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Find a freelance researcher in Belo Horizonte

Find a freelance researcher in Belo Horizonte

Paydesk has 4 researchers in Belo Horizonte. Our researchers, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.

Our top researchers in Belo Horizonte are Ian Hainey and Bruno Mendes.

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Researchers in Belo Horizonte

Ian Hainey

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Ian Hainey is a journalist based between Belo Horizonte, Brazil and RIO. With over 20 years experience as a high-level writer and PR professional, Ian lives in Brazil with family, but also owns an award-winning integrated communications agency in Dubai.

Click these links to a host of published Read morewriting examples, copy and paste into a browser:
Day in the life column: https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1309&bih=612&tbm=nws&ei=6pJdW8-4HI6KauWKmOgG&q=%22ian+hainey%22+day+in+the+life&oq=%22ian+hainey%22+day+in+the+life&gs_l=psy-ab.3...64959.66909.0.67323. 
My Car column: https://www.google.ae/search?biw=1309&bih=612&tbm=nws&ei=LpNdW6LTFKvClwTlx6joCg&q=%22ian+hainey%22+%22my+car%22&oq=%22ian+hainey%22+%22my+car%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3...32163.33907.0.34202.
English Portuguese
Feature Stories Content Writing Corporate Content
Business Finance Politics

Bruno Mendes

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Bruno Mendes is a journalist based in Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil.
English Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Content Writing
Current Affairs Film & Theatre Entertainment & Celebrity

Helenice Pereira

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Helenice Pereira is a journalist based in Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil.
Audio package (Radio / Podcast) Live Reporting Fact Checking
Arts & Books Fact Checking

Bruno Torquato

Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Bruno Torquato is a journalist based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

I'm a member of the Lena Santos Collective of Black Journalists. I have extensive experience in corporate communications and journalism, having worked in Press, Internal Communications, Content Production, and Press Relations for Read moremedium and large-sized companies. I have previous experience as a political reporter at O TEMPO and as a Communications Executive at CDN Communications. In addition, I worked at Rádio Band News FM in Belo Horizonte, BH Press Communications, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (currently Stellantis), where I was outsourced by Approach Communications, where I worked in corporate communication for media relations focused on sustainability and institutional areas. In the group, I also worked on the content production of two major exhibitions at Casa Fiat de Cultura.

As a freelancer, I worked as a reporter for CBC News TV in Canada and Telearuba TV in the Caribbean, with live entries in English in both cases. Currently, I am part of the UOL freelancers reporters network and have already published content in Estadão, Folha de S. Paulo, and CNN Brasil.
English Portuguese
Interview (Video / Broadcast) News Gathering Feature Stories
Business Finance Politics
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