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Find a freelance fixer in Wien

Find a freelance fixer in Wien

Find experienced professional fixers across Wien on our platform. Facilitating successful operations, our fixers are key assets for your projects. Project Facilitation: Our fixers in Wien coordinate every aspect of your project for smooth execution. Location Scouting: Find the perfect scene with our fixers' extensive local knowledge. Permit Acquisition: Navigate Wien's regulations seamlessly with our fixers' expertise. Local Liaison: Bridge cultural and language barriers with our fixers' local connections. Explore Wien's professional fixers and ensure your project's success. Our top Fixers in Wien are Kim Traill and David Visnjic, but you can also use our powerful search to find exactly what you are looking for.

Fixers in Wien

Kim Traill

Wien, Austria
Kim Traill is a native English speaking video/print/photo journalist, based in Vienna since 2012.

From 1990 - 2016, Kim has lived and worked in the former USSR for multiple periods, totalling approximately 5 years. 

During this time, she traveled extensively throughout Russia, Ukraine, Read moreCentral Asia and the Baltic states. Kim speaks Russian, German and has a large network of contacts in many spheres of society, including media and human rights organisations.

Between 1999 - 2015, Kim researched and filmed many long form documentaries in the former USSR, Afghanistan and Cuba for SBS Australia’s international current affairs program, Dateline. 

Among others, these include films about: the conflict in Chechnya; repression of media in Russia; the rise of Russian nationalism; the persecution of opposition activists in Belarus; drug addiction and the HIV epidemic in the former USSR; nuclear pollution; Russia’s ‘anti-gay propaganda’ law; and Chechen refugees from Vienna fighting in Syria.

Kim has also worked separately as producer, camera, fixer, translator and reporter for various programs broadcast on ABC Australia, BBC Newsnight, PressTV, Puls4.

Her book - Red Square Blues - The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union - was published in 2009 by HarperCollins.

More recently, Kim has freelanced as a journalist/photographer for ABC Australia’s online news features, reporting from Austria, Ukraine and Russia on social and political issues. 

For more information, see www.kimtraill.com
Vox Pop Documentaries Feature Stories
Politics Current Affairs Music

David Visnjic

Wien, Austria
David Visnjic is a photographer / photojournalist and camera (video/film) operator based in Vienna/Austria. Available for whole Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia, Serrbia, Northern Italy.
German English Croatian
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Finance Politics Current Affairs
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