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Find a freelance fact checker in Wrexham

Looking for Fact Checkers in Wrexham? Hire Top Professionals for Accurate Information! Paydesk provides a comprehensive list of highly skilled and experienced fact checkers who are ready to assist you in verifying information and ensuring its accuracy. Our fact checkers in Wrexham have in-depth local knowledge and expertise in various industries, they possess the necessary skills to thoroughly research and verify facts. Whether you require fact checking for news articles, academic research, or any other purpose, our fact checkers are here to help. At Paydesk, we understand the importance of accurate information and its impact on decision-making. That's why we have curated a network of trustworthy fact checkers in Wrexham who have a proven track record in providing reliable and unbiased assessments. Finding a fact checker in Wrexham is now easier than ever. Don't let misinformation hinder your progress. Hire a professional fact checker in Wrexham today and ensure the authenticity and credibility of your content. Trust our platform to connect you with the best fact checkers who will deliver accurate and dependable results. Start your search

Fact Checkers in Wrexham

Jason Endfield

Wrexham, United Kingdom
Jason Endfield, born in Liverpool, England, in 1965, is a Wrexham-based journalist renowned for his investigative reporting on environmental issues, biodiversity, wildlife conservation, and human rights. With a career dedicated to shedding light on the intersection of renewable energy development Read moreand ecosystem impact, Endfield has become a prominent voice in environmental journalism. His fiercely independent stance allows him to explore topics without the constraints of political alignment, ensuring his work reflects a free-thinking perspective on matters crucial to natural habitat protection.

Endfield's work has notably addressed the contentious practice of falconry in the UK, where endangered songbirds are targeted, igniting public debate on conservation efforts. He has also provided a critical lens on the UK's immigration policies through personal accounts from his time working at a Dutch asylum seekers center in the early 1990s, advocating for a more compassionate treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. As a blogger and environmental campaigner, he is recognized for his opposition to the industrial-scale development of wind farms in environmentally sensitive areas, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to renewable energy.

His investigative pieces have brought to the forefront issues such as the unaddressed bat fatalities due to offshore wind farms and the mysterious mass die-off of crabs and lobsters in North East England. Through his articles, Endfield challenges the often unquestioned green credentials of wind energy, urging policymakers and the public to reevaluate the human impact on marine ecosystems and biodiversity. His commitment to environmental journalism continues to influence public opinion and policy, advocating for sustainable practices that do not compromise ecological integrity.
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