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Barney Lankester-Owen

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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About Barney
Barney Lankester-Owen is a documentary director and cameraman based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
French Portuguese
Fixing 360 Videography
Current Affairs Natural Disasters Research

With over 8 million social media views, this video directed and shot by Barney Lankester-Owen is about Nayara Justino thought her dreams had come true when she was selected as the Globeleza carnival queen in 2013 after a public vote on one of Brazil’s biggest TV shows. But some regarded her complexion to be too dark to be an acceptable queen. Nayara and her family wonder what this says about racial roles in modern Brazil.

The Brazilian carnival queen deemed 'too black' – video

09 Feb 2016  |  the Guardian
Nayara Justino was selected as the Globeleza carnival queen in 2013 through a public vote on a major Brazilian TV show. However, her selection faced backlash due to her dark complexion, raising questions about racial roles in modern Brazil. The article highlights the racial bias and challenges faced by Justino and her family.

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Jun 2017

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