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Verena Schad

Lyon, France
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About Verena
Verena Schad is a journalist, copy writer und communication consultant based in Lyon, France, with a base in Berlin too. With over 20 years of professional experience as press officer for different industries and enterprises for six years she works as a news journalist for the international news channel Euronews. https://www.linkedin.com/in/verenaschad/
German English French
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
War Reporter

Law of Complete Equality: How are Transgender People Faring in Spain?

06 Apr 2023  |  euronews
Spain's new 'Law of Complete Equality' for transgender individuals, effective March 2, 2023, allows for gender identity changes in official documents without medical or psychological reports, sparking both relief and concern. Transgender individuals, such as Ezekiel, express newfound happiness and reduced societal barriers, while critics worry about the implications of allowing minors to make such decisions. The Spanish Ministry for Equality touts the law as Europe's most progressive for LGBTIQ+ rights, while psychologists like Vicenta Esteve Biot caution against hasty transitions without reflection. The Chrysallis Association, led by Encarni, a mother of a transgender child, advocates for societal acceptance and support for transgender youth.

Katia (23) from Odessa: 'We will kick the Russians in the butt'

23 May 2022  |  euronews
Kateryna Polishchuk, a 23-year-old from Odessa, Ukraine, returned to the war zone after a brief stay in Germany as a war refugee. Despite the increasing frequency and intensity of attacks on Odessa, she and others display resilience and a determination to support their country. Kateryna, educated as a translator for Chinese and English, found the reality of German bureaucracy clashing with her expectations. Stories of national cunning and strength circulate among Ukrainians, fueling a spirit of defiance and self-motivation. Odessa, an economic and cultural hub, is a strategic target for Russia, and its fall would be a significant loss for Ukraine and a geopolitical win for Russia. The war has heightened the sense of enmity between Russians and Ukrainians, affecting personal relationships and exposing the harsh realities of war, including the use of rape as a weapon. Despite the hardships, there is a strong sense of unity and hope among the people of Odessa.

Jihadism Expert: Taliban need know-how and help - from women

21 Aug 2021  |  de.euronews.com
Jihadist movements worldwide are expected to exploit the harrowing images from Kabul airport, according to jihadism propaganda expert Asiem El Difraoui. He notes that the Taliban's victory is celebrated by jihadist groups in the Sahel Zone, Iraq, Syria, and Asia, including IS affiliates in Indonesia. El Difraoui questions whether the Taliban can enforce their break with global jihadist groups like Al Qaeda and IS, given their need for manpower and expertise, including potentially from women. The Taliban aim to establish a religious state with respect for women's rights, similar to Saudi Arabia or Qatar. The group is diverse, with both extremist and moderate elements, the latter of which may seek international recognition by adhering to certain standards. International discussions led by leaders like Macron, Putin, and Biden focus on expectations from the Taliban, including the fight against drug and arms trafficking, breaking with international terror groups, and respecting women's rights.

Fighting against toxic masculinity - Women in Arab countries

08 Mar 2021  |  de.euronews.com
On International Women's Day, women from Moscow to San Francisco take to the streets to demand equality and rights. In Arab countries, where women's opportunities are more restricted, the focus is on political participation, discriminatory laws, inheritance rights influenced by Islamic law, and the situation of women in conflict zones. Notable progress includes the abolition of 'marry-your-rapist' laws in some countries and increased female representation in parliaments, although women still face significant challenges. Activists like Manal al-Sharif have sparked movements for change, and there is a push for reforms in areas such as inheritance rights and political participation. Despite obstacles, there is optimism for continued progress towards gender equality in the MENA region.

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