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Mahmoud Zoghbor

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About Mahmoud
I have worked as a news producer and writer for many websites and Newspapers in the Middle East. Interested in Issues of Youth, Women and Children of Gaza Strip. The living economic conditions, human rights, cultures and arts are of my interests as well. I covered the Israeli War on Gaza Strip in 2014. My work Appeared at ASsafir Lebanese Newspaper, Daraj Media, Al-Quds AL-Arabi Newspaper, 7iber.com, Raseef22.com and others.
Arabic English
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Politics Fact Checking

تملك العادات والتقاليد القبلية والقروية وزناً بالغاً في البنى الثقافية والاجتماعية للغزيين، وتتضمن في باطنها نظرة تمييز ذكورية تمنح الرجال تفوقاً على المرأة، مقابل تحجيم وتصغير دورها...

Youth and Housing Independence in Gaza: I Will Not Live in My Father's Robe

12 Feb 2019  |  رصيف22
The article discusses the challenges faced by the youth in Gaza in achieving housing independence from their families. It highlights the societal and economic pressures, including the influence of Hamas and traditional tribal customs, which make it difficult for young people, especially those born in the 1990s, to live independently if they are single. The article shares personal stories of individuals like Bahaa Raouf and Doha Fathi, who strive for personal and financial independence in a society that imposes strict social norms. The housing crisis in Gaza is exacerbated by a shortage of 150,000 housing units for its two million residents, leading to overcrowding and limited opportunities for young people to establish their own homes.

الاحتلال الرقمي... وخطورة شرائح الاتصالات الإسرائيلية في غزة

13 Oct 2018  |  hadfnews.ps
The article by Mahmoud Bashir discusses the implications of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, questioning whether it represented a form of liberation or a tactical retreat supplemented by more effective means of control, such as 'digital occupation.' It delves into Israel's use of advanced surveillance technology to monitor Palestinian online activity and communications, highlighting the recent cooperation between Israel and Facebook, which has granted the state powers to restrict content deemed incendiary. The article also addresses the dangers of Palestinians in Gaza using Israeli telecom company SIM cards, which are smuggled into the territory despite a ban by Gaza's Ministry of Communications and Interior. These SIM cards pose security risks as they can be used by Israeli intelligence and may facilitate criminal activities due to lack of Palestinian oversight. The piece calls for increased public awareness of these issues and the need for a security-conscious society.

محاولات الانتحار في غزة لم تعد هذه الأيام تتم على أرضية الحمام، بل في شوارع القطاع. ما يجعل الارتفاع المضطرد فيها أقرب إلى احتجاج عنيف على الواقع الاقتصادي والسياسي، وكأن محاولي الانتحار يسعون لإشراك المجتمع في المسؤولية عن حياتهم الشخصية وهدر طاقاتهم، فشهر فبراير الماضي وحده شهد أكثر من 12 محاولة للانتحار، خمسة منهم في أسبوع واحد.

منذ نشأتها، التحقت سينما الحركة الإسلامية في قطاع غزة بخطاب حركة حماس العسكري والسياسي، وكانت أولى الأفلام التسجيلية هي تلك التي صَوَّرت حياة أبطالها من الشهداء. كانت شاشات العرض في هذه "السينما" تُختصر في شاشة "إل.سي.دي" تنصب ليلاً، بعد صلاة العشاء، في المسجد أو على نواصي الطرق، لعرض الأفلام القصيرة ذات المعالجة البسيطة لمجموعة من المواد الحيّة التي التقطت خلال "العمل الجهادي" لمقاتلي الحركة، ما جعلها تخلو تماماً من أية مشاهد تمثيلية. الخطاب العسكري الذي يقدّمه عادةً المكتب الإعلامي لكتائب "عز الدين القسام" يتم إنتاجه داخل غرف العمليات الخاصة بالكتائب. لكن السؤال هُنا حول إمكانية إطلاق مسمى "سينما" على إنتاجات حركة حماس الفنية والمرئية.

Neighborhood cafes in Gaza: Where do we go with time?

08 Apr 2016  |  القدس العربي
In Gaza, amidst a decade of political division and the Israeli-Egyptian blockade, social segments face an abundance of idle time due to high unemployment and a lack of diverse daily activities. People have turned to neighborhood cafes as a refuge, where they can socialize and engage in games like billiards and cards to escape the monotony and hardships of life. Mazaya Cafe and others have become popular spots for young men to gather, offering affordable leisure in contrast to the city center's crowded streets. Despite the economic and social burdens, these cafes provide a space where political affiliations are set aside, and individuals can enjoy simple pleasures in a densely populated city with deep social issues.

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Verified Oct 2018
Oct 2018

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