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Find a freelance journalist in Rio de Janeiro

Find a freelance journalist in Rio de Janeiro

Paydesk has 31 journalists in Rio de Janeiro. Our journalists can do broadcast reports, as well as printed media and photography.

Our top journalists in Rio de Janeiro are Caren Moy and Harold EMERT.

Use our journalist directory to find a member to work for you.

Journalists in Rio de Janeiro

Caren Moy

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Caren Moy is a journalist/director/cameraperson based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
English Portuguese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Business Politics Natural Disasters

Harold Emert

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Born raised and educated in nyc where I first began to work for ny Daily Mirror and Herald Tribune as a copy boy and as a cub reporter for the Ithaca jornal. Worked in SAfrica, Israel, Germany and since 1973 Brazil.
Have had the pleasure to work as an aide to the greatest tab journalists from the Read moreUK including Dave Williams, Sharon Churcher, Barry Wigmore and Paul Henderson covering biggest Brazilian- based stories including Josef Mengele´s bones in Sao Paulo,the aftermath of the Jean Charles Menezes murder on the London Underground,Mick Jagger´s Brazilian model girlfriend Luciana Morad and theiro Brazilian love son Lucas,plane crashes and a Greenpeace Brit murdered in the Amazon,wine festivals in southern Brazil ,and the World Cup as well as the OLympics..Have written and and worked for Daily Mail,Mail on Sunday,the Sun,Sunday Times,Daily and Sunday Mirror ,Daily Record as well NYPost, Daily News, USA Today ...Have covered stories all over Brazil including the successful search for the father of Carla Bruni in Sao Paulo and most recently the James White arrest in Fortaleza,nothern Brazil. Speak and write Portuguese,married to Carioca.
English Spanish Portuguese
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Business Current Affairs Film & Theatre

Andréa Magalhães

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Andréa Magalhães is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- More than 20 years of experience, working for major newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and online media;
- Editor, reporter, and proofreader;
- Covering business, real estate market, design, architecture, culture, lifestyle, Read moretourism, current affairs, and politics;
- Reports and interviews published in Brazil and abroad (O GLOBO, Jornal EXTRA, JORNAL DO BRASIL, CASA CLAUDIA, INTERNI, DDN, C3, DORCHESTER MAGAZINE etc.).
German English French
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering
Fact Checking

Manuela Parrino

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I'm a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Originally from Italy, I lived in New York for over 7 years, then Jerusalem for two years to cover the second Intifada, China for over 10 years and now Brazil.
English French Italian
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Jose Bloise

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I'm a video editor based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Graduated in photography with 20 years of experience in video post-production. I have traveled to 11 countries and possess photographic equipment
English Spanish Portuguese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Corporate Content
Politics Technology Science & Environment

Natália Scarabotto

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Natália Scarabotto is a Brazilian freelance journalist, based in Rio, with 5 years of experience covering politics, human rights, violence, economics, international relations, and diversity. In 2018, she covered the humanitarian crisis in Caracas, Venezuela. 

Her work was published in national Read moreand international media such as VICE World News, The Nation, Folha de S. Paulo, UOL, The Brazilian Report, Rádio Informarte (Uruguai), Diário do Grande ABC, and Automotive Business, among others. Also worked for the Brazilian Red Cross for two years.

She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and is a graduate student in Politics and International Relations.
English Spanish Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories Content Writing
Politics Current Affairs Arts & Books

Barney Lankester-Owen

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Barney Lankester-Owen is a documentary director and cameraman based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
French Portuguese
Fixing 360 Videography
Current Affairs Natural Disasters Research

Luiza Miguez

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Luiza Miguez is a reporter, screenwriter, fact-checker and podcast producer. Currently working as a senior reporter and screenwriter on Greg News, a HBO show similar with Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. And podcast producer and screenwriter at Rádio Novelo, one of Brazil's most important Read morepodcast company. Between 2011 and 2019, worked as a reporter covering politics and culture at piauí magazine, a monthly magazine similar to The New Yorker. Also was the fact-checker of the magazine. Freelance fact-checking with collaboration in magazines like The New Yorker.
English Spanish Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories Content Writing
Business Finance Politics

Flavio Forner

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Flavio Forner is a journalist based in Santarém, Brazil.
English Spanish Portuguese
Photography 360 Videography
Science & Environment War Reporter Investigative Reporting

Sarah Brown

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sarah Brown is a journalist with more than 7 years experience based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She mostly covers conservation and environmental news, including Amazon deforestation and Indigenous rights. Sarah has experience in-print and broadcasting as well as producing and editing audio and video Read moredocumentaries. She has a solid network around Brazil for quotes and interviews including Indigenous groups, researchers and non-profits. She is available for travel, especially around Brazil and South America (she can speak English, Portuguese and Spanish).
English Spanish Portuguese
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Politics Current Affairs Science & Environment

Alexandre Tortoriello

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In 2 decades as a journalist I reported from 12 countries - even from Antartica -, and worked in a wide variety of environments, dealing with different subjects and delivering news in various formats: written, radio and television. I covered Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics, FIFA 2014 WorldCup, Read morebut also major political events and summits, such as UN's Rio+20. I also covered Pope Francis' first international trip as pontiff, when he visited Brazil for Rio 2013 World Youth Day, and 4 million people from all over the world gathered at Copacabana beach for the main celebrations. 
As a senior network reporter, my current post, I do daily reports for TV Bandeirantes main evening news (Jornal da Band), daily live reports for the TV's morning show (Bora Brasil) and other network and local news. 
During my carreer, I worked also at the BBC World Service, in London, at CBN - Brazil's largest radio network in Rio de Janeiro, Terra Networks and Bloomberg News in São Paulo, performing a wide variety of duties: network and local reporter, international correspondent, producer, presenter, editor and chief-editor. In addition to that, I sometimes report as a freelancer to Radio New Zealand. I'm used to work with tight deadlines, real-time live reports. But I also have to do in-depth reports which require detailed newsgathering, fact checking, long interviews and creative writing.
Danish English Spanish
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Fixing Journalism
Business Finance Politics

Sheila Taylor

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sheila Taylor is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
English Portuguese
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Finance Politics Current Affairs

Bruce Douglas

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In Rio de Janeiro for over two years now, I work principally as the Brazil correspondent for Latin American Newsletters, writing daily and weekly reports on the politics and economy of the country and the wider region. I'm professionally fluent in both Portuguese and Spanish and I have full working Read moreBrazilian visa.

I also work as a freelance reporter, writing news pieces for The Guardian, The Sunday Times, the BBC, Vice's Motherboard, and longer-form journalism for Esquire and GQ.

In my broadcast work, I fronted extensive live coverage of the Brazilian elections for France 24's English-language TV channel as well as Radio France International. I also work regularly for the BBC, reporting and producing for Radio 4 and BBC 5Live. 

Before moving to South America, I was a senior broadcast journalist at the BBC in London, working on demanding, high-impact and award-winning radio programmes. As an output editor, I led a team of around a dozen producers, reporters and presenters to produce informative, entertaining radio under severe time constraints. As a producer for both BBC radio and TV, I learnt the technical skills necessary to work as a contemporary multi-media journalist.
English Spanish Portuguese
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Vox Pop
Fact Checking

Carolina Mazzi

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Carolina Mazzi is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As a reporter, I've worked for two of the major newspapers in Brazil, O Globo and Jornal do Brasil, as well as the biggest latin american news website, UOL. I've also contributed for Andrew Jenning's book, "Omertà", that I've also Read morecowrote. As a news producer, I've worked for several international companies, such as BBC, Deutsche Welle, NatGeo, ARN Network, M4 Automotive, among others. I've worked as a translator for Panda Books and also as a researcher for the World Bank and dutch Tv, Channel 3. 

In 2012, I was granted with the Sebrae Economic Journalism Award, for the story about the growing economy in Rio's slums, that I wrote for Jornal do Brasil
In 2014, I was granted with Columbia Journalism Fellowship for the Age Boom Academy Program, in New York City.
English Spanish Italian
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast)
Fact Checking

Bibiana Maia

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with experience in print, web, and video. Contributes for Draft and Projeto Colabora websites. Former reporter at Infoglobo company, also worked at Vozerio project. Interested about environmental, social and culture stories.
English Spanish Portuguese
Content Writing Investigative Journalism Interview (Print / Radio / Podcast)
Business Science & Environment Natural Disasters

Beatriz Miranda

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Independent journalist from Brazil.

Over five years of experience in covering Brazil for English-language outlets. Particularly focused on the intersections of Brazilian music and social issues.

Former music critic at Shfl.com
English Spanish French

Igor Pontes

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Igor Pontes is a researcher based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Research Fact Checking
Film & Theatre Fact Checking

Thiago Rabelo

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Thiago Rabelo is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
English Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories Content Writing
Politics Sports Music

Joost De Jong

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Over 25 year career in journalism and communication. 
A.o. three years news desk copy editor at the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, two years at the leading Dutch sportspaper AD Sportwereld/AD Sportwereld Pro as football coordinator and copy editor and almost ten years at the legendary Dutch Read moresports monthly magazine Sport International as copy editor, coordinator and managing editor.

Today a multifunctional independent media entrepreneur, delivering a variety of services, from text to managing tasks for newspapers, magazines or websites, consultancy and/or training. 

Focus on sports, news and background, business, travel and Brazil. 
Based in Rio de Janeiro, heart of Brazilian football and culture.

Writing skills
Large network from leading journalists, editors, art directors and photographers.
Analizing skills
Organizational and management skills
Multilingual: Fluent in Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and English, defending myself well in German and French. Plus: 10 words of Russian ☺

For my full bio see ******
German English Spanish
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Fact Checking

Ian Hainey

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ian Hainey is a journalist based between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and BH. With over 20 years experience as a high-level writer and PR professional, Ian lives in Brazil with his family, but also owns an award-winning integrated communications agency in Dubai.

Click these links to a host of Read morepublished writing examples, copy and paste into a browser:
Day in the life column: https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1309&bih=612&tbm=nws&ei=6pJdW8-4HI6KauWKmOgG&q=%22ian+hainey%22+day+in+the+life&oq=%22ian+hainey%22+day+in+the+life&gs_l=psy-ab.3...64959.66909.0.67323. 
My Car column: https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1309&bih=612&tbm=nws&ei=LpNdW6LTFKvClwTlx6joCg&q=%22ian+hainey%22+%22my+car%22&oq=%22ian+hainey%22+%22my+car%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3...32163.33907.0.34202.
English Portuguese
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Business Finance Current Affairs

Pierre Le Duff

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pierre Le Duff is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
He has worked for several French and international news channels such as France 24, euronews, BBC.
Able to film, write, edit and mix stories in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries
Business Arts & Books Cultural

Andre Liohn

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
André Liohn lived in Botucatu, Brazil during his childhood. In his early 20s he moved to Trondheim, Norway where he lived for 15 years. He started photographing at the age of 30. In his first years in photography, he met the Czech photographer Antonín Kratochvíl who became his personal friend and Read morementor, influencing his work and his views about photography.

In 2011 he became the first Latin American photojournalist to receive the prestigious Robert Capa Gold Medal by the Overseas Press Club for his work on the Libyan Civil War[2] and nominated by the Prix Bayeux-Calvados des Correspondants de Guerre. His work documenting the challenges faced by health care personal working in conflict areas, has been used by the ICRC's Health Care in Danger project, denouncing cases violence against health care personal around the world
Arabic Danish German
Video Package (Web / Broadcast) Interview (Video / Broadcast) Feature Stories
Current Affairs War Reporter Social

Wies Ubags

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Wies Ubags is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She mainly writes for newspapers and magazins in her home country The Netherlands, but also publishes in English.
Topics she knows a lot about: Colombia's conflict and peace processes with leftist guerrillas and rightist paramilitaries, Read moreVenezuela's political and economic crisis and Brazil's political and economic crisis.
Other topics: black consciousness. Wies did a crowdfunding project 'Black Power in Rio' in the Netherlands (******) and women in Latin America. 
Wies is also available for radio interviews and for fixer work for audiovisual media.
English Spanish Dutch
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
Business Politics Current Affairs

Daniel Quental

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Daniel Quental is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Content Writing Corporate Content Risk Analysis
Current Affairs Science & Environment Arts & Books

Tom Mack

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
mack is a video journalist and filmmaker.
German English
Interview (Video / Broadcast) Documentaries Live Reporting
Current Affairs Film & Theatre Entertainment & Celebrity
Popular Countries
Chile, Austria, Iran, Georgia, Timor-Leste, Guatemala, Luxembourg, Comoros, Namibia, Laos

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