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Andre Liohn

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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About Andre
André Liohn lived in Botucatu, Brazil during his childhood. In his early 20s he moved to Trondheim, Norway where he lived for 15 years. He started photographing at the age of 30. In his first years in photography, he met the Czech photographer Antonín Kratochvíl who became his personal friend and mentor, influencing his work and his views about photography.

In 2011 he became the first Latin American photojournalist to receive the prestigious Robert Capa Gold Medal by the Overseas Press Club for his work on the Libyan Civil War[2] and nominated by the Prix Bayeux-Calvados des Correspondants de Guerre. His work documenting the challenges faced by health care personal working in conflict areas, has been used by the ICRC's Health Care in Danger project, denouncing cases violence against health care personal around the world
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Libyan Coast Guard Returns Europe-Bound Migrants to War Zone

04 Apr 2024  |  wsj.com
A group of 45 African migrants, stranded on an inflatable raft in the Mediterranean Sea, sent out an SOS message in hopes of being rescued and taken to Italy. Instead of a rescue ship, they were approached by a Libyan Coast Guard vessel. The coast guard provided first aid and life preservers but also brandished an AK-47 to compel the migrants, who were suffering from dehydration and exposure to saltwater, to board their vessel. The migrants were then forcibly returned to Libya, which is currently a conflict zone.

Father says goodbye at train station to go to war against Russia without telling family

02 Oct 2023  |  www.folhadelondrina.com.br
Oleksander Kharchenko, a 40-year-old programmer, bids farewell to his family at a train station in Lviv, Ukraine, as he prepares to join the resistance against Russian forces. Despite the Ukrainian government's ban on men aged 18 to 60 leaving the country, Kharchenko is determined to stay and fight. He hopes his wife and children can reach the United States. The article highlights the desperation of people fleeing the war, the intensification of Russian attacks, and the emotional farewells at the Lviv train station.

Without telling the family, father says goodbye to go to war

01 Oct 2023  |  www.folhadelondrina.com.br
Oleksander Kharchenko, a 40-year-old programmer from Kharkiv, Ukraine, bids farewell to his family at the Lviv train station as he prepares to join the Ukrainian resistance against Russian forces. Despite the Ukrainian government's prohibition on men aged 18 to 60 leaving the country, Kharchenko would have stayed to fight regardless. He hopes his wife and children can reach the United States, where they have family. The article highlights the emotional toll of the war on civilians and the desperate conditions at the Lviv train station as people flee the conflict.

The speed with which Ukrainians repair what was destroyed has always been surprising

20 Apr 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
Since the early days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the speed at which Ukrainians have been repairing destruction around Kiev has been remarkable. Regardless of the extent of damage, efforts to clean and rebuild commence swiftly. In the suburbs of Irpin, Butcha, and Hostomel, the population is striving to return to normalcy, with streets being cleaned, asphalt being replaced, and electricity restored in most homes. The debris from Russian armored vehicles has been cleared, and even in the absence of gas, residents cook outside with wood. The destroyed bridge connecting Irpin and Kiev has not been rebuilt, but a new passage has been constructed, allowing safe and quick transit. Checkpoints are less heavily armed, and there is a sense of calm, making it difficult to compare the current state to the chaos captured in photographs taken just weeks prior.

Ukrainian who returned alone to Mariupol manages to rescue son and ex-wife

31 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
Oleg, a 47-year-old Ukrainian, successfully rescued his 15-year-old son with cerebral palsy, his ex-wife, and his ex-mother-in-law from the besieged city of Mariupol. They faced obstacles such as landmines and checkpoints during their four-day journey to Dnipro. Oleg described Mariupol as a complete disaster with widespread destruction. Despite the risks, including Russian soldiers who could have confiscated his vehicle, Oleg plans to return to rescue more family members. The Ukrainian forces in Mariupol are determined to fight, while the Russian military, which includes many non-Russian ethnic soldiers, behaves as if they have permanent control. Oleg, who works for a humanitarian organization, and his family are now in a shelter in Dnipro, and he intends to send them to his sister in Germany.

Ukrainian who returned alone to Mariupol manages to rescue son and ex-wife

30 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
Oleg, a 47-year-old Ukrainian, successfully rescued his 15-year-old son with cerebral palsy, his ex-wife, and his ex-mother-in-law from the besieged city of Mariupol. They faced obstacles such as landmines and checkpoints during their four-day journey to Dnipro. Oleg described Mariupol as a complete disaster with ruins and improvised cemeteries. Despite the risks, he plans to return to rescue more family members. The Ukrainian military remains determined to fight for Mariupol, while Russian forces and Donetsk People's Republic soldiers impose harsh conditions on the local population. Oleg, who works for a humanitarian organization, intends to relocate his family further west to Germany.

Ucraniana que sobreviveu em teatro de Mariupol conta como foi o ataque

25 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
Natalia, a 54-year-old resident of Mariupol, recounts her harrowing experience during the siege of the city by Russian forces. On March 5, following a ceasefire agreement, she and her family sought refuge in a drama theater, which was later bombed. Natalia, now in a hospital in Zaporizhia, describes the dire conditions they faced, including lack of food, water, and heating, as well as the constant bombardment that turned Mariupol into ruins. Despite the ceasefire, the theater was attacked, resulting in numerous casualties. Natalia was injured and eventually evacuated to a hospital, but her son-in-law Volodimir's fate remains unknown, and she is uncertain about her mother's survival. Russia denies targeting the theater and claims not to target civilians, but independent verification has not been possible.

Ukrainian tries to return to Mariupol to rescue relatives he doesn't know are alive

23 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
Hundreds of Ukrainians, marked with the word 'children' on their windshields, queue in Zaporizhia to enter Mariupol, which has been besieged by Russian troops for four weeks. Mariupol is a strategic location, and its capture would connect Crimea to the Donbass region. Failed ceasefire negotiations have prevented civilian evacuation and hindered humanitarian NGOs like the International Committee of the Red Cross. An estimated 2,400 civilians have been identified as killed in Mariupol as of March 15, according to Piotr Andriuchtchenko, an advisor to the local government, with the total possibly reaching 20,000. Civilians, including Oleg, are attempting to return to rescue family members, despite the risks and lack of communication since March 2.

Ukrainian describes days of despair after Russian attack on crowded shelter in Mariupol

22 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
Haliana Ivanivna, a 63-year-old woman from Mariupol, recounts the harrowing experience of sheltering 172 people, including 50 children, in a former Soviet dormitory during the Russian invasion. The shelter, promised support by the local government, was targeted in attacks, leaving the inhabitants without electricity, gas, and eventually food. Despite the danger, Haliana and her daughter cooked for the sheltered people until a rocket attack injured them and destroyed their supplies. Haliana, her daughter, and her family eventually left the hospital and Mariupol, reaching Zaporizhia, where she is recovering and has regained the ability to walk.

Residents of Mariupol live in a routine of terror and find themselves hostages in their own home

21 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
Residents of Mariupol, Ukraine, besieged by the Russian Army, are living in terror, unable to access humanitarian corridors. Over 80% of homes have been destroyed, and leaving the city is risky due to broken Russian promises. Civilians, including Christina Cherkess and her family, have endured days without electricity, heating, or water, hiding in basements. Corpses are accumulating on the streets, and despite attempts by Russian and Ukrainian authorities to establish humanitarian corridors, a comprehensive ceasefire has not been achieved. Around 30,000 people have fled Mariupol, with many heading to Zaporizhia, which has also experienced Russian bombardments. The Ukrainian government has managed to evacuate 190,000 civilians from war-affected areas.

Civilians in Mariupol are hostages in their own city, says resident; watch video

20 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
Civilians in Mariupol are trapped and unable to access humanitarian corridors due to the Russian military's actions. Over 80% of homes have been destroyed, and residents face severe shortages of basic necessities. Personal accounts describe the dire conditions and the accumulation of bodies in the streets. Despite attempts to establish humanitarian corridors, no lasting ceasefire has been achieved. Local authorities report continued bombings, including an attack on a school sheltering civilians. Approximately 30,000 people have fled to Zaporíjia, which also faces Russian bombardment. The journey to safety is perilous, with numerous checkpoints and the need for civilians to prove they are not military personnel.

Residents of Kyiv try to find meaning amid rubble after new Russian attack

18 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
A new Russian attack on the morning of March 18 struck near a residential area in Kyiv, leaving one dead and four injured. The area, home to mainly elderly and physically disabled residents, was not directly hit but suffered damage from the shockwave, heat, and shrapnel. Amidst the rubble, residents like Roman and Sinaida Grigorievna, along with volunteers like Ihor, attempted to make sense of the destruction and rebuild their lives. The Russian military is reportedly facing significant casualties as it struggles to advance on the Ukrainian capital.

Elderly in shock try to protect themselves and save family members from Russian attack in Kyiv

15 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
Early morning Russian bombings targeted Kyiv, hitting civilian areas with no military significance. The attacks caused destruction and fires, with elderly civilians being rescued from a damaged residential building. A body was found near a playground, and the likelihood of more victims is high as firefighters continue their efforts. The bombings are part of a pattern of attacks on the Ukrainian capital, with President Putin's message to the Ukrainian government being to surrender or face death.

Destruction around Kyiv projects the future of the capital in case Russia manages to invade

14 Mar 2022  |  folhadelondrina.com.br
In the outskirts of Kyiv, the daily life has been transformed by the Russian invasion, with cities like Irpin and Bucha experiencing routine bombings, military presence, and civilian evacuations. The area, once home to working families, is now a warzone with strategic points such as the local airport being early targets for Russian forces. Ukrainian forces have constructed barriers, including using the wreckage of a Russian tank, to impede the advance of Russian troops. The tension in the area is palpable, with armed militias and untrained civilians adding unpredictability to the situation. American journalist Brent Renaud was killed by gunfire, with Ukrainian authorities blaming Russian forces, though this has not been independently verified. The center of Kyiv remains relatively unscathed, but the war's routine is spreading, indicating a potentially prolonged conflict.

Destruction around Kyiv projects the future of the capital if Russia manages to invade

14 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
The outskirts of Kyiv, including cities like Irpin and Butcha, have been heavily affected by the Russian invasion, with routine bombings and military presence. The area has become a projection of what could happen to Kyiv if Russian forces advance further. The main avenue connecting Irpin and Butcha is destroyed, and the Ukrainian military has constructed barriers to impede the invaders, including using the carcass of a destroyed Russian tank. Civilians, mainly the elderly and sick, remain in the area due to mobility issues, while others have been evacuated. A Ukrainian soldier named Aleksander has befriended a cat amidst the ruins. The article also reports the death of American journalist Brent Renaud, who was shot in the neck, allegedly by Russian forces, a claim that has not been independently verified.

Friends unite to remove debris from attacked city in Ukraine

11 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
In the early hours of March 11, Barishivka, a town 70 km north of Kiev, was struck by what is suspected to be a Russian 9K720 Iskander cruise missile. The attack caused significant destruction, but no civilian deaths have been confirmed. Residents, including Serguei, Nina, and Helena, are working together to clear the debris and salvage belongings. The Ukrainian Army had been using the local stadium as a base, which may have been the target. Meanwhile, Russian troops are advancing on Kiev from multiple directions, with President Vladimir Putin indicating the possibility of further attacks on the capital.

Death of elderly woman in Ukraine reflects the impact of war on daily life

10 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
An elderly woman in Hoholiv, Ukraine, was killed in a Russian attack, highlighting the severe impact of the war on civilians. The article describes the scene of her death, the broader context of the conflict, and the experiences of other affected individuals, including a farmer turned militia member and a young girl injured by a projectile. The Ukrainian government has shared videos of successful defenses against Russian forces, while the mayor of Kiev reports a massive exodus from the city as Russian troops advance.

Excessive checkpoints in the Kyiv region hinder the work of journalists

09 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
An airstrike by the Russian Army on the afternoon of March 9 destroyed a large part of a maternity hospital in the port city of Mariupol, injuring at least 17 people, according to Ukrainian authorities. This event is part of a pattern of increasing brutality in the Russian invasion. In Kyiv, Ukrainian forces are preparing for a potential Russian advance by evacuating women, children, and the elderly from cities like Brovari. The Ukrainian Army has also intentionally damaged secondary bridges and set up barricades to hinder Russian tank entry into Kyiv. The proliferation of checkpoints, many manned by armed civilians, is making it difficult for journalists to access areas where attacks have occurred. The Folha team attempted to reach Tchernihiv to verify a reported airstrike that killed 47 civilians but had to cancel the trip after encountering over 30 checkpoints.

Odessa, strategic for Ukraine, prepares with barricades to react to Russian invasion

03 Mar 2022  |  www1.folha.uol.com.br
Odessa, a crucial port city in Ukraine, is fortifying itself with barricades and preparing for a potential Russian invasion. The city is strategically significant, and its loss would be a major blow to Ukraine. The article describes the tense atmosphere, with Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers ready to defend the city. The Russian forces have already taken control of nearby Kherson and are intensifying their efforts across Ukraine. The Ukrainian Navy's main base is in Odessa, making it a key target. The article also mentions the sinking of the Estonian cargo ship Helt, allegedly used as a shield by Russian forces. Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov stated that military operations in Ukraine will continue.

Father says goodbye at train station to go to war against Russia

01 Mar 2022  |  www.otempo.com.br
Oleksander Kharchenko, a 40-year-old programmer, bids farewell to his family at Lviv train station as he prepares to join the Ukrainian resistance against Russian forces. The Ukrainian government has prohibited men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country, but Kharchenko would have stayed regardless. He hopes his wife and children can reach the United States. The article highlights the desperation of people fleeing the conflict, with Russian forces intensifying attacks across Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Kherson, and Mariupol. Satellite images show a large Russian military convoy approaching Kiev. The article underscores the emotional toll on families parting ways, possibly for the last time.

Father says goodbye at train station to go to war against Russia

01 Mar 2022  |  www.otempo.com.br
Oleksander Kharchenko, a 40-year-old programmer, bids farewell to his family at a train station in Lviv as he prepares to join the Ukrainian resistance against Russian forces. The Ukrainian government has prohibited men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country, but Kharchenko would have stayed regardless. He hopes his wife and children can reach the United States. The article highlights the desperation of people fleeing the conflict, the intensification of Russian attacks, and the significant impact on civilians, with many families parting ways at the Lviv station.

The car mechanic Sergei: - I'm going out to kill Russian soldiers

26 Feb 2022  |  dn.no
Sergei, a car mechanic, has expressed his intent to fight and kill Russian soldiers amidst concerns that Putin's invasion army may be opening a new front towards the western city of Lviv.

På frontlinjen i kampen om Mosul Irakisk politi løpet for livet når de forsøker å sikre området utenfor jernbanestasjonen Garage Baghdad. Den norsk-brasilianske fotografen André Liohn fulgte de paramilitære politistyrkene i kampene for å jage IS ut av Mosul.


André Liohn's harrowing and dramatic series of images taken in the besieged Libyan city of Misrata are truly in the spirit of Robert Capa's combat photography. These searing images are a first rate example of close quarters combat photography obtained at great personal risk. Rarely do we see photos taken so deep in the fog of war, serving, as they do, to shine a bright light on the horrors and consequences of combat.

After years of conflict in Somalia, safe access to health care remains a serious problem, medical infrastructure is insufficient and many medical professionals have left the country. Despite the difficult conditions, local health workers are struggling to provide emergency medical services. The photographer Andre Liohn filmed one of the few ambulance teams working on the ground.

Health Care in Danger (HCID) is an initiative of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement aimed at addressing the issue of violence against patients, health workers, facilities and vehicles, and ensuring safe access to and delivery of health care in armed conflict and other emergencies.

Reading the Rebels in Misurata, Libya

12 Aug 2011  |  archive.nytimes.com
The article provides an in-depth look at the Libyan rebels during the siege of Misurata, focusing on their identity, fighting tactics, and the human cost of the conflict. It analyzes a video by independent photographer Andre Liohn, which captures a group of rebels attacking pro-Qaddafi soldiers. The footage reveals the rebels' courage and inexperience, as well as their learning curve in urban warfare. The article discusses the use of the M40 recoilless rifle, a decisive weapon in the siege, and the tragic death of Hamid Shwaili, an unemployed mechanic turned fighter. The piece reflects on the broader implications of the war, including the loss of life and the difficulty of fully understanding the complexities of war.

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