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Find a freelance journalist in Ndola

Find a freelance journalist in Ndola

Paydesk has 1 journalist in Ndola. Our journalists can do broadcast reports, as well as printed media and photography.

Our top journalist in Ndola is Aston Kuseka.

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Journalists in Ndola

Aston Kuseka

Ndola, Zambia
Professional & experienced journalist. Based in Ndola City, Copperbelt Province, Zambia. 
Currently a local, national; and international Freelancer in News & Features story writing; Photography etc 
Locally, previously worked for, inter alia, the Zambia News Agency (now ZANIS); the Times of Read moreZambia newspaper; and Radio Phoenix. 
Internationally, past correspondent for the Inter Press Service (IPS).
Have over 25 years work experience spanning Public & Private; Rural & Urban; Print & Electtronic; Hard News/Features; Public Relations & Media Consultancy; Field & Management; Local & International; Freelancing & Innovation etc
News Gathering Feature Stories Content Writing
Business Politics Current Affairs
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