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Iliyasu Kasimu

Jos, Nigeria • Health & Fitness

Dambe, traditional Hausa Boxing is a popular staple for its
fans across Hausa land for centuries. Its varieties are
enjoyed in Niger Republic, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun and other
parts of Hausa-speaking Africa. Jos, North Central Nigeria, is
one of the Nigerian cities with a history of Dambe. Read moreFor some
time, due to ethno-religious conflict, the sport had lain in a
coma. With the efforts of local promoters Dambe is back to the
city and youths are at the hearts of its near-cult following.
Enos Denhere
Zimbabwe's Environmental Crisis: Mines and Corporations Unchecked, Artisanal Mining Adds to Woes

Harare, Zimbabwe • Investigative Reporting, Climate Change

The environmental crisis in Zimbabwe is exacerbated by the practices of some major mines and corporations, which often circumvent government-mandated environmental audits. These entities, driven by profit margins, frequently prioritize short-term gains over long-term environmental sustainability. Read moreTheir activities, including deforestation, water pollution, and habitat destruction, have significant repercussions on Zimbabwe's delicate ecosystems and biodiversity. Despite regulations in place, the lack of stringent enforcement mechanisms allows these entities to continue their harmful practices unabated, exacerbating the environmental crisis in the region.

In addition to the actions of major mines and corporations, artisanal mining operations further compound environmental degradation in Zimbabwe. While often undertaken by individuals or small groups, artisanal mines collectively contribute to land degradation through unsustainable extraction practices. These operations, characterized by rudimentary techniques and limited oversight, result in soil erosion, water contamination, and habitat destruction.

In response to the escalating crisis of environmental degradation, governmental efforts have culminated in a variety of policies and legislative acts, with ongoing measures being crafted to tackle the pressing issues at hand. Despite the advocacy of environmental watchdogs stressing the importance of robust legislation, the persistent degradation of the environment within the nation raises doubts about the efficacy of current resource management strategies. Addressing these challenges will require a comprehensive approach that considers not only regulatory frameworks but also innovative solutions to promote sustainable practices and mitigate further harm to the environment.
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