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Find a freelance researcher in Paynesville

Find a freelance researcher in Paynesville

Paydesk has 1 researcher in Paynesville. Our researchers, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top researcher in Paynesville is R. Joyclyn Wea.

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Researchers in Paynesville

R. Joyclyn Wea

Paynesville, Liberia
R. Joyclyn Wea is a senior New Narratives fellow, and Panda Reporter for Chengdu Radio and Television, People’s Republic of China. She has more than six years of experience in daily journalism.  Joyclyn is a courtroom and women reporter with the New Republic Newspaper and a Fact-Checker with Stage Read moreMedia, Liberia’s first fact-checking institution.  Previously, she worked for In-Profile Daily Newspaper and the United Methodist Radio. During her seven-year career in journalism, she has earned certificates in specialized journalism training courses through programs implemented by the National Radio and Television Administration, the People’s Republic of China, African Population Health and Research Institute-Kenya, Internews, Premium Times Center for Investigative Journalism (Dubawa), Journalists for Human Right (JHR) and other organizations.
Investigative Journalism Fact Checking
Investigative Reporting
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