building, Freelance video journaliste , Video Documentary producer in the gréât lakes african région,director of KIlalo communication agency. freelance fixer.
English French Lingala
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop Documentaries
Business Politics Science & Environment

Guylain Balume

Goma, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Freelancer journalist and fixer in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa #Photography #Video #Filmmaker #newspaper #Online #News
English French Lingala
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Finance Politics Current Affairs

Kudra Maliro

Goma, Congo The Democratic Republic
I cover the Eastern in Congo for Seven years
English French Kongo
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Science & Environment Natural Disasters
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