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Wies Ubags

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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About Wies
Wies Ubags is a journalist based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She mainly writes for newspapers and magazins in her home country The Netherlands, but also publishes in English.
Topics she knows a lot about: Colombia's conflict and peace processes with leftist guerrillas and rightist paramilitaries, Venezuela's political and economic crisis and Brazil's political and economic crisis.
Other topics: black consciousness. Wies did a crowdfunding project 'Black Power in Rio' in the Netherlands (******) and women in Latin America. 
Wies is also available for radio interviews and for fixer work for audiovisual media.
English Spanish Dutch
Feature Stories Content Writing Research
Business Politics Current Affairs

Our correspondent in Rio would not cycle for all the gold in the world

07 Mar 2020  |  trouw.nl
Cycling in Rio de Janeiro is perceived as dangerous due to chaotic traffic and a lack of bike paths. The author expresses fear of cycling from the city center to popular beaches like Leme or Copacabana. However, there has been a recent increase in cycling among the author's friends and neighbors, facilitated by the availability of rental bikes. Despite the growing popularity of cycling and admiration for those who brave the conditions, the author remains hesitant due to the perceived anarchy and aggression in traffic, as well as infrastructure issues like the collapse of the Tim Maia bike path.

Life is too expensive here in Rio de Janeiro

13 Aug 2019  |  trouw.nl
Residents of Morro da Conceição in Rio de Janeiro, including the beloved gay couple Guido Rosmann and Gean Kleber, are leaving due to the high cost of living. The couple had hoped to benefit from the influx of tourists during the 2016 Olympics by renting out a room on Airbnb, but the expected number of renters did not materialize. They have now decided to move to Vitória, Guido's birthplace, which is about an eight-hour drive from Rio. Their departure has left a void in the community, especially during the Carnival season, which they were known to celebrate enthusiastically. The house they left behind has been on the market since May, with a rental price that many find too high for the area.

How my neighborhood in Rio was taken over by drug runners

13 Apr 2019  |  trouw.nl
The author describes the transformation of their neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, where drug dealers have become increasingly visible and assertive. Initially inconspicuous, the dealers' presence grew due to police crackdowns in nearby favelas and the area's rise in popularity from hosting major sporting events like the World Cup and Olympics. The neighborhood experienced violence and police raids, with residents coordinating via WhatsApp to avoid shootouts. Although a police operation temporarily displaced the dealers, they have since returned, conducting business openly and carrying weapons.

The murder of councilor and activist Marielle Franco still preoccupies Brazil a year later

14 Mar 2019  |  www.trouw.nl
Two former police officers were arrested in Rio de Janeiro for the murder of leftist activist councilor Marielle Franco and her driver on March 14, 2018. The arrests after a year have caused discontent among Franco's supporters, who demand the identification of the murder's masterminds. The justice system suspects a hate motive against left-wing politicians and journalists, while President Jair Bolsonaro's administration has been criticized for its stance on human rights. Flávio Bolsonaro, the president's son, is linked to the murder through alleged connections with Rio militias. The Workers' Party has called for a parliamentary investigation into the militias and Flávio Bolsonaro's possible ties to them.

Under Bolsonaro, it's open season on drug dealers in Brazilian favelas

02 Mar 2019  |  trouw.nl
In the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the administration of President Jair Bolsonaro and Governor Wilson Witzel, police are reportedly using excessive force against suspected drug dealers, with accusations of shootings and human rights violations. Residents of Manguinhos favela believe the police are behind recent shootings, and there are claims of snipers being used. Witzel's policy aligns with Bolsonaro's hardline stance on crime, which has been criticized for disregarding human rights. Recent incidents in favelas, including one in Fallet with fifteen deaths, have raised concerns about police brutality and lack of accountability, with social scientist Sílvia Ramos emphasizing the need for thorough investigations and public scrutiny.

Time for the history of the lion

01 Jun 2017  |  Reporters Online
Despite the legal equality of all Brazilians, Afro-Brazilians, descendants of slaves, still face significant social and political disadvantages. Elias Alfredo from the Rio metro union SIMERJ highlights the lack of representation in government and leadership positions, poor working conditions, and overrepresentation in prisons. The article discusses the historical context of racial inequality, including the 'law against idleness' targeting blacks post-slavery and the slow progress towards racial equality and awareness. It also touches on the importance of Afro-Brazilian culture and the need for societal recognition of the black population's value, which constitutes 54% of Brazil.

In seven years completely used up

23 May 2017  |  Reporters Online
Brazil utilized ten times more slaves than the United States and was the last country to abolish slavery due to the plantations' reliance on slave labor. Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua, a slave from West Africa, described the horrific conditions during his transportation to Brazil around 1840. Slave communities, known as quilombos, and abolitionists, both black and white, played a role in the eventual abolition in 1888. The Dutch also participated in the slave trade, deporting 500,000 Africans to the Americas, with the West India Company accounting for over half. Plantation owners found it economically viable to work slaves to death within seven years. Post-abolition, racial inequality persisted, and it wasn't until the 1970s that black movements began to speak out again, with the struggle for equality continuing to this day.

Bewegen moet meer aandacht krijgen bij kinderdagverblijven en op de buitenschoolse opvang

22 May 2017  |  Mulier Instituut
The article discusses the importance of physical activity in childcare settings such as kinderdagverblijven (KDV's) and buitenschoolse opvang (BSO). It highlights the findings of a study conducted by the Mulier Instituut, which suggests that there should be more focus on physical activity in these environments. The study recommends incorporating movement into the policy, providing training for staff, and collaborating with other organizations to improve the situation.

This is an article in English about the increasing influence of evangelical churches in Brazil. I wrote it for the English website Contributoria, related to the Guardian, that stopped its activities shortly afterwards, unfortunately. I wrote three articles for Contributoria in 2015.


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May 2017

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